Share your most fun Planetside 2 moments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PsychoBat, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. PsychoBat

    I'll be honest with you. I'm a bit disappointed in the people on this forum. Most threads and posts seem to be whiny and don't seem to be written by people who enjoy playing this game. As most of the people I talk with ingame are a lot more relaxed and are having fun with this game, I'm hoping that there is another side to this community. So here's a little community building exercise to bring this side out.

    Let's for a moment not talk about the bugs, the shortcomings and the balance issues. They will get fixed in time - it's only been one month from the launch. Let's instead share the moments that we've had while playing this game that we actually had fun. The MMOFPS format of this game lends to a lot of unique and rememberable situations and I hope there are people in these forums who would like to share theirs or hear others'.


    Here's mine. I'm TR and I was at the time playing on Esamir. We've just pushed out from Mani Bio Lab to Aurora Materials Lab and after a fierce battle with NC infantry and armor we've finally captured it. The zerg of course has a mind of it's own and in ten minutes I'm the only TR soldier left to defend Aurora while the mass has moved on to siege Freyr. There are few NC coming in with droppods and ATVs and I'm switching between HA and LA clearing them out. While on the roof cleaning out a droppodded soldier I hear someone yell "Enemy light assault spotted!". I fly towards the voice and hear it again, this time behind me. I keep checking around until I discover a NC sniper crouching on top of the high communications mast of Aurora.

    So naturally, it's time to clean the pests out and while dodging sniper shots I start to ascend on top of the mast. Now this tower is not too easy to climb and at the same time I have to keep close enough to the tower to not allow the sniper to take aim at me and headshot me, so it takes quite a while. After a bit of misspent effort I'm thinking of just switching to a sniper myself and getting rid of him that way, but then the sniper attempts something unexpected and tries the diplomatic route.


    While I don't regularly collude with the enemy, I'm impressed with his improvisation and agree. I back off the tower and stand in his line of fire for a moment, testing if he's a man of his word. He doesn't shoot.

    So I leave the tower and keep the rest of the base clean from incoming enemies while affording him some potshots at my allies.

    After a while I encounter a sniper in the cap point and finish him off without much though, finding out that it's the same sniper on top of the tower.


    Turns out it was a misunderstanding and as a show of good faith, he lets me know there is a NC sunderer parked next to the base with a couple of people there. So I go and kill them a few times without quite managing to take down the sunderer. His comment:

    I'm unable to take the sunderer down unfortunately and after the zerg starts spawning there, we lose Aurora to NC.

    So I found out that there are actually some fun guys on the NC side and they're not all rebel scum trying to overturn our republic.


    Now let me know you awsome story when you ran over 20 people on a sunderer or turned the tide of battle with your scythe.
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  2. Harry Ticblasphemer

    While ****** Fascist Air trying to duck under The Crown AA guns with a Skygaurd completely alone, they finally sent some Heavies after me.I start taking rocket fire,do a little maneuvering and then bail.Drop a couple of frags and get around the corner of a rock,BOOM,dead heavy.Dropped an AP ran a little farther dropped another and moved to flank.Boom,dead heavy.Boom,dead heavy.Ran back around to where they came from and dropped the last heavy from behind with my GD=7F.It was only 4 guys but they went from having an easy kill to being dead in about 15 seconds.It's also fun when a Toaster hovers over you for a quick taunt before the kill and you whip the Skygaurd or Walker around and light em.Good Times!
  3. Harry Ticblasphemer

    ******* = Having my way with.They did get me(Air Fascism)on foot trying to cross open ground eventually,they were mad.
  4. PsychoBat

  5. Craeshen

    Fully loaded sunderer with 2 forgotten anti tank mines. Happened a couple days ago quite humorous I must say also to all sundy drivers mineguard it's a life saver. found it kind of funny the sundy I killed had 6 max suits in it and a bunch of engineers. Who should know better rofl.
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  6. smokemaker

    Killing the same guy 4 times with proximity mines in the same generator room. Then getting a /tell saying he was going to report me because I can only have 2 at any one time.... he lacked some resupply concepts. To this day he swears I cheated him. I get a kick out of him when we pass in game.

    Or seeing 4 out of 5 friendly aircraft all collide chasing 1 enemy fighter. Only to be the last one left and scoring the kill.
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  7. VKhaun

    Once I went to a base ahead of the zerg and got set up on a hill with a bolt action and 12x scope, but the enemy started getting it together and the zerg never got there. The base behind me actually started getting attacked and I had line of sight almost EXACTLY at render distance. Like stepping forward on the hill would make more people appear around the back of a sunderer and stepping back would make them invisible. It was that perfect.

    After a few experimental misses I I sat there getting headshots on people so far away their heads were too small to see behind the crosshair mildots and barely visible behind the lines. It was so hillarious watching one infiltrator look around for me and not find me (dunno if I didn't render for him, or if he just wasn't looking that far away?) I started singling out enemy infiltrators. Sat there laughing my head off with the base I was camped at deserted and free for hacking terminals to get ammo until the battle moved on and there was nothing to shoot at.

    Been a fan of super long range sniping ever since.
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  8. Glowcat

    I was on Esamir and a small group of Vanu were capping the Traverse with their sundy nearby. I was currently in a Reaver (no pods) and didn't have many options, so I flew to one end of the bridge and directly through towards the enemy sunderer, jumping out at the last moment before it collided giving me enough smoke cover to rush in and place my tank mines to blow their AMS. The Vanu must've been confused by wtf just happened because I mowed down one guy through the smoke with my AC-X11 and then another one who was running up before heading to the point and killing the last one. The number of kills wasn't particularly noteworthy but the entrance was radical.
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  9. UzumakiW

    Can't really think of an instant in particular at the moment, but I always love being in big infantry battles that'll last at least an hour, whether we're attacking or defending a base. Always have a lot of fun with those.
  10. weebeep

    What he said, I do remember taking out a fully loaded sundy, taking out a ESF with an AP tank round. Its the little things that make this game fun, well also the giant battles and the awesomeness of it.
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  11. Suien Reizo

    When I realized this game has zero monitoring and SOE expects double XP to make up for the amount of griefing occurring currently in game.
  12. Zotamedu

    Yesterday I managed to pull of two things that made me laugh.

