Problems with PlanetSide 2 as I see them.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. thehonkthatcould

    Agree 100%. If SOE could do all this stuff, the game would be literately the best game out there.
  2. Tzizimitl

    Personally I think the main issues right now are Influence and Infantry combat. Influence needs to be MORE important. 0% influence? No capturing. 100% influence? Near-instant capping. Make territory important, stop back-capping/ninja-capping.

    Infantry: Add SCU's to ALL SPAWN POINTS, including peripheral bases for the big plants and for the smaller stations like the air towers. That'll finally end the damn spawn camping issue. Secondly, halve the damage of all infantry-vs-infantry weapons, except for sniper rifles. As it is, infantry just dies too fast when fighting each other, it just makes combat into WHO SPAMS FIRST AND WITH THE MOST LUCK and then it's over, plus against a lot of weapons you literally do not get a chance to respond, a shotgun can kill you in under a second. Thirdly, increase the accuracy bloom on all infantry weapons, make firing more about bursts at range and using cover than just running up and spamming away. Lastly, the more players that are at a given point, the longer the spawn times should be there. That should lower just how big swarms you deal with, make it more possible to actually kill enemies faster than they spawn and, finally, encourage people to spawn at peripheral/external spawn points and walk/ride/hike there. It'd certainly make Galaxies and transport Sunderers more important.
  3. Heavy

    It's a tank that grants infantry-like mobility to its driver, along with the toughness and firepower of an MBT. It's not a surprise that it gets "spammed". However, remove the ability to "spam" any vehicle by scrapping the current cert system and re-implementing the PS1 cert system, and the ability for anyone to casually "spam" any vehicle is removed. Only players who intend to specialize in MBTs would have them. In the case a player bought the MBT cert with the intent to "spam" them like they currently are, they would have less certs to place elsewhere, and they certainly wouldn't have the spare cert points to toss into the acquisition timer reducing cert.

    Bonus points if Smedley relents and requires MBTs to be crewed to have any firepower at all.
  4. Splash

    On a point that Buzz brought up is that each base has too many damn open spaces, its a death trap for infantry. We need bases that stop vehicles from entering and make the infantry do the fighting.

    Vehicles should be supporting the infantry not farming them. An EMP grenade might make this more viable and I am interested in seeing what impact it may have on the game.
  5. Kuraudo

    Yes, the EMP grenade seems like an interesting idea; it still forces you to commit to actually destroying the vehicle, but it also would make vehicle drivers think twice before advancing on infantry without fear.

    i dont like buzzcutpsycho, but everything he wrote is spot on.
  7. Ecstasis

    I really hope with 130+ likes on the original posts and quality and thought out nature of the content that these points are being discussed. They are points that have been burning in the back of my mind and bothered me, but Buzz did a great job of putting them into words and really venting out the frustrations a LOT of players feel, but also presenting solutions within the realm of reason and application.
  8. Beartornado

    +1 to everything he posted.
  9. NC_Edacyn

    /signed with OP

    didn't bother to read the rest, not sure I need to.
  10. Mezorin

    While I disagree with the influence changes (influence encourages encircling and out maneuvering an enemy, everything else should get fixed first before tinkering with that), everything else is spot on. Especially with the infantry/HE/air problems the game has right now, with how it is far more profitable to just dink around in a HE tank/air cav/liberator rotation than it is to actually play the game to Win. On Connery, you don't even see the TR outside of their mossies, liberators, or camping Crown/bio farm simply because that's where the 'meta game' is right now. Good infantry battles are pretty much dead and gone at this point, and even tank on tank warfare is basically avoided as why bust your hump killing prowlers/vanguards/mag riders when you can farm their sunderer infantry? This will only get worse as more people wise up and BCP's 4 vehicle wonder farm rotation starts becoming more prevalent.
  11. gunshooter

    Only relevant part of your post. Tell me more about how you're really good yet you choose to sit there doing things that require absolutely 0 skill instead - there's no one who actually likes to be challenged who could stand to play support classes in this game for more than 5 minutes. But it's ok, everyone thinks they're better than they are.
  12. Rochefort

    I hope devs are taking notes. +1
  13. humpmasterflex

    People care about K/D? im rank 33 with like a 0.3 k/d

    medic and engy foe life. I make sure my team is SET!
  14. aeon2k

    I've also found that around the crown and the bases in it's proximity I'm most likely to find a big fight. The fact that it's defensible means that it doesn't get overrun by the zerg faster than reinforcements can arrive. This happened to me at several of the smaller bases, and once there I had the choice to get blown to pieces by tanks/bombers once leaving the spawn room or to click redeploy and leave. In PS1 all buildings were (with sufficient numbers) defensible by infantry alone. You didn't run (that high) of a risk of getting blown to pieces by tank shells trying to defend a tower thanks to the (most of the time closed) doors on your way to the console that needed to be hacked by the enemy.

    Bottom line:
    /signed this thread
  15. Pella

    No good when your a dead medic :p

    Regardless good points made by Buzz, Hopefully the Devs take this thread seriously.
  16. Collin

    My solution for this!



    For example a standart lib costs you 600 Vehicle recources + 300 for the Dalton (numbers are just placeholders)

    But this will make recource management harder and you have to fight for recources.

    A nice metagame would be as well to have "recourcetrucks" you can load them at "mine stations" and drive them back to warpgate!
    For you 100 Xrecource and X recource for each fraction member on the cont.
  17. Turiel =RL=

    High ground makes it easier to defend, no doubt about that. Still respawn is key to everything. If you can respawn closer to the point of action, you will grind down your opposition. That goes for offense and defense in the same way.

    The reason why Tech Plants like Tawrich cannot be defended anymore is that the defenders cannot get anyone from respawn to the capture point in one piece. Everyone gets killed on the way. No defenders equals no defense.

    The base itsself has conceptual problems also. Since there are no walls with doors, you cannot set up a barricade inside the main building. This means that if the enemy gets inside, they cannot be stopped anymore. Compare that to the basement/tunnel structures of bases in PS1 where lasting infantry battles inside a base were actually possible.

    I don't want to repeat this "everything in PS1 was better"- type of argument, but in this case it is true. PS1 bases were indeed designed to support more complex gameplay and the whole respawn system was far superior also.
  18. Turiel =RL=

    That is an Amp-Station with a second vehicle shield in the courtyard (basically a 2nd line of defense) and shield-domes to avoid Liberator-zerg. This type of base is exactly what the game needs right now!

    I wouldn't hesistate a split second to give it a try. Make this go live and see what happens.
  19. Dolphin Teeth

    I tried to give the game one last try this morning, but it's just god awful. It is literally about 90% hovering light aircraft camping the poorly conceived bases - everywhere, from active hot spots to spawn points far from any activity. Hovering light aircraft ruling with impunity. That's all the game is now: moving from base to base, either spawn camping or being camped. I think the development team needs to sit down and give serious thought to scrapping just about the entire core design of the game.
  20. McFatal

    I already told you why I do it, I get personal gratification with it. I kill people with Engineer as well. And you're right, I never ever sit around for 5 minutes only giving out ammo and only repairing. I run with my squad, shoot bad guys, give out ammo inbetween killing and repair max's mostly. Sometimes I repair sunderers and I often blow up enemy vehicles with AT mines. The main role I fulfill though, is making sure my squad has ammo. This is a team play game after all, and as I said before my skill is irrelevant if I can sustain my team with more killing power than I alone could provide, even though tossing ammo takes 2 seconds and I provide my own killing power anyway. Your argument doesn't make sense for support roles that are actually on the front lines killing people too.
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