SOE, these are the changes the player base wants from you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dictatorfish, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Dictatorfish

    - Add autopilot to Libs that will hover in place so pilots can man their own guns
    - Nerf The Crown, it allows a smaller group of defenders to be able to hold off a larger group of attackers, ruining the flow of the game
    - Nerf flak, focus fire from AA MAXs is too OP

    SOE, the public has spoken: make it happen.

    Note: I have never had hope in humanity.
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  2. Sinoby

    Yes, pretty please ;)
  3. SavageB

    This is laughable sorry but GJ if trolling.
  4. CobraBoss

    - so you can solo zepher like a madmaniac on spawn doors and cash in extreme xp , no thanks.
    - Nerf the crown ? its the only base where action lasts more then 5 minutes...
    - mmm nerf flak ? 2 deci rockets max is dead , 1 c4 kills a max with flak lvl 5...

    Your the only one that has spoken
    Note : huh ?
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  5. 4set

    -No, lib. pilots should be forced to have at least 1 passenger to man their guns.. It promotes teamwork, which this game is based around.
    -No, I personally like the crown, some of the best fights.
    -No, no need to give planes any more dominance than they already have.

    So yea, what public are you talking about, that wants these changes? The part of the public that stays in planes the whole time rocket podding everything for easy cert farm?
  6. kayben

    I can't believe some people (4set, CobraBoss) don't get this. Are you new to the Internet or what?
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  7. Revorn

    A Player calls himsel Dictator and is saying, that his Words are the Words of the Puplic. Lol.
  8. Dictatorfish

  9. InZanity


    Its doable to just switch seats in the lib btw..
  10. ToggleSwitch

    ... and a degree in ambiguity is prerequisite for internet babble?
  11. BigMacDeez

    This just sounds like a CoD kiddie wanting to solo everything. Teamwork is one of the core values of this game, imagine that!!
  12. Guyshep

    If you think the Crown is OP, wait till they add Cyssor to the game.
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  13. SturmovikDrakon

  14. Yarma

    First the OP doesn't speak for me and I'm sure other members of the "public".

    Second the OP wants to nerf and or detrimentally alter some of the things the game currently has right.

    OP all I have to say is WTF?
  15. Dictatorfish

    For the purposes of clarification, those three requests are those of three posts from the Gameplay Discussion board over the last day or so. Thus my "Note: I have never had hope in humanity" statement at the end of the original post.

    Gods, how can stuff like that no longer obvious to some people on the internet nowadays?
  16. MasonSTL

    don't you EVER speak for me! I have my own damn voice and I disagree with your requests
  17. Yil

    I'm a part of the player-base and I think these are all stupid ideas. Speak for yourself.
  18. Nofreenames

    entertaining and depressing.....

    its wins out on entertaining though from how many people dont get the joke
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  19. forkyar

  20. Solafide

    What player base wants these changes?
    You do not speak for all of us, and I do not agree with some of what you propose