Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. lrrpo

    We dont need buffs when we got FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

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  2. Bape

    That's why I choose to stay NC I like their freedom talk lol.
  3. Littleman

    The more I play, the more I'm finding NC getting more and more competent including with a stock Gauss SAW, and not nearly enough of them are packing foregrips and compensators for those to be their excuse.

    I'm well aware the gauss weaponry is the hardest to first get a handle on, but it's ultra rewarding when one does so. I love the gauss rifle for the NC medic myself. Big kick, but as long as I know it pulls up and to the right, I can counter it very easily, making for good kill streaks. I perform better with that rifle than I do with any cycler. Further, I'm not aware that anyone removed the first round from the TTK using the charts, since it doesn't exactly have to wait before leaving the barrel like every round that will come after it.

    At this point, I'm just going to have to say learn to play. The first thing one should do is fire full auto while ADS and learn to counter the movement pattern before entering combat.
  4. Babaganoush

    I played the NC once as a female character. After testing a few weapons and hearing her voice, I forever deleted her and vowed never to hear a female NC voice again.
  5. Bape

    This is true >< I shot 5 of my own teammates couse the female voices are that annoying.
  6. Xenocide

    if we could be able to kick terrans' and vanus' arses with THE NC MUSIC, then we would probably be the conqueror of the whole auraxis

    Solution: Add guitar as a weapon.
  7. AtomicGerman

    If youre not burst firing, then your either too close to the enemy, or you just dont understand the term "fire control." Learn it.

    Fire high rof weapons, burst fire
    Low rof weapons compensate for recoil

    It isnt rocket science.

    Your example is also horrible, since the rebel isnt even a star example of the problem with NC weapons.

    The issue at current with NC weapons is that their recoil on full burst is horrific and requires a great deal of management just to compensate. Thats really the only major problem I've observed, add to the fact that rail accuracy attachments provider a very microscopic accuracy bonus. Otherwise I can outdamage my enemy easily. Also, it might help if you dont hip fire up close, whence your accuracy is about nil. The other two factions, particularly Vanu can work with hipfire since their guns suffer almost no accuracy loss at that close of a range. SO, there you learned something. Also, our weapons tend to sport the exact same ammunition supply as any LMG of the TR. The CARV and the CARV S both have 300 rounds of ammo across three drums including the loaded drum. Stop trying to rambo anything and place your shots accurately, be judicious with your aim and dont waste ammo on open air.

    And that damage bonus compared to the Vanu or TR is actually a pretty big plus, but I appreciate you resorting to defaming me as a child or moron to prove your lackluster point.

  8. Bape

    Rebel+hip firing + close range= fail think I learned my lesson
  9. AtomicGerman

    More like hipfiring as NC + close range = fail. Im detailing the point that hipfire is for when youre practically hugging.
  10. Sabot

    Actually, redneck... not rebel. ;)
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  11. Achmed20

    if anything its Blueneck :p
  12. AtomicGerman

    Heres a very simple, easy to read range chart:
    Long Range: 50-100+yards
    Medium Range: 25-50 yards
    Short: 5-20 yads
    Anything beneath short that is alright for hipfire.
  13. Wildclaw

    The only NC carbine that is 143 shoots faster than any TR carbine making it the highest dps carbine in the game.

    NC also has one 143 Assault Rifle. EM1 is best comparable to T16. While its base stats are slightly worse (slightly higher recoil), it is worth noting that EM1 has better attachments for close/medium combat suppression as it can equip both soft point bullets and advanced laster sight.
  14. Achmed20

    thats probably the GDF which is awesome CQC but totaly useless for anything else.
    basicly its a shotgun with a different firemode.

    PS: and its great for whats its supoosed to do ;)
  15. FluffyM

    Wasn't gonna post in this thread, but this right here is the problem. Holding down the button works (and incredibly well) for the other factions up to longrange combat, so NC will always be at a disadvantage except over extreme ranges.
    I don't care personally, I'm a shotgun user almost exclusively, but that is it right there. Having to burst due to insane recoil/spread means lower TTK. The higher damage doesn't matter at all.
  16. Phob8s

    Oh SU, af19 is a killing machine in close/mid range.
  17. Neoiceman

    All og my NC people screaming "buff us buff us!" wtf.
    NC is good as it is a little more skillbased but not far from V or TR.
    The damn thing that needs an buff is AA but not from one fraction i mean all AA.

    roger and out go killing enemys with my Gausssssssssssssssssss.
  18. f1stbr34k3r

    I think you need to see this:

    I'm sorry, but this happens when the good players are on.
    most NC I found were simply *******, shooting generators when you actually need to press "e"
    so as a friendly NC, all I have to say to you is... l...2...p...

    EDIT: and that screenshot was taken yesterday, I just noticed, we STILL have full control of amerish.
  19. 558U

    They should definitely give some kind of suppression effect to NC weapons, or at least buff up the weapon dmg. Right now NC assault rifles are doing only 1 hitpoint more dmg compared to TR and VS rifles.

    And for those who keep telling **** about freedom and liberty: NC will represent freedom by same way that Al-Qaida does...
  20. KrowAmes

    I can tell you haven't read my earlier post in this thread. Burst fire is not a viable option with the slowest firing weapons in the game. TR and Vanu can do more damage at a faster rate and more accurately. Why should NC be handicapped when the other factions are not?

    (Read my other post.)