AA is just fine

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malevolent, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Malevolent

    Actually I dont, I am merely entertaining myself here.

    Arguing on the intarweb is like the special olympics, even if you win you are still re-t-4rded.

    Hardly anyone reads this **** or cares what is in this thread.
  2. Protential

    Actually, male follows a lot of our ideas, he is just scared people want Air to be easy to kill, and the skies to always be clear.

    This is not the argument we are making, he agrees the vehicle zerg needs to be fixed in general, but just argues the point that you CAN kill an aircraft. He has admitted its nearly impossible, and takes numerous people to do.

    I think you can agree, if killing a liberator meant he had to wait 5 or 10minutes to spawn a new one then we wouldn't complain about how hard they are to kill...

    I could care less about the newbs who crash mid flight, or get killed in the warpgate and are sad they had to wait to spawn another one, why should we cater to fixing mistakes instead of fixing the game?
  3. Protential

    The AA weapon on the max is to easy to use, if they could kill an ESF solo it would happen every time.

    What needs to happen, is a fast firing missile or dumfire rocket needs to be the default AA weapons not these retarted flak rounds.

    With direct htis they do larger damage, but they hold far less rounds, and are harder to hit with.

    These weapons are also effective against infantry with driect htis.

    Just like the Anti-Tank weapons...

    Right now it takes about 500shots to kill anything with an AA max...
  4. Malevolent

    And with that said, I am off to watch my son kick *** in Batman Arkham City before I kick him off to play Madden.

    Have fun guys.
  5. Vendettta

    If he actually agreed with any balance ideas why would he admit that he doesn't even WANT the game to be balanced? Something isn't adding up there bro.
    • Up x 1
  6. Protential

    Because he was intentionally trying to annoy you, which was partially because you started being extremely childish, instead of constructive.

    If you read what he said in context, he thinks Air should not be easy kills because it will take away from the challenge of fighting them


    But they should not respawn like rabbits.
  7. smokemaker

    I kill ESF's regularly with dual burster Max. 1 on 1.
    It about the operator of the max that makes it ineffective or effective.
    Take responsibility for your own lack of skills and stop hoping for a game mechanic to save you.
  8. Vendettta

    Wait, what? rofl But you don't have to wait. Libs are basically infinite because if you get a group of three people, you can take turns spawning a Lib every time one dies. So unless the group is really ******* awful and all 3 libs manage to die in a minute or two then its infinite.
  9. LameFox

    The point is just that they would be ridiculous if they tracked well and travelled very fast. As a defensive weapon it doesn't need to hunt people down over the landscape, but if someone is strafing you (or hovering) you should be able to lock on and fire it down their throat, or at their tail on the way out, and have it get there fairly quickly. If you fire it at someone cruising by in the distance though, it doesn't need the speed and tracking to follow them off into the horizon.
  10. Protential

    There end lies the problem, everyone can be a lib pilot, and also a tank driver, and also a max unit all on one character.

    We all three have pointed this out as the main issue, not the balance between weapons.
  11. Protential

    The operator of the max?? What are you doing better then me? Because I am not missing shots, but will need to reload and he can leave my range in my reload time 100% of the time.

    You are in an immobile, one dimensional AA unit, please explain to me how skill is going to favor you?
  12. Vendettta

    No he wasn't even responding to me in that particular post. He was talking to someone else and admitted that he didn't want the game to be balanced because he didn't think it would be fun. Instead he said he wants "realism" because its more fun to have air dominate everything. He wasn't joking, he wasn't trolling, etc...
  13. Lord Gazgul

    what about giving the game a challange for air figthing all other target ?
  14. Lord Gazgul

  15. Protential

    This is exactly what I am after.
  16. smokemaker

    1.)Max is quite mobile. Use it
    2.) Range of engagement : I see a lot of maxes opening up on ESF's at extreme range, hit them a few times and ESF flies away. I started holding my fire till they were quite close, even ducking behind corners and other cover so they get close. Then pop out and destroy them. An ESF will melt in seconds with no reload necessary if you wait to engage them at close range. In short long range engagement = you will make them fly away. Short range engagement = you will kill them.
    3.) a dual burster max is not a solo unit.
  17. Vendettta

    No there is still a balance issue even if you couldn't have infinite Libs because it doesn't change the fact that Libs and ESFs can dominate everything by using hit and run tactics. Spam the pods or zeph, fly away and repair and then repeat the process. And there isn't much anyone can do about it. All you can really do is keep them from completely overwhelming you by getting 6-10 duel buster maxes. And even then libs and ESFs will start the kamikaze tactics, ramming into platforms and killing MAXes or at least knocking them off it. I've been seeing this frequently lately. Even Galaxys do it. rofl
  18. smokemaker

    Why, because you can't do it.... nice logic
  19. Vendettta

    No because you're full of **** like Male. rofl
    • Up x 1
  20. Protential

    No one would be spawning these things to Kamakaze with if they had to choose between being a mag driver or a scythe pilot and couldn't be both on one character.

    Also no one would want to die in the one or two vehicles they have the ability to use because instead of spamming between 10 vehicle choices, they have to deal with the cooldowns of the ones they ahve access to.
