Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Sturmhardt

    They should increase the bullet spread for the other empires a little bit, then everyone would be on even ground and it would be a little more skillbased.
  2. Neoiceman

    NC = Skillbased fraction
    TR = pay and spray fraction
    Vanu = no need of skill fraction

    Im an Soldier from the NC and im skilled enough to bring down all enemys :)
  3. FPSgamer

    Players with the same skill NC loose.
  4. Spectral Haze

    NC dams are insufficient to hold back their tears, plz buff SOE.
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  5. SunnyDee

    Just tired TR/VS
    the weapons feel AMAZING imo, they do not need to be inline with other fractions.

  6. SunnyDee

  7. Bavieca

    Where are we going to get a dam?
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  8. xpsyclosarinx

    I really wish you would all pull your heads out of your arses.

    Put you stupid faction bias to the side and actually play all the factions for a while, they're all fun but I'm not an idiot and can clearly tell NC need something more than damage to be better. I see so many people saying "oh your just doing it wrong, you need to just burst all the time"..... right. So the NC is forced to burst fire their automatic weapons to "make every shot count" while the other 2 factions don't need to? That makes no balanced logical sense.

    I've played TR for the most part and have been getting into NC a lot because my mates are in an NC outfit and I can say without a shred of a doubt NC is harder to play. TR is seriously easymode, if you've played COD a lot this is the faction for you, they have next to no recoil in terms of damage output vs recoil whereas the NC seem to have the same percentage of recoil and yet they fire slower and are less accurate... that just doesn't seem fair to me when most combat is going out between 20-50 meters.

    I went and made a VS char and ran around shooting till I was BR 10, it's phenomenally easy to kill someone with their insane accuracy. Though I still find it easier to kill with TR weapons.

    I do like NC but they seriously need something that makes them feel noticeably better, hell even if they just cut down the screen shaking by half it would just feel better and would feel easier to control. Right now I just barely see the advantage NC have. (slow ROF, very meh accuracy = 1 bullet missed and it's GG for you)

    Well that's my 2c, already expecting a torrent of abuse from the faction biased kiddies in here.
  9. Mishkel

    I play NC (no this is not my character name) and I don't want a buff. I don't want to be "more powerful" if there is an issue then bring other things in line with where I'm at.

    When I'm accurate I certainly feel like I drop people fast enough. The "issue" for me is the amount of people I run into that seem to get 90%+ headshots and never miss (their "misses" are bodyshots).

    Beyond that on Mattherson yesterday we had 2 of 3 conquered and had a decent sized force moving around tonight. Which is the primary problem for NC here... there are larger gaps of when we have organized chaos in comparison to TR/VS.

    I hit BR24 tonight and being that I don't normally play FPS games and never played PS1.. I feel like I'm doing just fine. Plus the moment you get a buff you are just being lined up for a nerf that will make you worse than you were before the buff. So no thanks..
  10. Badname3529.

    When the only complaints I see are NC, things seem off. Balance is all sides complaining about each other. Hopefully SOE don't overdo it when that buff/nerf comes.
  11. Naberius13

    I don't have as much an issue with the NC weapons as most, but they are definitely a step or two behind the other sets of gear. With that said, I've burned plenty of points into my Gauss SAW to make it viable. I find it a bit telling that I can name a few different weapons for the Vanu and NC, but the only two weapons I know distinctly on TR is the T9 and the Trac 5. I had to ask a friend what the hell the Sabr-13 was because I'd only seen it once 20+ hours into the game.

    And for what it's worth, our damage advantage means it takes one less bullet to kill someone than average, but we have a lower rate of fire that's further hampered by requiring burst fire at most ranges. It's definitely a skill based setup, but it seems like it's just a bit too far beyond where it should be. I'll stick with it though, no reason not to stick it out after dumping this much time in.
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  12. Achmed20

    NC weapon generaly on par.
    the HA default gun is utter crap. that thing cant shoot straight no matter how hard you try. ofc you can single shots but thats an LMG.

    the only real problem i see is CQC with NCs if you miss a single shot, the enemy allready has the upper hand.
  13. Bape

    Well i just tried vanu and TR and i have to say i feel OP as vanu. The sniper has NO bullet drop right now im 96-12. The TR has insance accuracy and hardly any recoil. If your saying NC doesn't need a little tweak then ur mistaken they do i seriously can tell the TR and Vanu has an upper hand if the NC even misses 1 bullet.
  14. Sakharov

    Just to be fair RE: the SABR, nobody uses it on TR because it's honestly not really that great. The rate of fire in 2-round burst is kinda slow, pretty poor accuracy, and it has fairly low damage per shot so you can't exactly get a lot of kills with it. If you need to do long range shooting as TR you're better off just switching to semi-automatic on a regular rifle so you can go full auto at short range. Other than that, TR players do actually use our sidegrades, it's just that all of our guns pretty much look the same with very minor differences. It's like AR-15s, they all pretty much look like an AR-15, even if it's an M16A4, M4A1, HK416, LR-300, or whatever.

    But, yes, as a TR player the NC guns do need a bit of something. Better accuracy at range and a bit higher rate of fire. Maybe a 600RPM instead of the like 550 that I think is standard?
  15. Nommingu

  16. Goomba

    ^^^^ dang that is pretty good objective evidence we got trolled super hard here guys pack it up

    NC weapons just need a damage boost, really. Buffing fire rate would just make them slightly less worse. They'd be less accurate but still do the same damage. The problem is that NC weapons do the same damage as other faction weapons but fire slower.
  17. Nommingu

    No NC weapons have higher base damage and are less accurate... the game is fine i dont see any problems with any of the factions... tbh instead of ******** and moaning find something you LIKE playing and play that... NC doesnt need whiners...
  18. Nommingu

    Game is fine l2p
  19. wolfva

    LOOK! NC does NOT need a DAM BUFFER! We have NO FLOWING WATER!!!! What use is a freaking DAM if you ain't got moving water that needs damning, huh? HUH?

    Although...fighting over a dam COULD be fun......
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  20. Nommingu

    Hey man i want a dam just so i can have me a dam buster bomb... screw C4 gogo nuclear bomb case =D
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