Share your most fun Planetside 2 moments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PsychoBat, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Zapon

    the largest fight i've ever fought (dont remember what server i was on in beta)-

    was a zerg vs zerg mult-platoon battle TR vs VS at the J908 Impact site- on the bridge. We held the side with the ramps and the base- they had the other side of the bridge. About a hour of massing dozens and dozens of tanks and trying to squeeze them all into that bridge to fight- there was so much gunfire going down that bridge- aircraft weren't too numerous- but it was the mother of all battles.

    Also the most XP i've ever gotten in this game- and it was a large reason for me thinking perhaps i could find the massive battles here that MAG had before it died down

    Anyway, what happened was eventually, the TR beat us back through slamming prowler and prowler down that bridge- there was so much wreckage amid tank shots going down the bridge- eventually, their shots would hit our sundies every once in a while- and they managed to advance- fighting inch by inch.

    I honestly was shocked the game could render that many tanks on both sides- and heavies, infantry, lightnings, sundies trying to suicide run the bridge(couldnt be done)- and so on

    i imagine this never happens now , unless you have two outfits who bring their full cast and tell each other "Let's go"
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  2. Bluebullet

    So playing NC I stop by a little desert facility in northwest indar to stop another when of the mosy pilots who had been flying around flipping cap points. Problem is this one stayed around to watch it so after managing to flip to cap he shows up and attempts to pod me. Being in an LA I jump up unto the edge of the tower the point is against. So with me thinking he thinks I bailed he swoops down to flip the cap not thinking he could do it inside the mosy. Now knowing I'm an LA he runs off and comes back watching the tower but he doesn't seem to know that an LA can get to the tip-top of the mast. He realizes that they can as I jump into his path as he is slowly hovering past, he tilts up a bit and aims at me, I switch to C4, he manages to just kill my shields, I notice I won't get close enough so I toss it my apex and look up watching it as I fall. As it falls maybe 3 ft in front of his nose BOOM I trigger it and guess what? I SPLATTED THAT BUG.

    Another time in LA at a bio lab since the landing pad change I decide to try and rush out and jet pack around the edge to get behind the ramp. Noticing they don't see me when I land I decide to do my trusted cluster clear so I duck back and let my jets recharge. Then going a bit above there heads I drop 1 C4 at the back another in the middle, jet back a ways, toss a grenade in the middle to trigger the C4 as I swap to my Piston and finally after 3 point blast clears 6 of a dozen or so I zerg in the introduce the rest to some pellets. I then run off the edge circle to the other side and kill a few as my recent victims jump back up and finish me. As their spawn point is still intact and the NC zerg inside shows no signs of pushing out I repeat this for the next 20 minutes until they do(using less C4 to save time/resources) come out and hold the pad then repeat on the other pad.
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  3. N3M0

    Landing on a fully loaded Gal with my drop pod, 12 kills :D
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  4. Xind

    One more. I was in a Vanu Courtyard and found myself cornered by a MagRider, so I skirted around him, dodging his blue ****, until I got close enough to Jump on top of his tank (as a medic). The moment I jumped on top of him he exploded and I started humming the super Mario theme. I have no idea what caused his demise.
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  5. PsychoBat

    Keep em coming!
  6. MrPokealot

    That was a really unique story, I bet many people won't ever get to say they've had the same experienced.
  7. MrPokealot

    Personally, my favourite experience has got to be working with my teammates to set up AT mines by some chokepoints in front of the TR's quite an experience when a couple of your teammates get to blow up fully loaded sundies.
  8. Matti

    this was a lot of fun =)