AA is just fine

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malevolent, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. smokemaker

    Whatever, roll around in your pity party of ignorance.
    Those unwilling to adapt will not enjoy this game much.
    Good luck where ever you end up at.
  2. Vendettta

    Its funny when all the pilots talking about other people needing to adapt and yet they they flame anyone who wants to change the complete dominance of air in the game which would require THEM to adapt. Hypocrisy at its best.
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  3. Wizz

    As a pilot I can say AA is perfectly fine after the buff. I fly the ESF's not the Libs. AA/Maxes in groups can easily destroy planes. To people saying "try shooting libs that are far away!" guess what....that's what libs are for. They are the air counter to AA and vehicles. Ground AA isn't going to be the godly answer to everything. Guess what! ALL ESF's ARE CONSIDERED AA. No matter what they have equipped. Man up and jump in an ESF to deal with the libs. Wars aren't won by infantry alone.
  4. Vendettta

    And as someone who uses AA I can say AA is not perfectly fine after the buff.
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  5. ajappat

    And as someone who uses pretty much everything I can say AA is quite fine. G2A rockets seem to be missing bit too much, otherwise I wouldn't change things much.
  6. Wizz

    Then my friend I find you're not using it right. A lot of people don't I see them always shooting behind my esf. Learn how to lead it. I use AA myself and any ESF that comes in range is pretty much a goner. I must say though that the turning speed on AA turrets wouldn't hurt to be sped up a bit.
  7. Lord Gazgul

    anyway YOU are gona need to adapt in a short time to AA who can kill air or there will be no more target to shoot on the ground coz all players did leave this one way game, SOE can only go this way or see there game die.