Gameplay suggestion: Kill cam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Analord, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. RobotNinja

    @Tooks: Then they could just add the kill range on the death screen.

    Otherwise, there's no reason to have a kill-cam in the game, just to coddle the players that can't deal with Infiltrators, who are the weakest and statistically least used class in the game despite everyone claiming that there's 10 cloaked Infiltrators every 10 square feet and the fact that HAs are in fact the most common and used class.
  2. Good_Kitty

    Bad idea. A cam that gives away my position while sniping would be bad.
  3. heneo

    I dont see a prob with a kill cam, given theres a 'kill screen' that pops up anyway,

    Gotta ask though, how many in this thread are snipers, you know the ones that are saying hell no!
  4. darkChozo

    I play a lot of LA and kill cam would be all kinds of annoying. If I get the drop on someone and instantly kill them, they shouldn't be able to tell whether it was a guy behind them or a sniper or an LA on a ledge somewhere. It doesn't even come down to camping, it comes down to the fact that knowing that an LA is in an area completely changes how a lot of players approach things, and they should have to put in some effort to get that info.
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  5. brighthand

    In this game, where information on enemy positions is constantly disseminated throughout your squad/platoon via comms, one player getting your position means all players in the surrounding area get your position, which would destroy covert Ops in this game.
  6. HadesR

    Kill cam's ... for those with the situational awareness of a rock
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  7. heneo

    There's far too much random in this game for that and like i said there's already a 'kill screen' why not have it zoom into the person that killed you whilst showing the info on your hud, seriously the only class that can complain about this is snipers.

    I kinda rememberreading about this game too b4 staring to play and it said something along the lines of needing to shoot and move....snipers would do this in a heartbeat unless you like a nice safe camp spot to shoot people unawares of course.
  8. IceJudge

    I vote no on killcam.
  9. brighthand

    I play engi and LA, I don't even touch infil, and yet I am hardcore rejecting kill cam; it will undermine tactical play in all of its facets.
  10. gunshooter

    Uh probably because this is a large scale combat game where killing 1 person probably shouldn't immediately show them your exact location?

    This is like asking why spectators can't talk to their team while dead in counter strike.
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  11. notyourbuddy

    Not me. Never touch the class. Don't need a kill cam. It works in TF2 because the maps are tiny and the game is more about showing off your hat than it is about gameplay. If the player has any shred of skill he won't keep dying to enemies he never sees then run to the forum requesting a kill cam. It tells who and want killed you its not too hard to figure it out. LA's like to hide on roofs, snipers are far away, airplanes go zoom zoom in the sky.

    Gotta wonder though. How many in this thread calling for a kill cam are doing so because they got shot by a sniper and want to know exactly where he is so they can go to stab him in the back or switch to Infil and counter snipe for an easy kill?
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  12. brighthand

    cuz that's where the kill cams are...bOeeeyyyyy :D
  13. Analord

    I don't think that it would be worse with kill cam just different. Maybe it wouldn't be better with kill cam either. I don't know. It was a suggestion. I really don't care either way, this game is fun as heck. I don't even mind dying most of the time, I just think this sort of thing would be useful sometimes.

    I agree it would be cheap as hell, and used by less smart players frequently.

    Here's the thing though. Somebody knowing your position really should not matter. You being in a camping spot should already give you superior positioning in the first place. Being technically superior in the game should not be affected by someone knowing where you are and in most games it is not. And I personally don't camp that much. I change positions constantly.
    You sound like a very creative thinker.

    Side note: I hope you guys realize why COD is bad. You guys are barking "COD" like it means anything. It must be a meme at this point if you guys are saying it.

    The reason COD sucks has nothing to do with kill cams. It has to do with the arena style mechanics that completely undermine a players individual skills e.g. dogs, and airstrikes. This is in contrast to counterstrike.

    If you guys want to be counter strike players so bad go play counter strike.

    Now see, that's funny.
  14. Sikab


    Kill Cams would give out your enemy location. which is BAD in a strategic FPS.
  15. Phyr

    The only benefit would be spotting hackers better. I dislike KC in every FPS I've played, and only play on none KC servers when I have the option.
  16. Atillius

    Your empirical data is truly remarkable......can you please elaborate on how you surmised your vaunted and pedantic conclusions? aide you back to reality; COD came out after Planetside 1....which was May 2003, COD came out Nov-Dec 2003....and COD used a Quake III engine and did not have an unlock/cert system which PS did. COD also doesn't have MP vehicles, air, or epic scale maps.......sooooooooo....yeah......
  17. heneo

    theres is nothing wrong with tactical play, i enjoy it. But i thought this game was more based around hit + move, hit + move than camping single spots.

    Something that always struck me about game that were more fun were the ones that added some kind of realism, a sniper rifle for instance makes such a noise that you can hear it across a battlefield almost, I'm not saying the whole enemy faction needs to see the location but a kill cam would give an extra edge as you would know roughly where you were shot from.

    As this game is atm theres no guarentee that you will get a spawn close anyway to take revenge, but it does add some extra 'i need to pick my targets' to snipers who sit all day on camp spots.
  18. Copasetic

    The devs put it to a vote at the beginning of beta and the community decided overwhelmingly for the kill cams we have now.
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  19. Orbital_Butt

    Cram it in your slime hole twitch kids, you should not get to know exactly from where that Infiltrator, who's very job is to be hard to keep track of, just ventilated your stupid face
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  20. FieserMoep

    I am not a Sniper, I am a LA that regularly fights in enemy territory. To avoid hostiles and get the upper hand because of positioning is goal #1. A Killcam would destroy that.