[Suggestion] 50 nanite Wraith Flash is now cancer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strikearrow, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. strikearrow

    So with the buff to flashes so they survive a direct hit from a Decimator not to mention they can lose the lock-ons by cloaking...and they only cost 50 nanites....Now that is just cancer. Oh and I didn't mention they made wraith flash kills a directive...

    It was one thing for stalker infils to run around being stupid as they can be dealt with and take quite a long time to get into position so I have more respect for them. The wraith flash used to have counters in that a dumbfire rocket could knock them out in 1 shot now they can survive a Decimator if they have composite armor, jump off, cloak and run away to press U and respawn another flash that can 1 shot infantry or run a Fury that can nearly 1 clip a lightning.

    With the new flash directive + flash buffs there are so many of these wraith flashes running around 1 shooting people and combined with the Harasser buffs, the game is just cancer and I stopped playing?
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  2. Jac70

    Nah, they're still WAF. They are extremely annoying right now but that's only because of the event directive. I gave up on Headless Horseman because I barely got any kills doing it. I couldn't run people over because of the hit detection and the Fury is pretty much useless against troops (though it seems other players can kill me just fine on their Flashes!)

    So I just suck at Flash I suppose. What does need fixing is the fact that they can run over a mine and survive because they are out of the blast range when the explosion triggers.
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  3. adamts01

    Whether you have a lot of annoying due to the directive, or a little annoying without it isn't really the issue. Mines are one problem, not being 1-shot by a dumbfire is another, appearing out of nowhere and 1-shotting infantry is another, appearing out of nowhere and 1-clipping A TANK that had a little damage is another, invisible quads with grenade launchers road-killing Maxes is another...... I wouldn't put all this stuff at the top of the to do list, but that doesn't mean it should be written off. With the new damage model, I think the old ttks absolutely have to go back. 1-shot kill with a Decimator for example. That should be near the top of the list. Right after fixing the flak mechanic. **** those Rangers. What the **** Daybreak?
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  4. Halkesh

    I used wraith flash to do 100 kills (for the expert rank, before the reduced grind patch) and sure I didn't remember I was able to do 5+ kill streak but I'm pretty sure it was because other invisible flashes ended my killstreak. So yeah the same cost as a frag grenade, this vehicle have far more potential.
    The thing is it combine low TTK (especialy renegade / fury) with cloak : your initial target have nearly 0 chance to survive and if you die it's because you got greedy and engaged too much target.

    IMO, the only problem is the flash cloak, other than that the risk/reward are good enough.
    If it was only me, I'll change it like this :
    Flash cloak removed from the utility slot
    Flash cloak added in the weapon slot, and replace the "no weapon" as the default flash.
    Ram damage are capped to 850 while the flash is cloaked
    non-MAX class can use the cloaked flash, as long as the driver don't have C4 equipped
    => This way new player have a secured transport and the cloaked flash stop making the flash OP.
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  5. CMDante

    'Now' cancer
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  6. strikearrow

    Since the update. ;p Before at least an HA could turn and 1 shot it if the Flash missed it's first shot or the roadkill. Now the HA just dies.
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  7. Halkesh

    "Now" because the event force people to pull it a lot, revealing all the frustration potential this vehicle have.
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  8. CMDante

    It's been cancer since day one, the only difference is now they are everywhere, along with pussi- infiltrators in general, had to put a light on my TORQ so I'd stop running in to them
  9. Liewec123

    flash hasn't actually changed a whole lot, i agree that the flash spam is really really annoying currently,
    but it's because everyone is ginding the directive,
    even people who don't want to play flash are pulling flash after flash after flash.

    after the event ends the only people who will be flashing who weren't before are the ones who have had their eyes
    opened to how awesome and powerful flash is when played well :D

    you certainly won't be seeing the level of wraith flashes that you're seeing currently, so don't worry, 2 weeks to go!
  10. strikearrow

    The armor buff was actually a HUGE buff to a 50 nanite vehicle....
  11. Liewec123

    in my experience (with about 4 days playtime with flash) the flash was usually not the thing that died tbh :p
    they could make the flash invulnerable and the squishy little dude on top of it would still die just as fast as always :)
    i haven't actually noticed a difference in survival.
  12. strikearrow

    I've noticed a big difference in how often I kill it. The problem is that hitting the guy on top means he already got a kill and is trying to run. Hitting him before is what needs to happen and they survive land mines and even the rockets thrown at them when they are spotted early.
  13. Liewec123

    the guy has 900 health, just shoot him a few times with your primary and he's dead,
    why would shooting the driver with your primary mean that the guy has already got a kill?

    flashes are obnoxiously loud and the "cloak" isn't really very cloaked, you can easily spot them out to a good 20/30m.
    shoot the guy a few times with your primary and he's dead.

    i'd suggest not using your rocket launcher, the combined arms thingy was made purposefully to stop "rocket primaries" from cheesing their way to victory by spamming rockets down hallways to oneshot people, rockets are weaker than they used to be.
    you won't even kill infantry with it anymore, a primary weapon has always worked against flash drivers and still does. :)
  14. strikearrow

    20-30m is too late as that is only about 1-2 sec. and you're going to be checking 360 degrees every second - that's why he gets the kill unless you happen to be looking at the 90 degrees he's coming from.

    The "fix" to rockets was over kill and they didn't 1 shot people who ran flak vests. Now infantry is nothing more than farm for vehicles. I am actually ok with most vehicles 1 shooting infantry, but not cloaked 50-nanite vehicles.
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  15. Humoreske

    Flash equipped with Cloak ability should lose weapons slots.
    I confirmed this idea again at this event.
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  16. Liewec123

    whether you think the RL nerf was too much or not is irrelevant to whether or not it is a good idea to rely on your rocket launcher to kill flashes,
    no wonder you hate flashes if you're trying to kill them with a slow moving weapon with only one shot that cant kill either the driver or the vehicle in that one shot.

    its like trying to use a candy gun to kill a valkyrie and thensaying "valkyries OP!" when you fail, you're simply using the wrong tool,
    next time you hear or see a flash, don't use your rocket launcher, just spray him with your primary! :p

    other than that we'll have to agree to disagree. :)
  17. JobiWan

    I'm getting quite good at popping headshots on moving flashes and killing the driver outright. Oh the rage!
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  18. RockPlanetSide2

    Flashes are 100% OP if the fight is small, because you won't be killed, you just murder everybody because they cant kill you in time.

    If the fight is large you just get blown away or shredded with bullets.

    Most of the updates that came with the current state of the game all did this, every vehicle is now severely overpowered when its not a prime time fight anything up to 24 vs 24 really... which DBG just ignored in their bumbling design plans. since the majority of fights are not 96+ vs 96+ this is just bad design.
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  19. strikearrow

    Spraying with the primary only works if you see him first and a decent flash driver will not be seen first. The rockets are a separate issue - the flash killing after it is running away.
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