Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Xandax

    Don't really know but as an infiltrator on all 3 factions - I think I just fell in love with the LA sniper rifle on NC side.
    Maybe I just found easier targets that time, but whoa ..... and I'm a bad player on top if that.
  2. TheBand1t

    The only think NC needs tweaking on is our Gauss Saw.

    Everything else is fine.
  3. Babaganoush



    On Connery server, the NC are a formidable force compared to those VS pansies camping in Esamir all day everyday. I'm just convinced NC contains a bunch of whiners, probably from early beta when NC weapons were the most powerful.
  4. RobotNinja

    I've played all three factions, and perhaps while some players are playing as NC they might seem underpowered but let me tell you when you're on the receiving end of those guns they are DEFINITELY NOT sucky. If anything, it might be reasonable to give the NC a slight decrease in recoil...a VERY slight decrease on certain weapons.
  5. DreadPirate

    Hmm, apparently you didn't understand what I wrote. TR has a higher fire rate, yes. But our weakness is that we don't hit as hard. Why would you add a ton of recoil as well? NC does more damage, and therefore has more recoil. Do you not see how the devs were trying to balance this? I don't believe it's rocket science.
  6. FA18

    For the love of the conglomerate NC weapons are probably the most versatile weapons in the game as long as you have decent aim and you burst fire. In close range a full auto NC gun will kill anything on the other end if it has flesh and bones as long as you compensate for the recoil. Please don't come crying that the weapons are underpowered when you are probably using them incorrectly. NC weapons could be said to be the hardest to use, but once mastered you become a one man wrecking crew. NC preform decent at close range and great at medium to long range, something TR weapons can not do. TR weapons are probably the least versatile weapons out of the 3 factions. Vanu are not much better. This is probably why NC guns have a good amount of recoil, but it can be easily managed.
  7. Caracal

    I am thinking that many are using the term recoil, when they really should be complaining about cone of fire mechanics. While aiming, I am doing fine. But, I have yet to get a single kill shooting from the hip. It isn't hard to control a NC carbine while aiming down a sight. The issue comes when an enemy comes around the corner, and despite you getting the first shot off, you still die.

    Its gotten to the point where I try not to get into situations where I will ever have to go full auto, from the hip. I really shouldnt have to do that. But i find even LA vs LA close quarters, in full auto from the hip, the other LA will live with barely a dent in armor. It happens time and time again.

    Again, it is not the recoil. Its The values NC guns have that govern Cone of Fire mechanics.

    Just picked up a lazer sight, hope that helps my cone of fire issues.
  8. Guy Montag

    Only noobs think the NC are balanced right now. Seriously, you have to be a complete rookie in PC gaming to not recognize that NC guns are complete trash. The recoil removes ALL benefits from anything else. And those of you who will inevitably go "get better," I'm an FPS veteran and a better shot than you. Even the best players are making videos about the recoil. Go watch a few, or, better yet, do what we did and try out the other factions!

    The NC were balanced at the end of Beta. Now we are a joke. Even in game, I hear people talking about how they should fight the NC because we're so easy to steam roll.
  9. Bape

    eh whatever this gonna be never ending in this thread ill let the devs decide im just gonna sit back and end this here and let you guys get back to the game you guys are really trying your best to convince me that they dont need buffs when clearly they do. GOOD DAY.
  10. Guy Montag

    No, it cannot be "easily managed". We're talking multiple feet high spread with some of these guns. Add to the fact that our LMG's are unrealistically inaccurate (who needs high damage when the standard soldier can't hit a damn thing?) compared to weapons like the Orion and CARV which are, frankly, broken they are so powerful.

    I don't know where you get "versatile" from. I use the Warden exclusively now, it's our only decent weapon outside of the GD-7F engineer/LA carbine.
  11. Gary

    The probabilty of this is pretty high actually.

    Tthe NC have the biggest player base by a large margin according to the survey. They already have a large portion of players they are inevitably going to have more whiners. I also think alot of people were expecting them to be identical to how they were in the beta and assumed it was balanced.

