Higby: sorting through a lot of great @Planetside2 community feedback

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kretaro, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Ranik

    This x1000

    "The hex system is going to lead to empty base hacking."

    "Lack of PS1 cert system and One man MBT's is going to result in endless armor/air spam"

    "The AA / Air relationship is completely one sided at any given moment and completely unhealthy"
  2. SikVvVidiT

    It's called FORUMSIDE, you see alot of us PS1 vets used to come together and post on the forums because we hated loging into a game the DEVS destroyed. We still get to hang out while giving thse "Devs" a piece of our mind for destroying something that was SO GOOD!
  3. Ryloxx

    Well, I'm glad we have the facts here guys. For a second I actually started to believe they were going to keep building on the game, but this has undoubtedly proven that they are 'not listening'.

    Your inside knowledge of SOE is simply amazing, please share more with us!
  4. TheInterim

    It's actually only been around one-and-a-half months since release. Just correctin' ya. :)

    Have you ever tried to make your own game? Even just a silly 2-D flash game? It takes time. Even if you're extremely experienced, it still takes time.

    SOE hasn't really put in anything that large since release--other than new guns and cosmetics, of course. You also do realize they need to test the changes they're looking at, ignoring the difficulty of even debating it in?

    The devs have already given us word that their work is soon incoming. We're not even required to pay subscription, so it's not like we're wasting money while we wait--a few weeks can't possibly kill you, can it?

    Besides, if you really hate the game so much, why are you still playing it? ;)
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  5. VSDerp

  6. VSDerp

    if you think i was being a dick i apologize .But as for frustration i think we all are.I gotta remember everybody has different ways of vent frustration .Me not knowing and you having a sig. like that made it look like you had bad intentions.but now i see you have good intentions so i apologize once again for some of the stuff i said .
  7. centurionvi

    Honestly I'm not sure they care, they aren't losing anything. Think about it, most of the hardcore players who are left are sitting on piles of thousands of SC, whatever money this game is going to make, its likely already made it during the 3x sale. No one is going to continue subscriptions since the benefits are so pitiful, and populations have dropped so fast so soon the long term prospects of the game look rather grim, so business wise it makes little sense to offer anything above a minimum level of support at this point.
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  8. LordMondando


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  9. zukhov

    Everyone who was in beta knows that the dev team got stuff done fast and listened to the communtiys sensible suggestions. Almost every major change for the better was direct player feedback. We also know how many hours they must have put in, especially before launch.

    I don't expect anything major this week but maybe some changes over the next few are realistic. Especially fixing the legendary hex crash bug.
  10. Tactics

    Hear me Devs! I cancelled my subscription, fix the inertia bug with air vehicles and you will have my money again!
  11. Goden

    They did? I can already think of a few things off the top of my head which the community hated but the devs did anyway during the beta. I can also think of TONS of discussions/suggestions which the devs did not heed during the beta. They didn't just say "no thank you" they just flatout ignored it.

    As for speed, the average time it took them to fix things was 1 week+. Remember back when Skyguards could kill aircraft in like 5 rounds? It stayed like that for over two weeks before it was addressed, if I recall correctly. There are also tons of things which were only just fixed now or still haven't been fixed at all (render distance for inf being a good example).
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  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    I call that the "Christmas Spirit According to A-Holes".

    And don't give that nonsense about "my customers would never let me get away with it!" I think it goes without saying that you probably consider those customers to be jerks, but how does that make it OK for you to be a jerk to others? That doesn't make you the better person.
  13. Littleman

    Going on holiday is precisely the worst thing a developer can do after releasing a game.

    Thing is, I'm pretty sure SOE didn't just close its offices for a whole ten freaking days, the brass just took vacations. Their lemmings still had to show up and work on a long *** list of tasks for content and improvements in both the short term and long term, and none of them had the clearance to say a thing. I'll still fault the leadership for basically taking extended breaks right after release however. Bad move when communication is vital to the masses.
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  14. bluEyedillusions

    All you people that are mad because you gave them feedback in beta regarding balance have to keep one thing in mind: the primary purpose of beta isn't to balance things. It's to fix bugs and such. The developers typically wait until launch to see how balance pans out.

    With such a small group of people, the "meta game" doesn't have a chance to develop. How do I explain this adequately? I'm not sure I am able to, so my argument will probably fall flat. Here goes though:

    With a small group of people, something can see overpowered but that's because the sort of hive-mind general public hasn't yet figured out the best way to counter it in general. Games like Magic the Gathering go through this and it's actually one of the main draws to the game. Regardless though, the developers had to wait and see everything pan out in the greater community post-launch before making hasty decisions.

    Maybe I can find an article that explains it better. My point is, don't be discouraged regarding the lack of changes due to beta feedback. Wait and see how things go in the coming months.

    ::edit:: In my search for someone to explain it better than I did, I came across a not-so-relevant-but-still-kind-of-relevant video. http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/perfect-imbalance
    It becomes pretty relevant to my post around the 2:50 mark.
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  15. kretaro

    Today the gonna put a info about the patch in coming. GOden you have been here in Beta??? The devs really listen a looot of cuestion and is not easy that a community change ALL the game by saying i dont like it. We are no kids. THings take time, things like Lattecy sistem.
  16. forkyar

    thats what i want them to do,they work hard though,and no to the rest,95% are not good feedback its negative,cod feedback
  17. irewolf

    The game has been out for about a month and half!!?!
  18. irewolf

    So when the community says "jump", SOE says "how high sir?", I mean, they shouldn't look at the stats they can gather and such to see if there is a real problem and just go on what reactionary forum posters like you say.

    A 1 week turn around for implimentation of change is actually impressive for any computer based project, let alone one of this size. 2 weeks for data collection and change is actually probably not long enough.

    Seriously what age are you? You exhibit all the patience of a 12yr old on Christmas eve. The game has been out for about 1 month 3 weeks. Come back in 6 months and then complain if there haven't been major changes.

    I work as a developer and the speed with which these guys are working and giving feed back is extermly imperssive, saying otherwise is just silly kid spam.
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