NC needs a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dooder, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Ganelon

    And how exactly do they generate weapon stats? A NPC most likely won't do as well as a human player, not because of the weapon stats but because of the imperfect AI of the NPC.

    English isn't my native language, no. It's just silly to claim that you don't want all weapons buffed, but nearly all of them and the only complaints from NC players come from playing with the Gauss SAW.
  2. rumblepit

    GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE, i have been saying common pool all weapons from day 1 of beta...... let skill determine the winner at all times., give everyone the same weapons, different skins, different effects and boom you have perfect balance in 1 patch.

    i have been doing weapons tests and crunching numbers since beta began, tested nc, vs and tr weapons. dont you even begin to judge me. and yes i saw the numbers from the game files. do the math and post your results.
  3. Rendezvous

    And you think your skill is so good that you can use it against someone who won the Aurixican Challenge in LA and is currently #1 on the leaderboard with over 20K kills on our server? Unless you're more legendary than him, I don't see a reason to listen to you.

    Like I said, math on paper does not show how something will perform in actuality.
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  4. rumblepit

    either hes a pilot or he dosnt have the problems you have with the nc weapons.DVSDelrith right???? so which one is it??? dose he have a 4 kd using broken weapons? or is he a pilot spatting gibberish about weapons he dosnt use?

    you tell me? im done with this troll
  5. MadSwag

    Ah, so you admit that the problems with your faction lie in the players' inadequacies.. /thread

    If you want a game like that, play Call of Duty. Personally, I like the factions actually having differences and personalities. When I get tired of one playstyle, I try out another faction.
  6. dooder

    So troll, ****. I'm sick of you already, whith your whine, whine and whine and dont even knowing the facts.
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  7. rumblepit

    i really dont think faction weapons draw in tones of people, everyone wants balance.

    ^^^^^^^^^^ :mad: lololololol hes mad
  8. Rendezvous

    Did I admit it? It means the way a player plays the game won't be exactly how it is on a piece of paper.
  9. dooder

    Just raise the half to 99% and then you'r accurate.
  10. Scorponok

    here is a fix...if you cant kill as NC then you do NOT belong there...GO TR or VS...NC does well in combat but all the noobs keep being attracted to NC because they have the hardest hitting guns and when they cannot get them to work...they become drama queens on forums.
  11. Rendezvous

    He's a little bit of both actually. I can see why you say you're done, because you can't compete with a PS1 player who won the Aurixican Challenge and sees the NC weapons are underpowered.

    Weapons he doesn't use? He won so much SC that he bought practically everything. And when you say "using broken weapons" are you trying to say that NC are OP now? Would you like to post your stats of both your NC are TR characters and let's see how well you do since you seem to say that you're so much better?
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  12. therah

    You aren't in the military right now, dingus. You're posting on a video game forum that spergy nerds like to get all up in arms about because apparently America's Army went offline or they got bored of ARMA.
  13. rumblepit

    lol ps1 was a broken unskilled game, where everyone did the the same thing over and over again. boomer,corner , third person, blow up boomer adadadadadada ,(best warp wins) lay another boomer go back to corner , and repeat. im sure he is very pro at that.
  14. MadSwag

    Guys, there's this game that just came out called Call of Duty. Everyone gets to choose whatever gun they want and they unlock new ones the more they play, making it extremely balanced. It uses hit scan in its weapons so it's really easy to shoot people. Everyone plays by virtually the same playstyle and you don't even need to use much teamwork. You can also find a study buddy for your pre-algebra homework over the voice chat in game.

    I really think you guys are playing the wrong game if you're asking for these things.
  15. Rendezvous

    Apparently they don't have that in PS2 anymore and yet he's still one of the top players. Does that mean he's still unskilled?

    Look at Starcraft 1, many pros in Starcraft 1 still became pros in Starcraft 2 despite changes in the gameplay along with new units.
    As I mentioned, your stats?
  16. dooder

    Ok, you just proved that you dont belong at the interwebz at all. And especially not on this forum! PS1 was really well balanced by the way. But i doubt it that you will understand that.
  17. dooder

    Dont you mean DayZ? The most didnt even touch the real ArmA
  18. therah

    oh my god, gas this worthless thread
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  19. Pax Empyrean

    Put your epeen away. It isn't relevant, no matter how fascinating you find it to be.
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  20. therah