15 minutes of the 3 new SMGs as a LA

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Craig1287, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Craig1287

    The new SMGs are great for the light assaults. With the 50/60 rounds per magazine, we can now have the easy option of using the advanced laser sight again. Personally, the GD-10 will likely become my new primary weapon for my LA.

  2. Kon

    TR stands out yeah right , long shaft 2 round ball like objects handing down...
    • Up x 4
  3. Skadi

    Its symbolic of us pissing in your face everytime we open fire.
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  4. Craig1287

    Ha! Cannot be unseen!
    • Up x 2
  5. Zeekez

    I disagree, at least on the NC one. The 50 rounds is great, so is the ROF but I found the higher damage and faster bullet speed of the 7f makes it much more adaptable to more situations. Thanks to the longer range I can effectively put down targets much further away than with the GD-10, and the higher damage allows me to kill the same amount of players in CQC with 30 rounds as I would with the 50 rounds of the SMG.

    I have both the gd-7f and the gd-10 both decked out with reflex sights, adv lasers and flash suppressors [just fyi]

    Good job on the video, the new smg for NC is very good, but I find the overall adaptability of the GD-7F puts it ahead in my book, but it is dependent on playstyle, I just like the longer range provided by the bullet speed of the 7f. Both are valid choices, which is a nice change
  6. Craig1287

    Well the GD-7F does win in better range for sure. I have gotten so good at flanking though that I can fairly control the engagements to make sure they happen at close range. Both eat through ammo though.
  7. Zeekez

    Ya, it just depends what you're doing, if I'm running solo and can control the engagement then I run a cqc build, but if I'm part of a squad / outfit push I run the 7f for the versatility
  8. Raap

    I took the TR one for a 30 minute trial. I managed to compare a few stats and do some infantry combat with it. I would say it is a fair bit better than the first SMG they added, but I'd like to hear some more opinions from fellow TR players, specificly when comparing it to the LC2 Lynx/LC3 Jaguar Carbines.

    Personally I found myself overcompensating for the near-non existing recoil a lot, when I should be able to get a lot more headshots with the Hailstorm compared to the harder to handle LC2 Lynx. It's always hard to compare a fully certed weapon with a non certed one, so I'd live to hear some more opinions.
  9. Lakora

    Well when it comes to the Cyclone vs GD-10 I'd say it's a matter of preference... IMO The Cyclone feels to have a faster TTK and the GD-10 a longer TTK...

    Now the cyclone only having 25/35 rounds is what's making me use the GD-10 since my aim is horrible I usually end up running out of bullets in the mag before the other guy is dead... BUT if I could properly aim I'd most likely take the Cyclone over the GD-10 any day.
  10. Takoita

    Makes one think how the weapon design vetting process goes...
  11. Ghoest

    The cyclone has a smaller recoil per damage and a smaller CoF bloom per damage maybe thats what you feel.
    But both guns are highly user friendly.
  12. Lakora

    Well no, not only that. The Cyclone does 164 damage and the GD-10 125 damage... Could just be I'm used to just clicking off 4-5 rounds per burst so to say n expect them to die. ^^ With the GD-10 they're usually still alive. xD Oh, well...
  13. Otulien

    I love the Vanu's one, it has these weird little spikes running up the side of it. Kinda gives it a old motorcycle exhaust look.

    Anyways, I've put a Silencer, SPA, Forward Grip and 1x Reflex sight on mine. Primarily used on Infiltrator, it has nearly a 0.5s TTK. Perfect for taking out large groups on enemies one by one, or acting as a scout for enemy infiltrators alike.
  14. Lakora

    I trialed that one, feels alright looks awesome... Only disappointing factor about it is that those pipes at the front of the barrel were supposed to be pistons moving up and down in sync with you firing... At least according to Whisenhunt during last weeks FNO.
  15. Craig1287

    Interesting choice of attachments. Do you notice a difference with the grip on there? With only 0.175 horizontal recoil, I didn't think a grip would have any noticeable effect.
  16. Lakora

    Well I've used the Blitz with the Grip and it is noticeable that's for sure.
  17. Achmed20

    bought the blitz and I regret it allready.
    1. it feels like the cyclone still kills a tick faster
    2. the longer reload time gets me killed me far to often (i have a rather aggressive playstyle).

    I prefer the higher hitting weapons so naturaly the cyclone is the way to go for me. I also disbanded the GDF pretty fast after i bought it.
  18. Craig1287

    Hmm, well I'll surely have to try it out then. I wish it didn't cost 100 certs; always so many things to cert into.
  19. Lakora

    I have to agree with you that it feels like the cyclone is faster at killing, where as you can reliably burst a few rounds twice or thrice knowing they'll die. Where as with the Blitz you don't really have the reliability considering it's low damage which imo makes any fight where you don't have the advantage a lost cause. Since it feels like you need half the 50 round mag to kill someone.

    The longer reload time is alright, I don't have any issue with it. Always trying to get into a new position after each kill, but I have to agree that in the heat of battle the reload is quite slower than the Cyclone. Which can lead to issues, Cyclone you can just jump around a pillar n have reloaded by the time you come around. Blitz... Not so much.

    Do not I've only noticed it with a x3.4 scope... A bit on the odd side but wth looks awesome on an SMG.
  20. Craig1287

    Oh, ah, okay... Yea, interesting choice for a scope. You still have my interests peaked though.