2014 Membership - Update from Smed

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. NoLifeGamer

    Can someone please enplane this one a little more for me? Do I have to subscribe to every game SOE has made or am I good with only having PS2?

    "We're going to make it so every subscriber to all our PC games an all access member. Basically there will be one SOE membership for our PC games."
  2. CalvaryCallsMe

    This is actually a pretty good turn around. Im loving the 10% discounts... send my thanks to the whole team.
  3. HadesR

    It means your account for PS2 will change to an all access account .. You don't need to subscribe to any other of their games it will be done automatically their end ..

    Basically you will no longer have an account named Planetside 2 .. You will have an SOE Account ( or w/e they call it ) that automatically grants membership to all their games for the one monthly fee ..
  4. Amundsenkalmah

    Ive been a gold member for almost 4 months.
    Because i purchased the months with game cards i never got the recurring membership SC.
    Is there a way that the ones who purchase membership via Game cards get that bonus?
    Something like if you get more than 2 or 3 months
  5. Elrobochanco

    Wow that really turned around to being a good thing fast.

    Only question I have left is for those people on the loyalty $30 for 3 months recurring membership can they keep that or will it go kaput/need to move to the 15/month?
  6. Typhoeus

    I have a question regarding #3. By making us claim it every month, do you mean make us spend it or lose it per month? This isn't so bad in and of itself, it's just that 500sc might not be enough to get what I'd like. You have 1000sc items and I believe 1500sc for black or gold colored NS weapons and you've mentionned 2000sc stuff coming along. It would be nice to let us claim per month, up to the maximum cost possibile for an item. So if the max you can spend is 2000sc, let us claim and hoard up to four times to then let us spend on the thingy we've been waiting four months to grab and not having to settle for something we might not really want at 500sc every month. Just my thoughts.
  7. Pokebreaker

    Yeah, so that just lost me as a potential first-time subscriber. I was actually anticipating 4 February for the 2000SC item claim feature, but now will just continue my F2Pness (no pun intended). Nothing else in the membership benefits is worth the money. Thanks for the fun free game though, I do enjoy playing it.
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  8. MrJoske

    All looking good, but as an European player I'm curious about this.
    I'm an European player who uses an SOE account to play Planetside 2 and flat out refuse to touch anything ProSieben. They simply don't offer me anything SOE doesn't offer me better :/

    Now, I have no intention on playing any of the older SOE titles, but I was curious about EQN/EQN landmark, but it looks like I will be pushed towards ProSieben for that (which I won't do).

    Besides having a double wallet, the main issue now becomes how this will work with the subs. Considering I have a 6 month sub running and with these changes I will renew.

    I realise you guys are looking into that and I will wait for the info about this point. Just wanted to put this here early ^^
  9. Nahwel

    I don't know if I understood #3 correctly. We will have to spend the 500 sc before the month ends because it will not roll over? What happens with the items that are like 1000 sc or 700 sc?
  10. Silkensmooth

    Wow good deal we get to keep our SC. Thats cool! Thanks for listening!

    Now can you lobby for a subscription model. F2P to level 20. It really would be better for the game!
  11. Silkensmooth

    Probably you would have to buy a small amount of additional SC to purchase anything costing more than 500 SC.
  12. Pokebreaker

    Yep, I know how you feel. I'd stop playing it as well. FPS games, no matter the scale are worth a monthly subscription to play. Not enough real content to justify the money over a long period of time (in my opinion).
  13. tickterd

    Why not just sell a token or whatever that grants 500SC that doesn't expire? You could charge 2000 for it, those that want to get their 500 as they used to can buy it (once per month). Those that would like to buy a more expensive item can buy whatever instead.
  14. ShadeCypher

    my resub is tomorrow , kinda umming and arring now.. :-(
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  15. Raap

    Ehh, so you guys really wanted 500 SC per month per account, over one free item valued up to 2000 SC per game (meaning multiple items for free each month across several SOE games)? Just because you could 'hoard' the SC for some moment in time where they will do offers on items?

    Sounds like you begged for lesser value... If I was a subscriber, I'd be more interested in a free item of my choice each month in each SOE game, rather than 500 SC which I can pretty much only use on one camo unless I also hoard it...
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  16. Tinuva

    I dont think people really understood what they gave up. To me the only issue was with player studio items and bundles not being included.

    Now it means that I will (as I currently do) have to wait 6 months to be able to buy the early access black camos (they are 1000SC each) as opposed to only having to wait 3 months under the proposed changes.

    Sure the extra 10% is great but it still means you can buy a standard 700SC weapon per month with the monthly allowance alone.

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  17. LocoCoyote

    This makes me a happy panda. I truly appreciate this response and complete hi5s to every policy change. Well done.

    Thank you SOE.
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  18. HadesR

    Once you claim it you can keep it for as long as you wish.. It rolls over and stacks month per month

    So you have to claim your sc every month but once you claim it, its yours to hold onto as long as you like? Is that correct?

    [–]j_smedley[S] 4 points 1 hour ago

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  19. Tinuva

    I didnt mean to reply to my own post :p
  20. deggy

    So if I go to the store and spend $1000 on SC cards, then convert them all into certs, it's okay for me to have maxed-out EVERYTHING without having to work at it at all?
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