Remove foreign players from US servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Diggsano

    Everything over a Ping of 150ms should get kicked and the whole story would be solved....i hate it when lagwizards abuse the Ping System and it fvcks up everyone :/
  2. strikebrch

    I'm from south america , Peru.

    Never had problems killing european players on Miller my first year as a terran , never have problems killing american players as an NC on your servers.

    3 straight years playing NC on a 180 ping conection and i'm still able to , as an eve player said once , tickle your nose hairs with my shoes or in this case a BRUISER.

    Because you know , a Bruiser:

    - Doesn't care about your political points.
    - Doesn't care if your mommy or daddy lost their jobs to a foreinger.
    - Doesn't care about your ping.
    - Doesn't care if you're american , mexican , brazilian , kriptonian.

    P.D: Trump or Clinton my dear north americans're about to get in a world full of ****.