Entrenchment options.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uben Qui, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Uben Qui

    So you want us to defend, eh? I am all for it. We need options to set up defences other than those bases you gave us.

    How about some of this:


    Sandbag Pill boxes.

    - 2-5 men able to lodge within.
    -A choice of 1 anti armor or anti infantry weapon.
    -90 degree opening so they have a 'rear' weakness.
    -Able to take some liberal lib bombing
    -1-2 min timer or such for deploy so they cannot just be used fast and dropped in un-inteded ways.

    How about some of these:



    -Let us place them in prefab straight walls.
    -Have them low enough so Engies can use their turrets with them.
    -High enough so we can crouch behind them.
    -Withstand enough damage to be useful.
    -Allow us to place them anywhere we need them.

    And last but not least, a little of this:


    Tank Traps.

    -Let us put those anywhere, with some limitations.

    Then we can really defend and invest into that defense. ;)
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  2. Tobax

    Ohh yes please to all the above!
  3. Jrv

    But that would allow for outnumbered defenders to actually defend, and that would be against design philosophy. Can't have our babby zergs burdened in the slightest.
  4. anaverageguy

    And a working region chat to go with it. As it is now, when it matters most, you wouldn't be able to ask for people to replace anything or to support a certain section against attack [since that's when /re fails to work]. /yell? lol
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  5. Pockets

    I've suggested pillboxes and trenches before.

    Door and digging holes are just two of the advanced defensive technologies we've lost in the far flung future.
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  6. Uben Qui

    If we keep bringing it up, maybe they will notice it more. :)

    And really they do not need to even make it a hole.. they can have it so we click on the pill box on enter it like a tank if they want. The only problem would be letting us use our handheld weapons as opposed to the one heavy gun emplacement. So that 2-5 people could all fire out of the slit.
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  7. Blarg20011

    Heck, they don't even have to look like conventional sandbags, just let engis deploy little magic walls/shields like they do with turrets. Also I like pillboxes but I think they should either require 3-ish engineers to make, or have a really long cooldown
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  8. Revorn

    Cool Ideas- +1
  9. Uben Qui

    That would work. I figure it all could cost resources too..
  10. Blarg20011

    I like it. Thanks for proposing this, hopefully it will get some visibility. Also, I heard somewhere that they are going to add more stuff to the ACE tool, maybe cover will be part of it.
  11. Ronaldspiers

    Tank traps yay! Oh wait whats that you say? Magriders just flew over the top of them? Damn. :p
  12. smokemaker

    I would love to place implacements... with that ability, we could almost counter the bad base design.
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  13. Richard Nixon

    Bump. I think everyone agrees that this thread should stay on the first page. Would add some fun new content for all players.
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  14. CascadiaHermit

    First and Foremost: Want.

    Secondly: How does this keep failing to work? We've been working with IRC for over 15 years now, How hard is it to speak to your own team in a specific channel?

    And last, but not least: This guy has summed it up in one quick Joke - We're playing a WAR game - How are we NOT countering aggressors yet? This is the basic of the Basics: Find a Spot, make a Hole, Hide in Hole. Attack from Hole.
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  15. Vlas

    I agree. I mean there are so many FPS games out there that allow you to dig a hole and use it for cover. Or plop down sandbags....

    Wait a minute... I have been lied to by this threads assumption that this is a standard thing!
  16. Ronaldspiers

    It should be. How cool if an enginner could pop down sandbags? :)

    In fact how cool would it be to have a "Builder class" that could specialise in building defensive structures like sandbag walls, trenches, tank stoppers, and how about mini shield bubbles that have a circumference of maybe 5 metres. and lasts 3 seconds.
  17. Uben Qui

    That is actually half the reason I posted this. Give us entrenchment options and we can push that defense out farther. We can sandbag and tank trap around those spawn rooms. We can hold check points...

    Above all it would mean investment in a defense, and that would have some sticking around more as a separate boon.

    Personally I picture some of Amerish with guys setting roadblocks at choke points and having an easier time controlling a map with less needed to do it. Of mountains with pill boxes and fox holes, or just sand bag lines they can use to make pockets of burster defense to slow down the enemy in both the air and on the ground.
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  18. Vlas

    The goal of FPS games is to move it along, not to sit in one spot.

    Sandbags and dynamic pillboxes cause many problems, including gameplay problems.
  19. Blue

    +1. Features like this should have been included from day 1.
  20. Blue

    Back to CoD please.
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