    We will also see with the first round of balance changes what % of players move to the new "OP" faction.
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  12. FPSgamer

    Please show me a NC Lmg that can do this: effective at all ranges
    No beta videos!
  13. ChickenSpy

    I don't get it... I just rolled an NC and the CQC feels pretty damn balanced.
    -First thing I noticed, it takes less shots to kill someone.

    -SMGs are very effective at medium to long range. I found myself fighting a Vanu Sniper a few minutes ago and single shots fired with barely any bullet drop. This is especially apparent as I had only iron sights as it was a new character. If it were with the TR T5, the iron sights would be blocking the target at that range.

    -I don't know how different the recoil is, but I exclusively play close range unless I'm infiltrator. The recoil means nothing at close range. It literally means nothing. If you can aim your reticule in the enemy's general direction, you might not even need to counter the recoil. I naturally did and the accuracy of the rifle was impecable.

    -Despite what people say about the recoil, what most forget to take into account is the bullet spread. The TR SMGs may have lower recoil, but the spread is way wider. This is why we tend to spray and pray. At certain ranges, a large number of bullets will miss. With the NC, its a different story completely. The fire rate feels lower and as I said at close enough range recoil doesn't do ****, but the spread is way way smaller than TR. Where I would aim for the body with the TR, I could aim for the head with NC. Honestly, I feel like this is more favorable to my playstyle and I may have to keep this new NC char for good.

    -This may be another case of "grass is greener on the other side". NC feels better now for me because it is a new playstyle for me to adapt to.

    If you want to make any real arguments on balance here, you will have to play each faction extensively and only their most updated and patched versions.
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  14. ({x})Kyoji

    NC are close range combatants. If you are close range against any other faction 1v1 you will probably have the edge. If you are shooting at range then burst your weapon. Your damage per bullet is better although the real difference between all the factions is still quite minimal by sheer game design. TTK can be lower but this is irrelevant because the time difference if nominal and wouldn't be realistically achieved by human reaction time to make a difference.
  15. Metallideth

    I don't currently have an NC char b/c I haven't created another account yet. I only want to play on the same server. But before Beta ended I had TR, NC, and VS characters and things were pretty well balanced. Not perfect but pretty balanced. If anything you guys might have a harder time at range, but that's more a CoF issue. Recoil can be compensated, CoF can't, but burst fire helps.

    BTW it depends on each players play style. I noticed that I play much better as a TR character than VS. Might want to try another empire to see if their weapons fit your play style better.
  16. Envenom

    No they don't.


    The TR
  17. sierra035

    i just tried the NC.
    the weapons feel AMAZING imo, they do not need a buff. except for the gauss saw, that thing is inaccurate as hell
  18. Hashi

    I'll say this as nice as I can. You're ****. I've used the NC weapons, still use the NC weapons and you want to know my opinion? They're damn good. The only gun that I feel even needs a buff is the Gauss SAW. other than that it would be too easy mode for us. I've played exclusively NC since the beta and all I can say is it took a bit to get used to, but it's **** easy playing the NC. I made an account and constantly keep high stats while PTFOing. I even play engi just to keep the ammo flowing into the bodies of the VS/TR. All I can say is learn to control your recoil better. The MOST I think they need to do is tweak the CoF a bit but other than that it would make us too OP. so yeah, get better and stop whining.
  19. Nehlis

    quickly turning into flame thread. evacuating area. NONE OF YOU MAY HAVE MY COOKIES!
  20. KrowAmes

    NC does need a buff. Slow fire rate and increased recoil is an unfair trade off for increased damage. It completely negates our damage when we have to burst fire with the slowest firing weapons in the game. Vanu lays on the trigger and hits with the majority of their shots. They can put more damage into a target than any other faction in the game.

    Burst fire with the slowest firing weapons in the game is not a viable option.

    And let me edit this: I **** face with NC weapons. But only because I stay mobile and surprise my targets. In a toe to toe fight, which is what you have with any class but light assault (I play light assault), NC is going to lose. Because of the recoil, I do most of my killing within five feet. Burst fire just isn't a viable option with the slowest firing weapons in the game.