¨(suggestion) NPC Engineer turrets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CobraBoss, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. CobraBoss

    Engineer manned turrets now are rarely even used because they just get you killed because of 0 mobility and your better off using your primary weapon for more precise hits and easyer safer kills.

    It would become a fun role for engis or infiltrators to strategically place auto turrets as decoys or defense and keep access to repair and maintain them or have nanite auto repair system unlike mines you could see them and could strategically counter them with nades or rockets tanks etc a bit like in TF2.

    Nothing like phalanx but a mini version.

    It could have certs for varying types of ammos or be an aid vs air or ground...

    Remove 0 skill invisible mines and add auto turrets !
  2. forkyar

    no,this is not wow,battlefield,starwars,this is a fps,this will never happen.
  3. CobraBoss

    Mmm what does any of thoses game have to do with it , TF2 is an FPS and it has it and i think everyone finds them cool and fun to run as engineers ...
  4. CobraBoss

    heck planetside 1 had it
  5. f0d

    id like auto turrets like they had in PS1 back

    heck id love loads of things a proper combat engineer in PS1 had
  6. Sinoby

    The problem I see with auto-turret, that in game with TTK ~1 second it will be kinda op. Several engies will be able to cover a room with turrets in every corner and it will be a meatgrinder.
    I do like turrets the way they were implemented in the e.g. Global Agenda. But that game had different balance.
  7. CobraBoss

    They would be op depending on how dmg they take or output , for sure they'd have to be balanced its a mini turret not a auto tank..
  8. wolfva

    Heh, that came out after I left. Looks cool as all though. How vulnerable were you in one?

    I like the idea of auto turrets. Perhaps with a feature that prevents more then one being deployed in X meters.
  9. jwiechers

    Absolutely. Autoturrets would be sweet.