    1, I drop podded down on a base under siege. As I descend I notice that I have an enemy liberator under me so I start aiming for him. I know it will kill me but I figured it would be worth it if I could only do a bit of damage since a liberator will do massive damage to ground. To my surprise, the liberator blows to bits as I hit it. I even got a metric tonne of XP from it which I really didn't expect. I guess the pilot and crew were royally pissed of.

    2, I joined a MBT as a gunner on Indar. We were three or four tanks riding north from the middle of the map to give some support to a small base that was under attack. The tanks are going full speed across the dessert as I scan around for any stray enemies to shoot. Then all of a sudden, we power over a small ridge and fall to our deaths. Apparently, none of the drivers knew the terrain very well so they all just ran, full speed, of the same cliff like a herd of lemmings, leaving a large pile of burning metal at the bottom. That also made me laugh for quite some time.
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  13. siiix

    yesterday on waterson amerish i had after 2 months finally the 1st real full blown war , it was amazing, it seems to zerg armies accidentally collided at a smaller base, mostly in the wide open, it lasted long and it was impressive, both infantry and vehicles where used exactly how they have been intended... i wish it would be always like that, this was one of the few times i actually experienced the game how i was imagining it

    unfortunately i have no idea how to make screenshots, prtscr button dont seem to do anything
  14. KraggTheGrim

    Mine is more a series of moments, but the funniest times in PS2 is when i shoot down an ESF with my Lighting's HEAT cannon. They come in on their strafing runs, low and slow, and BLAM, one shot an ESF its very satisfying.
  15. Gavyne

    Too many to list really, but the most recent I can remember was a bio labs defense. As NC we were getting hit from both TR & VS at the same time. They occupied each of the jump pads, so if you go to one pad you would be shooting at VS, you go to the other you would be shooting at TR. I normally participate in the pad grind as it's great exp and it's fun just shooting bullets. But this time I went down below and had a lot of small fire fights there.

    My goal was to destroy their sunderers, so I was slowly killing my way to the jump pads. It took a long time, must've have been 45 mins of great fun fighting both factions from all directions. Finally I was able to sneak to the jump pad and found the VS sunderer. I C4'ed it, blew it up with 2 C4 and a rocket as standard operation procedure to blow up sunderers. Killed the few that spawned there at the time. Then I thought why not, I'll use the jump pad to go up and see what's going on up there. I needed ammo anyway.

    As I got up to the pad, I saw 10-15 VS all facing towards the inside of the bio labs, shooting, rocketing, etc.. No one noticed me, so I started to aim and fire, killed one, killed two, killed three... It was hilarious as some got rezzed by medics and they still had no idea I was the one killed them from behind. Killed four, killed five...then about the 7th kill was when someone saw me. I had to dodge behind the objects to reload, and funny thing is I was using their ammo packs to refill LOL. I shot whoever saw me, then again proceeded to kill more as nobody else saw me.

    I must have killed about 10 VS before NC came pushing out towards the pad to finish off the leftovers. Since I had destroyed their sundy, I didn't have to worry about anybody jumping up the pads from behind me. Yes, I single handedly destroyed the VS sunderer, took the pad, and nobody even knew what happened. Not VS, not NC. I didn't need any recognition so I didn't say a word about it, but my smiles were as wide as they could be on my face. It was a good day.

    I think we eventually lost the base to the TR zerg, but didn't matter, I had my fun of the month.
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  16. Tapioca Express

    i was on my flash riding around, and i saw this really low hovering scythe trying to rocket pod this sundie under a bridge. I charged at the scythe and hit the corner of the vehicle pad to get some air and blasted my turbo. My flash flew directly at the scythe and rammed it right in the butt. I exploded. He didn't. I was sad :(

    I /telled him afterwards and we both had a pretty good laugh about it.
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  17. Megaduck

    NC defending Xing Tech, TR at the crossroads watch tower and the VS in the Snake Ravine lookout. All three zergs with full tanks and air all converging on the open ground between the three bases.

    The tanks hung back to provide artillery support while the infantry fought it out for a small series of rocks near Xing Tech. The night sky was lit up as shells passed overhead and above that there was a massive three way air battle. At one point I counted 16 TR prowlers lined up on the hill near the Crossroads with Infantry and Engineer support firing at an equal number of Vanguards and Magriders.

    It all provided an amazing backdrop for the infantry fight.
  18. Mobius_gen

    Just last night I was in at a spawn point as an Infiltrator. The base fliped, I realized people started to spawn. I panicked and jumped ONTO a infantry terminal in a corner just as an enemy unit came around the corner. He walked up to the terminal without noticing I was sitting ontop of it. I of course took this chance to shoot the hell out of him and get the hell out.

    Thanks to the terminal being in a corner I must've been just far enough back so that he didn't notice me at first.
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  19. Rainfey

    SAJTOS! Hes in my outfit, always was a funny guy.

    Most fun moment.. hmm
    Instant action > Deploy on squad leader > whooooosh > boom > "I think i hit something" > Liberator Kill +100xp
    Moral? Don't think you're safe up there at the flight ceiling.
  20. PsychoBat

    Awsome stories, keep them coming!