[NC] 666th Devil Dogs

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by EVILPIG, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Greeniegriz

    Indeed :cool:



    Some of the founders are marines. Don't hate on your brethren.
  3. Lowkey

    Come join 666th devil dogs. We have rockets on our reavers...
  4. Phantom

    Lots and lots of rockets.
  5. Greeniegriz

    Everyone (NC) has rockets!


  6. Kracken

  7. Sledgecrushr

    We need to give west02 a break and invade west01 for a couple of days.
  8. Huntsab

    So you guys are owning up the server? Pity you are are only up against random testers. Don't get too comfortable the rest of the vets arrive tomorrow. Should be good yeah :)
  9. Fleabag

    Yup, going to see some busy servers I suspect. :) Wonder if the solitary EU server will be enough though. :eek: Lots of folks from around the world pile on it when the other servers aren't up.
    • Up x 1
  10. Greeniegriz

    I hope so.


    • Up x 1
  11. Mohd Faris

    lul ,back then I was a 666th devil dogs in PS1 until I defect to TR :p

    You 666th devil dogs come at Western 1 ,come at TR and come at me br0
  12. Cinders

    we would if we could, west2 is kind of fail right now. hopefully things will even out this week.
  13. Lowkey

    No bro, you come at me.
  14. Kracken

  15. Elite

    It's funny because the Germans never actually called Marines "devildogs", Marines just claimed they did
  16. Kracken

    Devil Dog is a motivational nickname for a U.S. Marine. It is said to be based on the apocryphal use of "Teufelshunde" by German soldiers to describe Marines fighting in World War I.[1]
  17. th3veteram

    as an actual army vet I don't care.
  18. Elite

    Yea but the report of German soldiers calling us "Teufelshunde" is a lie crafted by Marines for PR reasons
  19. th3veteram

  20. Kracken

    From your point of view, did we land on the moon & is Elvis dead?