Infiltrator Very Long range sniping help!!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by KukKung, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. justinbelieber

    How do you change scopes mid fight?
  2. Noxx(ia)

    I've played infiltrator a bit for all 3 factions and I'm pretty certain the sway is the same for everyone.

    1) don't forget about shift
    2) it takes practice getting used to the bullet drop. all bolt actions have bullet drop, the vanu semi's don't, but their damage suffers for it at long range.
    3) use the reticule on your scope. all those notches are there for a reason. The longest headshot i've had to make so far was the second dot down.
    4) sniping at night will give you a better ability to see how much bullet drop you have. I have a hard time following the tracer in the day.

    BTW, I also recommend the M77-B over the SR-7. the M77-B is only 100 certs. SR-7 is a 1000. it does 50 more max damage, which i believe is the difference between killing a heavy with a shield who has points into nanoweave and not...but is that worth 900 certs? doubtful.
  3. llamakicker

    3) use the reticule on your scope. all those notches are there for a reason. The longest headshot i've had to make so far was the second dot down.

    I hit a guy on the fourth mildot down from 570m (measured it with the map after) with the Vanu XM98. Unfortunately it wasn't a head shot so I didn't get the kill :(
  4. Vepo

    If you want to see what long range sniping is like, then watch my vids!

  5. Vepo

    huh ... what are you smoking? You do know that Planetside 2 has a cut off distance for players rendering at around 250metres. I long range snipe like a boss and the the lowest I've gone dot wise is the 2 dot from the middle. I don't know what you are playing, but it's not Planetside 2.
  6. Somegeezer

    You can change your rendering distance in the config file. Standard config is actually adjusted constantly through the game, depending how resource intensive it becomes. The more people on the screen, the less distance you are able to see. The game does this so that it doesn't drop below a certain framerate, which I believe is meant to be 25FPS.

    As for bolt action sniper rifles. All of them have exactly equal variants in the other factions. All of them have bullet drop off. Even the Vanu bolt actions. Never use the suppressor, as this only increases the drop off. Also, for Vanu, The XM98 is a must for your first rifle upgrade. At only 100 certs, it's a massive step up from the semi auto. After that, save your pennies for the 1000 cert V10. Faster bullet speed will cause you to miss just that little bit less.
  7. Xandax

    The rendering looks to be dynamic based on how much goes on, on the screen.
    I've sat on hill tops shooting into a base with the range icon to points exceeding 300 by a good margin and still manage to see a few infantry.
    Based on the size the targets had in the x12 scope, I'd say they were about 350-400 away.

    When a lot goes on, on the screen, the rendering can really mess up your sniping however.

    As for rifles, personally I had some SC - so I bought the Longshot for NC and .50 RAMS for TR.
    They are brilliant for long range as the bullet speed is high. Much like the LA80 was prior to it's nerf.
  8. Gozuu

    How long can the TR hold breath? As an NC Infiltrator, I seem to have like two seconds where my scope won't sway, you seem to have far longer?
  9. NCf00

    My character is really unfit - she can only hold her breath for about 2 secs and then takes her about 7 secs to get enough confidence to hold her breath again!
  10. Xandax

    Playing both - I've not noticed any difference between the two.
  11. Exrage

    Actually this is a popular misconception, the .ini file will not break the 1-hex player rendering distance (from apex to adjascent line) which is 250M in-game regardless of how far you set it- as soon as the game file accesses the .ini when the game starts it rewrites it to 999999.000000 anyway which is the maximum player render distance.

    Now to address this:
    Understand I'm a former US Marine scout/sniper, the optics aren't quite up to magnification specifications so they appear much further than the in-game mechanics would make them appear (a trick most games use to confuse the eye given their limited in-game resources, the only reason I found it was actual measurements of the max player render distance vs. what my eye told me given the dimensions of a person given the magnification rating).

    In short believe your eye, it'll never deceive you, but don't trust the in-game tools. It's 12x magnification but a 1 meter measurement isn't what it is in real life.
  12. Xandax

    Well obviously the scale is not accurate based on real life measurement and the measurement I'm using is not based on real life scopes or scales.
    In terms of the game, you learn to see how large objects appear based on how far away they are in terms of the game engine.

    We have range to specific POI in the bases. Based on those ranges, you start to learn the ranges in the game and then you combine them with the size of the graphical objects. Based on those ranges, then it's rather easy to start understanding how much you need to adjust for bullet drop.
    So when a range to an object says 400 and you have an enemy standing about half way between you and the object. That would place the enemy 200 away. If that 200 has about half the size in the x12 of somebody standing 100 away, then you learn to see that another enemy of the same size is most likely about 200 away as well.
    And so on for up n' down and various objects.
    And if all else fails - waypoints.

    Doesn't have to be a former US marine scout/sniper to see patterns and combine them in a logical deduction in a computer game. In fact too much real life insight might hinder more than benefit in such instances because it makes it more difficult to think outside the box of the real life.
  13. Exrage

    The maximum render distance for an infantry target- via in-game mechanics- is 250 meters (one hexadecimal from point to adjacent line). It doesn't matter if you're staring at a target though a 1x or 12x scope, any infantry past the 250 meter point is no longer rendered, period. Unless you have a magic render-distance breaking mechanic (and please screenshot for verification) the only thing you can see past the 250 meter point are vehicles and turrets- again, period. Your targets may have appeared 300-400 meters out, but you haven't been hitting anything past the 250 meter mark in-game. Was just trying to cover your *** for you, but never mind if my thinking inside the box makes you site lines of numbers pulled from where exactly? Screenshot those max-distance kills via a personal marker, you know, for ***** and giggles.

    Note*** Forgot to add that the marker will factor in elevation to your distance, that's 250 meters along the same plane, elevation will add the apparent 100-200 meter but the bullet velocity for the bolt actions far exceeds the 500 meter marker for maximum damage unsilenced.
  14. Xandax

    The scope does not increase rendering distance. Didn't say it was so dunno why you think that. But reading your reply and the language you use - I suspect I hit a nerve and you somehow felt the need to invent arguments.

    As for the hard cap of 250 when I've seen many others claim 300 as well on this very forum.... well.....

    I'll try to get some screenshots next time I find a spot where to do this however even if I manage to get some, I'm sure you'll just be insulted anyway.
  15. CommanderCane

    Uhm... seriously? Have I really bloody missed that feature? Can somebody confirm this?
  16. Kriesha

    There is no long range sniping in this game because people do not render beyond a few hundred meters (in any decent sized battle that is).
  17. M3m3nt0M0ri

    Long range sniping = going for headshot = 1 hit kill
    If you, like me, love playing lone wolf, running epicly long distances just to get in the right spot, then get your bolt action gun out and practice will make perfect.

    I read somewhere that VS has no bullet drop since its an energy weapon and I have have gotten several 5-10 kill streaks with both Parallax rifle and XM98 rifle and a 12x scope.

    If anyone is interested in making a small sniper spec ops squad , find me on Mallory and we can hook up and see who gets most headshot kills ;-)
  18. Poink

    I found this forum while looking for records of long range headshots and 250 m is not a cutoff point. I'm not sure why it rendered but yesterday I pulled off a 600m headshot. The character model of the guy I hit wasn't moving or even look like he was holding a gun. I thought he was dead until I hit him. Anyone have any idea as to why my game decided to render him and how I can make it happen again?
  19. Poink

    I wish I had some in game footage to show of this but I swear it happened.
  20. Wayfar

    Maybe when there is not much going on it renders further? I don't know.

    I've noticed people standing still like that far in the distance, only to find that they are inside a turret which isn't rendering. Perhaps related to that.