4 Phoenixs kill entire base behind enemy lines...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Seaker Drone, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Seaker Drone

    Without exposing themselves.

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  2. Chewy102

    That's some stinky cheese. Report it and hopefully a hotfix will change resistances for this, or make turrets target the rockets as they are "vehicles". I wonder how Lancer and Vortex do against these things?
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  3. Demigan

    As Chewy mentioned, needs some resistances or the AI needs to shoot the missiles. Although I must say I'm wondering why the guy in the video was just sitting there watching it happen while he could have shot the missiles.

    Also, we see the last 10 seconds when the shield is already down on the HIVE. Seeing that it still takes 4 missiles and the HIVE core itself has practically no health, those phoenix users must have been there a minute or so when you take reload speed and flight time into consideration (+/- 5 seconds flight time in the video). The Lightning HEAT needs similar amount of hits, and the Lightning HEAT needs around 20 shells on the core for a kill. If you have a well-fortified base and some people to defend it you could have easily protected against this. You have a whole minute or more to find about 4 Phoenix users and an engineer, who shoot giant flares to indicate their position. Or you could have accessed one of the many, many AI turrets yourself and blown the missiles out of the air making the entire excersise futile.

    This is only a problem at such undefended bases like this. If it was Lancers/Vortexes that could fire at the right angle you would have a lot more trouble stopping them, but these guys could have been warded off by one guy using one of the almost always available anti-infantry turrets.
    But just in case, sure, add some extra resistances against this.
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  4. Zen_Master

    I'd redeploy and pull an ESF and strafe the Phoenix users.

    Otherwise I agree. Perhaps Phoenix makes up for the advantages of Prowler shelling?
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  5. HadesR

    Tip: You can place Hives inside the Sundy garages ... So build one and slap down a shield gen and repair mod.

    Or if it's not in a place suitable for the above then park sundies around the Hive to protect the core.
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  6. FigM

    Infantry missiles need to cost some resources, just like grenades, C4, mines
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  7. Azawarau

    There are ways around this i can see and i barely understand bases
  8. _itg

    The whole point of rocket launchers is to make sure people have at least one zero-resource AV/AA option.
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  9. Jake the Dog

    When did you start playing again??????????????
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  10. FigM

    that's not needed cause there's no way to prevent resource accumulation. All you gotta do is wait and you can get brand new AV/AA
  11. Liewec123

    from the video it seems out of the allies in the area there was:
    you, sitting in your ant chilling.
    the other guy, farming cortium.

    why are you shocked the base got destroyed? it seems noone was even trying to fight the 4 guys sitting a mere 150m from your base.

    everyone is so quick to say "yep nerf phoenix" rather than "maybe go and kill the guys?"

    i suppose we should nerf it though to bring the game a step close to becoming minecraft.
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  12. BamaRage

    Ummmmmm, NO!
  13. Scr1nRusher

    How about you go kill the players with the RL's?

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  14. Scr1nRusher

    If you want to kill the game, thats how you kill the game.

    Get off your golden chariot.
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  15. ArcKnight

  16. WTSherman

    In terms of anti-base weapons, I'd just consider it NC's answer to the Prowler and Lancer.

    It would be kind of lame if NC was the only faction that lacked a solid anti-base option.
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  17. Inu

    The right build will protect against Lancers much easier than phoenix's.
  18. Zen_Master

    Phoenix is OP. 3 Phoenix behind cover can down a HIVE in about 12 shots.
  19. Pikachu

    People actually using phoenix?
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  20. Taemien

    Like I said before. TR and VS are too Stupid to shoot the missiles.

    Even the recorder of the video who had a CLEAR shot at them just sat and watched. It seems only Ex-NC are capable of downing the missiles. And they're called the 'TK faction' without any coordination.
