[Suggestion] Make the game subscription based

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Naceo

    Dude, we are trying to revolutionize the F2P market here. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone gave up just because they hit a snag.

    The solution is not to give up on the product and run into a corner like a little *****. The only thing that will happen to the game then is it is gonna get clobbered by the guy who has the balls to actually confront the issue.
  2. H0urg1ass

    Completely F2P is pure garbage. I've played three of these games so far and the headaches involved on the player end just isn't worth it.

    The best current model is a small subscription, plus a cash shop. You put up a barrier to entry to keep the undesirables at bay, and you have a cash shop that lets people spend extra to buy a gun without having to grind for it.

    It's perfect.
  3. Flarestar

    Yes, but not because of the financial model. It's doomed to fail because it's a shallow MMO that's removed the carrot entirely in place of simply trying to make you think there's a carrot, and that doesn't really work for very long. It will limp along on its hardcore fanbase just like GW1 did, but I don't expect to see it being a major name for particularly long.

    That being said:

    GW2 isn't F2P, just like GW1 wasn't F2P. There is an initial box purchase price up front, which (ideally) offsets the initial cost of development, gets you out of the red, and puts you in the black. That gives you some up front capital for your next development project, and brings in investors based on past record of profitability.

    Also, unrelated, but I'll never fail to find it amusing how certain types of people talk about the near-standard $15/month sub fee like it's a major chunk of change, and don't really seem to understand that $15 for unlimited access to an entire virtual world is literally one of the best bang for the buck purchases you can make, entertainment-wise.
  4. Randomguy365

    how is it that fanboys are so ridiculously ********?

    this game is hardly worth playing already, mattherson is already mostly dead.
    This game will die out in january WITHOUT the sub, and you want to add a mandatory one?
  5. Skadi

    try Sol'tech... indar is the only populated continent, and even then theres not that many on it.
  6. Mietz

    Yes, please make the game subscription based so it can die off more quickly.
  7. BadHabitz

    The game doesn't need a subscription t weed out cheaters. Just tie each account to a valid credit card or phone account by charging a one time $1 payment. Your cheater will then only be able to create accounts until they run out of cards or cell phones.

    Make this common for all SOE station accounts. PS2 would still be F2P, but only with a valid SOE Station account.
  8. SavageTwinky

    I don't think a subscription was necessary, but they should do what GW2 does, Sell us the content, like the main game for $50 bucks, and then sell expansions.

    I think if they weren't relying on dragging out the progression to get people to buy things, they might have put some effort into making the game and releasing it without bugs.

    We are still in the beta, so they might as well, fix it up, add proper Outfit tools and maybe some extra content and release it for $50 ... maybe they'll put more resources on it if they actually have something to sell.
  9. Tenebrae Aeterna


    Not all of us can afford our fabricated indulgences unless they're FTP...or FTP upon purchase, such as GW2, SC2, etc.
  10. Swoll

    You're right not everyone is rich, but that has nothing to do with what were talking about.

    A daily expendable income of $10 is around 20 times the amount required to pay for a $15 dollar a month subscription fee. Id suggest less alcohol and cheap drugs and more hours in math class.
  11. siiix

    believe it or not actually im very skilled, its not lack of skill i dont have a well paying job anymore... my point was some months i pay $15 in to the game on some i do not, there is no way i can make a subscription unless i pay the entire year upfront and that is a lot more i would have to wait months before i can start playing, simply because if you have that little money you do not know what day you have money available and what days you do not... and to be honest if i have to put down $100 or $120 all at once chances are i would not play at all.. and trust me i'm not the only one

    i like it how it is way better, so far i paid more then $15 a month... but i did it on my own speed and not every day at the same day of the month

    if this would be subscription based, they better close all but maybe 2 servers, and even then you would always run on LOW.. that i can assure you... and then because its on low many subscribers would not have much fun and quit

    also there are who like the system with the certificates as it is, i think its well balanced, it motivates you to pay for guns and spend you certs on upgrades... i do not want SOE to change anything on how they run financially.. that is probably the few things this game is about PERFECT as it is

    and as for hackers subscription would not stop them, but sure empty servers would so i guess killing the patient as a cure does work ;)
  12. ShokkWave

    You sir, are smoking crack. You can require a credit card. You may cut some people out, but eventually, hackers will run out of credit/debit cards to use.
  13. xBoneBreakerx

    the problem is that its too late... most ppl who would be willing to pay have seen all the flaws of the game and wont pay for it... i canceled my sub a few days ago and if it goes P2P ill just wait for firefall to go live or find something else... this game isent worth a sub fee... theres just too meny things broken in this game... for the last 2-3 weeks i havent been in one singel fun fight becous of either too much air/tanks or cheaters...
  14. FateJH

    LOW settings, cheap RAM, and a dual core from 2004.
  15. Swoll

    I think that costs more than $15 dollars bro.
  16. FateJH

    Why do you think I don't have $15 to spend anymore?
  17. smokemaker

    To late.
    Games made.
    But i would pay a monthly rate for an actively moderated server. As in a mod there 24/7.
  18. Aerzee

    No.... Just no....

    For the sake of having a more educated post, I shall expound on my opinion. This game has been "released" for only a little over a month, ofcourse there is going to be hackers and bugs in the game. With time Sony will improve their anti-hack measures and iron out the kinks in their software. The developers have stated their wishes and dreams for this game, one of them being the "freemium model that League of Legends" where all *useful* items can be unlock with ingame currency, aswell as real-life currency; and cosmetic items which give no bonuses, unlockable with only real-life currency. This model opens up the game to a huge player base and "coaxes" players into spending money on it, which usually proves to be a very successful advertising and revenue boosting tactic. The developers are never going to switch to pay to play, however due to their love of the "freemium" model, It seems they care about their game and it's player-base to work against hackers. However it takes time to write scripts to deal with los haxors, and they have other projects pertaining to this game to deal with. Wait a few months young one, then come back and complain...
  19. iller

    Forget long explanations, a single pic can put this one to bed
    It won't weed out a single hacker. They're already paying a monthly subscription fee to play this game....
    ...or do you just not have access to Google and that's why you aren't aware of this?

    Anyone who thinks having to spend money, in some way deters Skiddyz, should be banned from making topics about it in Forums in general. One of the cleanest lowest hacking pop games in existence is a F2P ... I'm referring of course to TF2. Why? Because the community has the tools to police their own servers the instant a cheater shows up. It has absolutely nothing to do with VAC either, VAC is garbage ... it barely bans anyone who isn't using 3-month old hacks.
  20. Howler556

    XD How can someone even suggest this? NOT ALL OF US ARE RICH