[Vehicle] Skyguard even more nerfed aganst ESF

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Chimaera


    Even before the patch I think the Skyguard needed work. Ideally it would be very lethal to aircraft at short range, with effectiveness at longer ranges being more skill based. This would allow the skyguard to have actuall killing potential in the hands of a skilled user, while providing deterrance at different ranges based on the threat rather than simply damage over time.

    I would:

    1. Get rid of the large cone of fire (and probably the recoil), allowing precise aim. Would also allow the SG to have a secondary anti infantry role.

    2. Keep the low velocity. This makes leading the target difficult at long range (gunnery skill) and allows pilots who constantly manoeuvre to make themselves difficult targets, but hovering targets would be vulnerable at nearly any range (pilot skill).

    3. To keep it easy to balance in terms of AA vs AV and AI capability, it might be best to keep it as a flak weapon. Give it a very short proximity radius, but much higher AOE damage. It could also be made into a direct hit weapon, but this might require a unique damage type.

    This should even out the time to kill a bit, with larger, less agile targets (with higher hit points) being easier to hit than smaller, agile targets.

    ESFs in particular would need to actively avoid Skyguard fire at short to medium range, or risk being obliterated.
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  2. Halkesh

    Allow skyguard to have a 50% top armor. (other lighting variant won't have this 50% top armor)
    Have access to 2 firemode (no flak burst and flak burst)
    No flak burst : deal way more damage and improve CoF but low effective range. Good option against infantry and vehicles but at close range only. (due to CoF and damage drop-off)
    flak burst : current version

    Change direct damage type (because ESF have 75% damage resistance against HMG).
    Possible change could be to change skyguard direct damage to tank shell damage type, and reduce it's direct damage to 20 [~same DPS as a python HE], then add a ~125@0,5m - 25@3m normal splash damage.
  3. LtBomber1

    I was in "luck" to be a skyguard vs a Hornet ESF:
    I was moving around and gunning at two ESFs having a dogfight, ofc barly any hits... Then said ESF sneaked up, and i got a rear shot hornet. 60% Hp left. Firesup on, turn, and directly opening fire. The ESF stayed in ascend/descend hover and next volly hit me. Ofc, he uses his nosegun in between. I keep fireing. He uses Firesup. I esacape his next volly and he runs away, not even burning.

    After repairing i charged a lightning from the back and keept fireing... but even it was going in the *** i used a whole magazine...

    So skyguard is not good vs ground and not good vs air... Maybe change it to a viper trading direct damage for flak damage and a larger magazine. In this case it will need long exposure time vs ground targets, but can burst damage against air. Since flak it not triggering on ground, damage would be ok vs infantry/adjustable via splash.
  4. DeadlyOmen

    The Gauss Saw and the Skyguard both do 200 pts of damage.

    Logic has no place here.
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  5. Yessme

    are we back to the thread, 1 Man. 1000 Certs, 350 Nanites, wanna kill hole Aircraft=?

    do you guys vorgett, it`s a Team game?

    if you are not a lone wulf, than with 2 People + ranger, locks, walker, ohh or Skyguards in a Squad are OP and can clear the sky.

    Oh no vorgett, you talke here ( why i can`t clear the Sky, with my Skyguard :(, why do People have better gun and more hp like lib than me and my skyguard)

    You know what guys, it`s still s Team game, aaaand yes if some 1v1 Situation, the 1st who shoot and hit, should winn, with any Vihecle vs, any Vihecle.....

    If you can`t kill an ESF with skyguard, than try TEAMGAMEPLAY, it will help
  6. Mr. Thoughtful

    Many vets quit since the latest "greatest" patch. I bet it was the tank nerfs that gave that final push.
  7. Nody

    Funny how that always gets thrown around when the ESF costs the same and has no problems taking out any air AND any ground compared to a fully dedicated AA only land only vehicle... Or how do you explain an ESF can easily solo a Galaxy? Team game? Ooops... Next time think through your argument before posting it because honestly it's so full of fail and misinformation it's not even funny as an attempted troll post. I'm not even going to bother to go in on the joke of rocket launchers nerfed range and how you can have a platoon with lock on launchers standing around while the ESFs kill them outside lockin range laughing at them. Teamwork vs. solo ESF, yay teamwork!
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  8. Campagne

    In my opinion the Skyguard should be reworked into a giant Walker with a decently sharp damage drop-off.

    Skill dependant, somewhat lethal, and not completely useless at longer ranges. Less annoying than flak for both sides.
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  9. Lamat

    Galaxies are ultimately a transport vehicle, they should be escorted.

    An ESF can't attack the infantry out of lock-on range because they don't render, you can't hit what doesn't render to you.
  10. Nody

    You better tell that to all the ESFs attacking a 48 vs 48 square with 10+ people with launchers trying to kill them and most reverting to normal guns to deal any damage to them. Rendering distance is just fine; heck if you're able to learn how to turn you can even go in an do a full rocket unload and get out without being hit due to the short lock on distance and fly time of the "updated" rocket launchers.
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  11. Jingstealer

    AA needs some serious love. Skyguard needs projectile speed buff and flak radius upgraded. Ranger gun likewise. Used to be able to down a cocky ESF with a range short range in one clip, now can't do it in 2 (even if the ESF is dumb enough to stick around). Let's not even talk about what the patch did to the TR AA Max. Likewise the Walker is pretty useless now. All AA needs a solid buff.