Cloaks.....THEY SUCK!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShadowTheHedgehog, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. CDN_Wolvie

    Don't forget the Predators can attack while cloaked with wrist blades, nets, spears, boomerang discs, shoulder fired plasma bolts, lasers mines, viewing across multiple spectrums without a scope, and their cloak lasts indefinitely until contacts with a lot of water ... on top of the inhuman parkour. :p
  2. Jaloro

    Hate infiltrators. Hate snipers. Hate hate hate.

    Even so, yeah their cloak is ****. Needs to be made better.
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  3. Nenarch

    The game isn\t meant for cloackers.. in my opinion they should just kill the whole class. Give the hacking tool to engineer or medic.. or both. Snipers are the most useless combat class ever and should not even be in the game.
  4. NCf00

    You are a strict med-close class though. I recall sniping you several times in bio-labs and I could sense the RAGE!! ;)

    Every class has a place in the battlefield, but Infiltrators don't do anything spectacularly unique or well enough yet - they are currently ultra-ultra niche occasions when you can excel, but these occur for me about once per 2 days.
  5. Iksniljiksul

    Honestly cloaks should not render when stationary and crouched. It should be as it was in PS1. In this game cloaks actually glisten constantly. They should act the same way they do on low graphics settings for all graphics settings.
  6. Mister Gee

    I think infs can have a really important skill in PS2.

    1) Hack and Hide:
    They can get in a base early and "prepare" for an assault - loads of times I've flown into a base, as in inf, converted the vehicle station and got a sunderer for class changes and squad spawn point

    You can also get in ahead of an attack, convert all the guns/consoles, so when the attack comes they are severely weakened - not to mention blowing the generators quickly.

    2) Sniping
    Good for backup, watching for flankers and picking off the guys on the walls etc

    Some stuff that may be good for them:
    * A longer spot than other classes - So them being a spotter has a real advantage
    * An equal cloak for all graphic groups - smoke being rubbish at low is bad enough, but being more visible is a real issue
    * Maybe the ability to be "dropped" without taking damage from any aircraft
  7. ShadowTheHedgehog

    Ya, I agree with that. Make them regen when standing still and 100% invisibility when crouched...
  8. ShadowTheHedgehog

    Clearly you have never played with GOOD snipers then. I have kept my allies fighting half as hard as they could have been by spawn camping an enemy sunderer outside our base. Instead of fighting 30 troops you are fighting 15.....Snipers are useful, its just harder for the other teamates to actually see the effect of their usefulness. An infiltrator who just hacked the enemies vehicle terminals in their tech plant just kept them from possibly spawning a whole army of tanks or liberators. Thats the difference between a win or a loss right there......

    Now, with that in mind, WHY would you object to us having better cloaks and being able to infiltrate the enemy base better?
  9. Jestunhi

    Still not seen any infiltrators at 500m to screenshot?
  10. Crosshieght

    This could just be me but I don't see them if i look around but if i watch him cloak even if he is still i can still see him a translucent ghost figure. For fun i actually followed a cloaked guy around as he walked around the mountain side then i stabbed him. For me at least its a sight once seen can not be unseen they never achieve perfect invisibility.
  11. McGubble

    I cant see a infiltrator when they cloak but when I cloak I get shot
  12. ShadowTheHedgehog

    Ever since I got killed by that Light Assault from 150 feet away while I was cloaked, crouched, and not moving, I have been barely playing at all. I played a bit but I won't start playing a bunch again until they fix this cloak. I really can't believe I spent $45 on this game.... Make the cloak like it was in PS1...
  13. ShadowTheHedgehog

    I can't tell you how many times I've done that LOL. I will follow a cloaked sniper for nigh 1000m before knifing him in the back. They are just so easy to see....its not even funny.
  14. ShadowTheHedgehog

    My point exactly, it already exists 800 years into the future, I expect COMPLETE least while crouched.
  15. Cpu46

    Well most of my sneaking has been at frontline bases with a medic. Most of the time its at the base where they are staging a ton of aircraft. None of the air actively looking for targets and you can avoid them pretty easily. Picking off the stragelers on the perimeter of the base is actually not that alarm worthy for most people since their mentality is "Get to plane, fly plane, win!". Generally I only get the people I killed looking for me. Planing on silencing either my medics TAR or NS-11A for added effect soon.

    Also if you are an infiltrator you need to know when to NOT activate cloak. Generally the only time I cloak is if I have to run across a wide open area. You stay crouched, hidden, and still if there are enemies close enough to hear your footsteps and shoot only at their backs so they can't tell where exactly the bullets came from. Sometimes I actually purposefully run across their body so the kill cam picks it up then after a few more seconds go back to my cover. Gets them every time. For me Infiltrating is 80% psychological warfare, 19% sneaking, and 1% actual fighting. And its a ton of fun.
  16. Prodigal

    No, it doesnt. Infiltrator means someone sneaks, yes, but the term does in no way imply that you shoot from distance.
  17. MarkAntony

    Yes pls make the cloak useful. It was way better in beta.
  18. Syylara

    Since I said absolutely nothing about SHOOTING from a distance at all, perhaps you'd like to argue with your straw-man and leave me out of it?

    The person I replied to expressed that he wanted to be able to rush right past enemies completely unseen rather than finding a more covert path around them. I was discussing stealth, not weapons.
  19. Prodigal

    Let me repeat your argumentation.

    Monnor argumented that by your talking about the many headshots you hit you dont prove how good an infiltrator you are, because hitting headshots is not infiltrating but sniping. Then he explained, what the nature of infiltrating is, meaning getting inside a building without being seen. And you somehow deduce from that, that this should prove how the infiltrator class should be useless, only because there are ways to get behind enemy lines even without cloak?

    Apart from the fact that you're lacking basic logical calculus, I have to say: If you're not able to get behind enemy lines even with a cloakpack, then surely noone can help you. Some players are able to infiltrate a guarded base as HA/Medic/engineer, and you complain that you arent with a cloakpack and want it buffed? How easy do you want the game to get for you? Do you feel so special that you have to have some God-mode, so you can just walk around like in singleplayer games, and shoot everyone without ever being shot back? Is this how you want the game to be? Everybody just being defenseless cannonfodder/pointyielders for the super-special ShadowTheHedgehog? Really? REALLY?
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  20. Prodigal

    My bad, I misread. I take back what I said.