Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. anaverageguy

    That's no reason to make it work for the NC as well through a buff. The others should be given slightly more spread with full auto.
  2. AtomicGerman

    I did, and they shouldn't. But burst fire is ALWAYS acceptable. slow fire or not, all weapons on full auto behavior will need fire control. Even in the real world a 20mm bushwhacker cannon on the Bradley IFV burst fires in groups of three to five. Even the slowest weapons on full auto, respectively can miss just as much as the fastest one on automatic fire, theres no exceptions to it lest your weapon is single shot. Fire control is ALWAYS relevant. And the NC dont have such a hard handicap as everyone believes.
  3. KrowAmes

    That 20mm will kill a man in one hit, so burst fire is viable. The last time I checked, NC weapons aren't 20mm HE/AT cannons mounted on IFV's.

    Also, burst fire on Vanu weapons? Maybe if you're stupid. You're better off holding the trigger and nailing your target with every shot. You'll do more damage faster by hitting with every shot than an NC guy can shooting slow and burst fire.
  4. Alexii

    No they dont. Take a hike OP.
  5. AtomicGerman

    I was drawing a comparison on the IFV and the meaningfulness of burstfire.
  6. Nommingu

    Bad comparison... why compare a 20mm MOUNTED weapon to a hand held infantry weapon... stupid... likr comparing apples and potatos...
  7. KrowAmes

    Potatoes, Mr. President.
  8. Twign

    Um no. The OP is freaking out over this but experienced players can mitigate the recoil and get better shots. However the recoil is actually really high compared to the other factions and NC are at way disadvantage in CQC.
  9. Mansen

    But OP... The Conglomerate doesn't control any dams - in fact there isn't even any water TO dam on any of the three continents (island really) as of right now. :eek:
  10. Twign

  11. Omnom

    I hear this all the time, and it's not the game, it's you. If you're used to using power oriented high recoil weapons, then you're pro with them, the issue is, not many people are.

    People don't realize that there is no such thing as balance, there will always be imbalance because most people don't understand their own preferences. In fact, I used to think I loved faster firing rates, then I switched to the VS, and realized I prefer accuracy. Go figure.
  12. Bape

    We are deadly in close range and our weakest in close range. Go watch a TR video where a NC get a sneak on him but still miss 75% his bullets. We do need a slight buff thats the truth and u cant deny u never killed a NC who got a jump on you and wondered how you didn't die.

    proof that we do need a slight/tiny buff. If your looking for the the whole tiny buff statement it under summary last 2 sentence.
  13. Lykurgus

    I'm a new player. Didn’t play in beta but played a fair bit since then. I really like the game, it has immense potential to have a really long life IF the devs get balance right. So far, they have not.

    I’ve been following the forums a lot. Seeing all the threads about NC and how bad they are, all the counter points saying l2p etc etc. I assumed it was all just rubbish as I was getting kills and not doing too bad with my NC HA.

    Then I decided to make a TR and VS heavy just to see what people were on about. Oh my god.

    My first go out, with a brand new TR heavy… 21 kills before I died. It felt unbelievably easy after play NC. There is no recoil, you just hold the sight there and people dies in half the time it take for my NC heavy to kill them.

    My NC HA has comp, reflex sigh and foregrip. Even with 230 certs spent on upgrading the gun the stock TR LMG is faaaaaaar superior to the NC one.

    To every single person in this thread accusing NC player of whining, l2p whatever. I have one thing to say. If you honestly believe the factions are balanced (in particular the LMG) then you either haven’t played all the factions or you have something wrong with your brain. Its that simple.

    On a related note, I play NC on an EU server, when I joined it it was 33% 33% 33% population split.
    Last night it was 34% VS 36% TR and 30% NC. If the devs don’t fix this soon it will be too late as people will be reluctant to move sides AGAIN after switching away from a clearly broken faction.

    The future of the game is your hands devs. Act now before its too late.
    • Up x 1
  14. raw

  15. Lykurgus

    Well, with such eloquent responses how can anyone possibly argue? Case closed.
  16. Xae

    More Recoil Per shot, but a slower Rate of Fire gives NC weapons less Bloom and less Recoil.
    You can prove this by doing some third grade math. Don't shoot the messenger.
  17. Hodo

    I love the OPs arguement. Yet on Jaeger the NC are doing JUST FINE. I think it maybe he's using them wrong?
  18. Lykurgus

    On a single round yes,

    Ofc your astounding logic only aplies to sinlge rounds. I.E sniper rifles. Go play NC heavy then come back and try your "thrid grade math" argument.
  19. Phaze

    I just can't figure out at what range/situation are NC weapons actually better.

    If burst fire is the intended method of use... FINE - go ahead and double the bullet damage then.

    For NC- it feels like we are playing with 2 debuffs... COF and ROF... and the 1 buff ... Damage Per Shot... isn't making up for it.
  20. Xae


    Your logic applies only to single Rounds. The logic of Bloom/Recoil over time doesn't apply only to single rounds. It applies to multiple rounds, by definition.

    At the end of the first second of fire NC will have a smaller CoF and less recoil than TR or VS.