Remove foreign players from US servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Sep 15, 2016.


    This was suppose to be a funny post but you made it serious. So on a serious note I'm very anti illegal immigration and anti trump. I'm anti illegal immigration for financial reasons. I'm anti Trump because he uses rhetoric to rile up a racially charged issue to solidify a conservative base around him, pitting Americans against each other on purpose. He manipulates I'll informed voters with simple speech and simple ideas. Again. I'm anti illegal immigration, more so than probably anyone here and would go to great lengths to stop it including huge fines for employers caught employing illegals. Just don't pretend like Trumps arguments are rational. They're not, they're emotional hate mongering. Linguistically he does this ppurposefully to manipulate, like any other politician.

    My immigration policy would be somewhat like Australia's. You don't get into the country without a much in demand college degree or a lot of wealth.

    The way he talks about killing Muslim women and children, taking all their oil for himself, that all Mexico brings in is their drugs and criminals (later he explained further). But all of that speech was to inspire racist bigots to join his cause, to preach to one group to hate another. If he doesn't imply racism, I don't know who does. His only defense is other people putting more eloquent words in his mouth, instead of being judged solely by his own idiotic statements himself.
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  2. Akuzimo

    You can't be racist against a culture. A culture is not a race. You can be hella prejudice against one, but not racist. You can't be racist against a nationality either. By your logic, you hating the Dutch makes you racist against the Dutch.
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  3. Rebelgb

    You must have him confused with Democrats for the last 30 years. That's all they do is division politics. Race, gender, sexual preference, immigration.

    Donald Trump isn't just pandering to a specific base of people. THE MAJORITY of Americans are fed up with the immigration system. Its not either party. Both Democrats AND Republicans have been telling us for 30 years that they were going to build a fence, get stronger border security, deport criminal aliens. None of them have done it. Democrats because they want the free votes and Republicans because too many big and small businesses love the cheap illegal labor.

    So yeah there is anger about illegals, and yeah Trump gave voice to that. So what? Democrats had the BLM talk at their convention, plenty of anger and fear mongering going on there. Maybe for once people believe he will make an actual change since he shows passion about the subject.

    PS..Trump never said he wanted to kill women and children. Watch MSNBC much?

    Dude, it's a freaking joke. The first guy is a comedian and the second one is a quote from an Austin Powers movie with Michael Kane.

    Wrong. He repeated like 4 times that you have to take out terrorists families (I don't think many would argue that women and children are not families). Also wrong again I hate MSNBC and Fox and can barely stand CNN. The only person I like is Ron Paul but even him I don't follow blindly and I'm actually anti libertarian (I'm pretty much anti everything btw).

    Trump actually said this on FOX. Skip to 1:40 and grab some popcorn for the ridiculousness:

    Both parties are racist, in fact all people are racist to a degree, and hold negative connotations about a particular race, hell even dogs are racist, it's a part of life, and funny we try to pretend it doesn't exist either within ourselves or society as a whole. Instead of asking who's racist (silly question as I already explained why) we should be asking is this opinion/sentiment/rational/foundational argument very good for the country? And the answer with Trump on Immigration is very clearly no. It creates more division, violence, terrorism (some of this is in regard to the way he talks about Islam), etc...

    Again this is coming from a person who is very anti illegal immigration so don't think I'm some kind of liberal buffoon swimming with endangered species and hugging trees.
  6. Pelojian

    we are on the "internet" people not the 'nationalnet'. yes i get peopel get pissed at people with high ing but building walls will not solve your issue there will still be lag wizards regardless of what you do and you'll only alienate players and reduce the number of people playing (and forking out money to DBG).

    if you want to play a game without laggy players setup a LAN party, don't ask a company to cripple their profits for a pet peeve that will just give them bad rep.

    if you hate laggy players so much when they appear, log off.
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  7. CNR4806

    How much do you like Briggs? Because if you geo-ban all non-US players, Briggs is what you'll get.

    Briggs has essentially walled itself off with the traditional, comically bad Australia-to-anywhere-else latency. And it's dead.
  8. Alexkruchev

    Agreed. Half my friends are EU/Aussie. Their lag generally seems to hurt them more than anything.
  9. Nintyuk

    I think this thread can be closed now, we've diverged in to American politics and the point has already been made that this is a bad idea.
  10. Luftwaffe

    *tips fedora*

    A bag of Doritos could be heard crinkling as he shifted about in his creaking computer chair..
  11. oTec

    Sneaky hypocrite detected!

    Does this include belgium? D:
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  12. FateJH

    Unless he's also a Dutchman.
  13. stalkish

    Well me, like the other 95.6% of the world have no idea what it means.
  14. stalkish

    Lol, dont worry, it was obvious to most people who read it.

    Excellent quote btw, its perfect for this thread.
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  15. user101

    USA players should get more XP for killing EU and over seas players. Just for a value added XP tax of PS2.

    All EU players should get an automatic bounty on them for playing on USA servers.
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  16. stalkish

    Excellent humour!:D
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  17. Nurath

    No, as a Planetbrit I like it here. I think I'll stay.

    I think they should merge the European servers. But then Britain should have to go make their own private server since they broke off from the EU.
  19. Sil4ntChaozz

    That escalated quickly.
  20. Conorld

    if you want us out, create servers here in latin américa, we don't like lag as well...