A revive should remove the death score.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Jac70, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. r.Tek

    If there was no K/D, i'd play the same. I'd keep mental notes of my performances. I mean you'd think many people would want to be alive as much as possible, but it seems like quite a few people on the forums don't care about whether or not they die a lot.
  2. IshanDeston

    I see a differance in that or with that. I don't really care if i die alot and sometimes i am just goofing about, but i am also always trying to maximise my possibilities. Dying is no fun.
  3. Vortok

    Exp is merely a means to an end. The aim of the game, in broad terms, is winning (or more realistically, enjoying sprawling battles... semantics). More exp simply allows you to expand your available options to make you more versatile on the quest to secure that win.

    If someone's personal goal is KD, or topping that ingame leaderboard (I barely knew about the local area leaderboard.... viewed it maybe three times total since launch, lul) great. If it's how you have fun go for it... just know it's a personal goal. This game is based around objectives, so the mechanics may not completely support a more deathmatch style. Playing for exp is like playing a Free For All - it's about getting the most kills in the shortest amount of time. If a playstyle that gives you more deaths also provides more kills (aka, exp), you shrug at the deaths because the extra kills gets you closer to your win condition. Streak bonuses in Planetside help offset a bit, but are simply another factor to consider.

    I'm sure many people that have played objective modes in fps games for awhile can tell you about teams that vastly outkilled the other team and still lost, because the other guys were dying while focusing completely on the objective. Slayer roles have their place, to be sure, but too many people playing for KD when objectives are the actual win condition can often cause a loss. That said there's a difference between throwing yourself on the point regardless of enemies in the area versus skirting the area around it to clear out enemies first.... but eventually you have to actually cap the point.

    Take a death to secure the area or survive but lose the area? They're simply two very different mindsets.

    If I cared about KD I sure as hell wouldn't be rezzing people as a medic. Not only do I have to be near danger (somebody nearby killed that guy... or 5 guys), but I'm on foot.... and have to put my gun away a lot too. Most of the time I'll get those people up, but many times I'll guess wrong and try to rezz people when an enemy decides to push around the corner instead of keeping my gun out and trying to confront him first. Can sometimes salvage that, but it usually doesn't end well for me to be honest.
  4. CleverClothe

    "Encourages teamplay" is not just some card you can throw down to earn points. It has to actually mean something. I fail to see how editing your record to make it look better than it is in any way "encourages teamplay."
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  5. SixVoltSamurai


    You died, in a game that revolves around dying and killing. Time to get over it. There is zero reason to remove the death just because a medic pointed a green light at you.
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  6. Hagestol

    You didn't die, you were incapacitated and returned to life before you died. Dying in Planetside means you are reconstructed in a tube. This isn't CoD.
  7. Talizzar

    The revive give exp and saves the guy from having to port back to a base or sunderer. You died. You are dead.
  8. ytman

    No you died. Nanites go and make you living again.
  9. Hagestol

    No.. you? You don't care about the lore in an alternate universe?

    K/D makes no sense in this game as you have completely different classes and the ratio doesn't show what classes you gained said ratio from. So it is useless. If it was an advanced K/D ratio with K/D for every class not gathered in one stat you might have had a point. But it isn't, so you don't.

    It isn't solider vs soldier as much as bomber vs support vs infantry vs mech vs turrets vs whatever. The CoD/MoH K/D has no room in this game, and if it does, it should adhere to the games lore. Meaning: your team revived you, you were smart enough to roll with a team that had a competent CM beside you and thusly you got revived. It should count towards your stats, because this is a team game. And it should count more than choosing to randomly wander into a liberator and gaining 30 kills for a death.

    K/D is silly. If we're going to keep it, at least let it reflect the battlefield and reward teamplay.
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  10. LordBelak(!)

    It is silly, and should be replaced with points per life, perhaps even a points per life stat for each role, because gaining points as a medic is way easier than gaining points as a liberator rear gunner, for example, but if we are going to have a K/D, we should do it properly, and not remove a death by being revived.

    Although about the "your team revived you, you were smart enough to roll with a team with a good medic", by that same logic the "bomber vs infantry vs. support vs. whatever" thing doesn't mean anything, because you should have been smart enough to roll with a group that has AA, or infiltrators to hack the turrets.
  11. Hagestol

    But then the AA would get a really bad KD, the infiltrators might do alright but get less xp etc. A balanced group of people will not yield close to fair KD given that their skill is equal. And yes, rolling with AA and infiltrators yield you less deaths as you die less from their protection. Rolling with a medic should do the same.
  12. r.Tek

    Many people do in fact care about their K/D whether they like to admit it or not. Having a revive remove the death:

    1. Encourages dead players to stay dead longer waiting for the revive

    2. Medics have a chance to earn more points because many people will opt to wait for a revive instead of respawning right away

    3. These players who do care about their K/D will be willing to take more risks on the battlefield because there is a chance they will be revived and have their previous death removed.

    That's all there is to it really.
  13. Trysaeder

    This sums it up. There's no downside to removing a death (a positive for most people) as 'KD doesn't matter'. It's not like the enemy team is disadvantaged by a death stat not being added to a guy's character. Make it remove the death only once per respawn or we'll have KD ****** lying dead all over the battlefield waiting for the miracle push that will bring the KD saving medics up to their body.
  14. iEatGlue

    Then why did I get 100 points for "killing" him? A conundrum I'd say.
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  15. r.Tek

    Make it like Battlefield where after a certain amount of time, your body disappears and you're forced to respawn. That way, people don't just wait around for like 20 minutes for a revive. I think 15-20 seconds would be fair or maybe even 10-15 seconds.

    In this topic, it seems the main reason people do not want this change made is because they believe your K/D should accurately reflect the number of times you died. Why is this so important?

    If you're a player who doesn't care about K/D now, this change won't affect you in any way, shape or form.

    If you're a player who does care about your K/D, this gives you some incentive to play the objective more aggressively than you did before without having to worry about your K/D as much.

    And that's how it encourages teamwork.
  16. Hagestol

    You also get deaths by dying to fall damage. The stat doesn't reflect how many times you've been killed either.

    @t.Rek - that would be correct given that the opposition were nowhere to be found. There is opposition, and unless you're going to patronise half of the posters in this thread you've got to admit it is an actual problem for many people. You like KD, fine - but encouraging people to get more kills doesn't encourage teamplay, it encourages people killing other people wherever.
  17. iEatGlue

    Killing yourself (suicide) isn't considered being killed now? I am so confused.
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  18. ShinyToyPaladin

    I totally think being revived should remove a death, but the person who downed you should still get the kill. Everybody wins.
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  19. Cookiepiledriver

    I have to ask why a K/D ratio matters in a game where you're resurrected after a few seconds?

    Shouldn't it just be Score/time ? What about the dude who solos a sunderer, but not the dude driving and dies, winning the map?

    People who look at K/D are *******. That's all.
  20. -=0v3rkill=-

    When you get revived without removing the death penalty from your stats to me that medic is worthless in the battlefield. The only reason people out there still accept revives is cause the majority of the people out there still think a medic removes the death penalty when they get revived. I thought so for a long time until I paid attention to it. I thought well, the idea was taken from battlefield games and the way we do it in battlefield is you get revived without that death penalty. Believe me I haven't accept it not one revive anymore since I found out about this. I rather walk back to that place from a safe place with more ammo. I say make it the right way. EVERYONE hated the medic on bad company 2 just cause it was like this. No1 wanted to get revived. Please make the medic remove the death penalty ones you get revived. Cause in fact if he revived you, you were never dead. In battlefield games they call it critically injured.