Entrenchment options.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uben Qui, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Malonez

    I could see the tank traps being abused so badly. I can just imagine griefers putting one where the vehicle comes out of the vehicle spawn, then one behind that area so the vehicle cannot move then just flat out DIES when another vehicle is spawned on the pad.
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  2. Nikolai_Grosnii

  3. Uben Qui

    You could make those 'non placement zones'.
  4. Arctorius

    That would give storming bases more of a beaches of Normandy feel.
  5. Figment

    See the link in my sig for the thread on applying stuff like depicted below:


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  6. Malonez

    True, but the guy was saying without restriction I think. The non placement zones and spacing in between would have to be well thought out
  7. Eleniaki

    Or make them some sort of force-field thingie that only works on enemy tanks. Same for sandbags, make them low forcefield walls that bullets cannot pass but friendly vehicles can.
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  8. Malonez

    This could also make Sony money by introducing Bunker Buster technology for Libs/ESFs to counter this stuff from the air!
  9. Uben Qui

    Or, they could have this sort of thing be a ground only thing and need a ground only solution. Air has quite the run as is..
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  10. CascadiaHermit

    On the contrary, I play NC. Our numbers are quite small, so the whole point is to counter the zerg of the VS and the few TR Outfits who don't sit on the crown all day. Yes, I am in a large outfit, but mostly we are outnumbered by the zerg 10 to 1.

    Genocidal Rampage [CASH] can turn the tide of the entire battle with "Tactical" measures and yes, that sometimes draws the Zerg - but we make an effort to avoid the usual "Rush and Die" of the zerg. We're also known for letting the zerg go ahead and be shields, or even turn around while the zerg rush forward and move to a different, more important objective.

    I'm just a grease in the machine - I run as a Jack of all trades, master of none. I do what is needed of me at the time - if you check my stats, you'll see that I Play objective. Don't judge me. I just want to play a FUN game.... and right now- the game is all about offense. Without proper defense, Planetside 2 is just a game that is no better than playing Paddy-Cake.

    Yes. Paddy-Cake. Fun to play with others, but rather boring after a while.
  11. Brusilov [TR]

    and while we are at it

    Make the Vanu sandbangs be glowy forcewall, NC one scrap metal and sandbags, TR one Modular Prefab with firing slits.

    I know that won't happen.. i just really want to see more factional differences :(
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  12. anaverageguy

    Lol alright, good for you. Doesn't change the need for a working /re
  13. forkyar

    first 2 sure,3rd 1,no
  14. yadelah

    I would play nothing but this builder spec engie.
  15. AngeloBurton

    Adding more defensive structures? Sounds very good to me!
    What this game needs are more defensible bases in my personal opinion.
  16. LilyUK

    I swear I keep seeing this thread title and thinking it says "Enchantment options". :D
  17. Nephera

    i remember a lot of bases had pillboxes in planetside 1 , some even had tunnels between them.
  18. SpartanZero

    Those should all be call down deployables that outfits can buy with certs and stockpile with resources (just like our infantry consumables) to be used by Squad leaders and Platoon leaders. Something that they could cert into, if they ever decide to reward an encourage players that actually wanted to lead by splitting command options into a seperate CEP gain system, rather than a common pool system.
  19. Mordegar

    Whoever built the Bases in PS1 had more sense about defensive positions than the guys that built these open patchwork Bases in PS2. Bases in this game are military Outposts and thus should resemble a more walled/underground built Complex.
    Fluid Gameplay my a**, i want my epic siege battles back, where you had to play smart to overcome the enemy Zerg!
  20. Cowabunga

    THIS I like! It also makes the attacking "gameplay" more indepth. Not just zerging but actually having to THINK where the smartest point of entry is or how attack actually should be mounted(More interesting job for platoon leaders insted of, go here, go there ect. that we can just do now because of how simple and easy it is to attack). Insted of the "we drove here and now we're just capping A,B,C without giving it a thought" we now get "Stop, plan, attack - Rethink and attack again."
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