AA is just fine

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malevolent, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Beartornado

    You want to fix aircraft then you need to fix bases. Vehicles in general don't need such access, and the spam will go down when they stop being so effective at going everywhere infantry can.

    Give all Major bases (Bio labs, Tech Labs, Amp Stations) as well as Towers (and bases like.. The Stronghold) Dome shields run by a generator. And redesign them so there is no access for enemy vehicles without taking down a tank shield first. All bases need to just have more walls and minor bases should simply deny access to vehicles entirely for certain areas, perhaps some roofs for air cover. The minor bases are already easier to take with infantry, they don't need to be infantry farms for any lone liberator, ESF or MBT that wanders into the area.

    All bases including minor bases need to make a little more sense, the defenders should have the advantage in almost every situation, and the biggest issue is spawning. All major objectives that need to be defended in a base should be readily accessible from the spawn room of the base, we have teleporting technology and there is no reason why bases wouldn't use it.

    If you want to stop camping on the spawn room then give us a temporary spawn invulnerability shield around our character (only the first time we leave the room after respawning) that lets us actually walk out and discourage enemies from being anywhere near that room. With that change in mind, all bases need an SCU type objective that are difficult to get rid of, preferably something that can almost be instantly accessed by spawning defenders. If you take that SCU down then the battle is over, no more people waiting around in the spawn room for free kills.

    And last but certainly not least give the defenders exp for actually protecting the base. The gameplay is already based around rewarding actions to encourage certain activities. Let's knock off a good % of exp for killing infantry with vehicles, ramp up the exp for killing vehicles with infantry, and give exp rewards for protecting a base. Capping back a base that an enemy tried to cap should have an exp reward based on how close the enemy came to capping, and the defenders should get some time of bonus to their exp for killing enemies that are in the base.
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  2. Flarenza

    The main reason AA is doing as well as it is right now is because of the rendering issues, and that isn't part of class balance. Just wait until they finally fix the rendering and pilots can start seeing targets as soon as they are in effective AA range, then it will show even more the imbalance between the two.
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  3. axiom537

    I do not know what to tell you, I lay Anti- vehicle & personnel mines constantly and I pull my max unit often as well and I never run out of resources. The only thing I can say is I spend equal amounts of time as infantry, ground vehicles and Aircraft, which spreads out my resource use and I think that is where the problem lies.....Those that want AA buffed, rarely fly or even drive, they merely want to play one way (infantry) and completely neglect the fact that this is a combined arms game and you need to be proficient in all three roles (infantry,ground vehicles and air craft)

    And BTW removing the timer on maxes would be a huge mistake and do more to destroy infantry play style then anything else.
  4. Protential

    Blatant lie...how much does your mines cost, how many resources do you have. You also claim to buy buying grenades and using max units. You can not afford to spam mines "constantly"

    My infantry resources never get above 100, I can regen 3 or 400 vehicle resources, meanwhile I still barely have enough infantry units to pull a max, and it goes up REALLY FREAKING slow

    Maybe you are paying to play? with all kinds of resource boost?
  5. Malevolent

    Seriously, you should join us to see what I am talking about. I am not making this **** up, you have to see it for yourself I guess.
  6. Protential

    I wish It was that easy, I have spent a small amount of station cash on 3 characters from different factions and would have to throw it all away to restart on your server. If I could at least keep my camo's I wouldn't mind deleting one of them. But my NC NEEDS that anchor weapon its to beasty.

    Otherwise I would...

    Also I was in a few max drop squads with your clan, I think they invited me or referred me to the website. But I then re-rolled my NC on a server they were underpopped on...

    If I remember correctly I went like 26-28-0 with an engineer healing me locking the enemy in their spawn while you guys capped bases.
  7. Malevolent

    Or more likely, because my son is hogging the PS3 and I cant play Madden football atm
  8. BeefNoodles

    I'll half agree with you that "AA is fine," if you mean that it is POSSIBLE to kill air. Yes, 20 AA maxes can kill a liberator. But, air kills ground too goddam fast. Air massacres ground, making the game VERY unfun.

    Air also forces ground to go AA maxes or HA. I don't like either class. I really love light assault, but I can't play it most of the time because there is a never ending swarm of air overhead ALL THE TIME.

    Leave AA as is, but give light assault and engineer some AA capabilities. Then nerf air to ground damage. Then it will be fine.
  9. KayGeddon

    We want the air spam to stop. Plain and simple. Either make them harder to pull, or FAR FAR FAR easier to kill. Libs are the sticking point, as you require a specialized unit to counter them. The only ones who can harm them are A)Heavy Assault(with weapon costs being the same investment as a zeph, except multiplied by the number of heavy assaults), B)Burster MAX, C)Skyguard, D)other air. Heavy assault and skyguard are ineffective due to poor weapon design/damage/ammo, and infantry suffers from a lack of mobility/availability. It's killing the game slowly that you cannot move in less than a zerg because you are forced to have a huge proportion of AA to "deter" random lib farmers. Random lib farmers know this and exploit it.

    I don't like the argument of g"get organized AA" as that AA costs about 6-12x the SC as a zeph. One rocket launcher should destroy one lib. Same for the burster MAX. This is working off real cash expenditure, which trumps all other arguments. Zeph is P2W, why not AA?
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  10. Malevolent

    Ahhhh I get your point, I wouldnt reroll either.

    Was just offering up an invite thinking you could see how our anti-air max teams work. Its actually pretty fun.
  11. Lord Gazgul

    the AA in this game can ONLY DO AA, it is all the air who need ground assist to take them out, THAT is team play....
  12. Malevolent

    This is a rock - paper - scissors thing.

    I like that you have to dominate airspace before you can operate on the ground.

    Yes alot of air forces you to counter it, but so does alot of armor, or alot of infantry.
  13. Malevolent

    I like your ideas.

    If spawns at minor bases were underground and accessable only thru a tunnel it might mitigate some of the hurt feelings over Libs bombing spawn buildings.

    How about a shield aircraft cannot shoot through until ground troops secure the shield generator.
  14. Protential

    Everything in Rock Paper Sicssors can lose to something else.

    Air loses to nothing...If Rock beat Paper and Scissors, no one would throw the other 2.

    I am just saying.
  15. Lord Gazgul

    ok, but my tank cost over 200, so a ESF who cost 200 Shall not have to be able to kill it ?
  16. Vendettta

    Oh god Male is back to the rock/paper/scissors part of his circular arguments?
  17. Xae

    This only works when you foot zerg so hard the render distance for infantry goes to 0 and they can't hit you.

    Try this when that is fixed and it will end with a Lib at 600 meters AGL Zephyring your zerg.
  18. Malevolent

    I see your point. Currently:

    Air kills Infantry and Armor.

    Armor Kills Infantry.

    Infantry kills Armor and Air.

    So in other words, if Skyguards worked you would be happy? Or would you prefer an more powerful anti-air secondary on top of your tank? I am not sure the latter would work, you just done have the visiblity while i a tank to match the speed of an aircraft where Infantry can get on a hill and scan the horizon easily.
  19. Protential

    Is it just me or did it take 20-50 rockets to shoot down the aircraft after teh first one you guys all missed?
  20. Malevolent

    Circular is balanced, have you never seen a Yin/Yang pattern?