Hacker is back and ruining battles on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorinFoehammer, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. BoomerMk2

    Starting at 7 seconds. I get the kill at 8 seconds, and another at 10 seconds, and I'm the worst sniper in Planetside. And it wasn't even like it was rushed; I had time to run back behind cover and rechamber. I could see doing it for an extended period if people just keep running at you. It doesn't take that long to aim, especially if they're running in a straight line towards your position. Not that far fetched.
  2. Harry Beavers

    No just you and anyone else defending cheaters.
  3. Kravick3

    No, you're wrong. I'm the worst sniper in Planetside 2. :p
  4. Jake the Dog

  5. Jake the Dog

    Thats not using your time right. because that means you still have the chambering time to line up your shot. This really isnt as difficult as you think lol. You see quick scoping in games like Call of Duty all the time and thats on friggin xbox and you're seriously doubting people can pull off better feats with a mouse? Bruh... BRUUUHHHHHH...

    All further interactions with you will now be summarized as git gud. NUMEROUS people have told you that whats happened is possible. Whether or not he's a hacker will be dependent on people getting video which you flat out refuse and trust dbg to just trust you... As far as Im concerned I wouldn't trust you to watch over a pile of gravel for fear of you freaking out.
  6. Jake the Dog

    He's not even taking into account that you can use the time that you're pulling back the bolt to line up your shot...
  7. ObiVanuKenobi

    3 kills in 6 sec 0:15-0:21

    Same thing 0:26-0:32

    Looks like we got 2 more cheaters doing the impossible (as you say). You can find and preaim the next target during full 1.9 sec, you just need to ads and shoot during last 0.9 and ping doesn't change anything here.

    Ping would delay all 3 kills forward, it doesn't stretch time and add seconds inbetween or i would play with 100000000000000000000000000000 ping to bend reality and live forever.
  8. entity009

    My god! that second video with BoonNC shooting the SAS-R is ******* ridiculous. The pinpoint precision and reaction times are insane. The crosshair goes directly to the head every time and the shot is precise to the nanosecond. Its the kind of **** people would say is a nice shot, just back to back 100 times.
  9. Niamar

    This thread is full of people calling out cheaters, cheaters defending cheaters, and videos that cheaters posted, of cheaters, to defend other cheaters. Everyone buy a camo or a cool gun.
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  10. DasAnfall

    LOL says the known lagswitcher from the, Connery hacking outfit,. I bet you couldn't do half as good if you actually had to, play against players on a private server where your cheats and lagswitcher wouldn't work
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  11. Ziggurat8

    That 2nd video sure as **** looks like every aim bot I've ever seen. The way his aim bounces perfectly to the enemies head every single time. Check out when he's looking at the V term, his cursor literally "bounces" to the enemies head. He's either AAA league video gamer that should only being playing with a corporate sponsorship or he's hacking. Which is more likely?

    Here's a question for you, we saw big head sniper, his aim was excellent. His cursor was steady on enemies. How come these 2 guys jerk the mouse after every single shot. It's bizarre how almost cyclic the shot is. Cursor slides to the enemy head, shot fires and then instantaneously the cursor jerks, almost as if they're firing and jerking the mouse in the same motion, or, just hypothetical, the aim bot is returning their view to where it was before the shot.

    Who knows. Maybe everyone in the world can bowl 300 games every time as long as they git gud. Or maybe we're only seeing the top 0.001% of all video gamers in planetside2.
  12. DasAnfall

    Sykka is one of the best CQC bolters in the game. Saying he's in the Xth percentile might be more accurate than you think, because of the low skill level of the majority of the player base.

    As for the corporate sponsorship comment, do you really think any company would want to put money into this dead game with no competitive scene (save player-organised events on jaeger)?
  13. ObiVanuKenobi

    He has hours of video footage of him playing infantry over the last year. I doubt a cheater would spend so much time creating and uploading all those videos.

    Experience, good reflexes and twitch aiming or cheats? Believe what you want.
    I've seen waaay more crazy stuff in CS:GO especially in pro games.
    Never seen any aimbot working like that and such a feature wouldn't make sense, especially when making videos.
  14. bLind db

    This thread is a prime example of Dunning-Kruger in action. So many people that will stop at literally nothing (including logic or fact) to try and make excuses for their own inability to play this game even at a subpar level.

    Yes, there are hackers in this game. No, literally NONE of the people mentioned in this thread hack. Those that are making the accusations are just incredibly bad (to the point where I'm actually surprised they even found their ******* keyboards to type out their hackusations) and have no business playing an FPS.
  15. ResearchPrevails

    High level players don't use cheats the same way high level athletes don't use performance enhancing drugs.

    Gimme a break guys, really. People used to say the same thing about a certain "elite" high level outfit and after a few years now, how many "cheater scandals" have they had, and their membership banned?

    Legitimate players don't know how hacks really work so all the people that use these hacks capitalize on that to keep people ignorant. Hacks have become sophisticated. I encountered a player once when I was in a Phalanx turret. He was on a hill, stationary, not looking in my direction. But sure enough EVERY time I aimed at him he'd move, but was otherwise stationary, sniping. Aimbots aren't instagibbing killing machines, cuz that gets caught easy and the developers don't want their userbase getting banned all the time. 10% is all you need. 10% less recoil (program compensates for you), or 10% more accuracy (program automatically aims for you when you're within x degrees of target). Cheats won't make a crap player any better but cheats will take a average to good player and make them "high level" so these egodriven players can enjoy their virtual fame.

    This game has a problem with cheaters. Why else would they have had to implement the Battleeye placebo? lol

    Oh and for the FANBOIS: You can't say someone doesn't hack. You have literally no way of knowing that.
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  16. ResearchPrevails

    I called that certain person out and posted my evidence and everyone gave me the same excuses and said I was just bad at the game. Funny how things played out before them "quitting" right?! lol
  17. ResearchPrevails

    I like the videos that are being posted. "Look, people sometimes get lucky shots in PS2, therefore, XONIQ is not hacking by getting "lucky shots" all the time." lol
  18. BoomerMk2

    Probably because you are bad at the game.
  19. ArenBlade

    Yea this is really a stupid policy. "Lets protect the cheaters that are ruining the game".
    This is where political correctness fails us.
    If they are cheating and taking advantage of other players, then we should be allowed to call them out on it, especially when there is game-play footage to prove it.
  20. ObiVanuKenobi

    Uhh no that guy said 3 kills in 6 sec is impossible with SAS-R and those vids show exactly that.
    It has nothing to do with proving he's not cheating but proving that Harry something claims are wrong.
    You're allowed to say what you want. And no there isn't any game-play footage about that "running through room spinning and killing everyone", only some montages proving Harry wrong.