Remove foreign players from US servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. DQCraze

    Obviously you didn't read the post or your comprehension skills are to low for common labor.
  2. DQCraze

    Of course how stupid of me, asking for lag free game play is racist. OK DB...

    There will always be lag. Are you going to ask for unicorns and pixie dust too?
  4. DeathbyGotcha

    Well the lag is one problem the scripting is another you pump a clip into their face you can't kill them they have auto med kit or lag switching so they can brag about their fake KD. As soon as 7-8 PM its aim bot feast and this BS about lag I have a 30 ping but they can hit me before I fire with a 400+ ping hmm. They lost their server because it was no fun playing everyone was hacking. Who would pay for that and of course they bring it here.
    • Up x 1
  5. DQCraze

    Yes there will always be lag, however the lag you and I speak of is not the same lag commonly found in games. I'm talking about people playing with an 800+ ping playing from South America and Australia. There is no reason to subject everyone to this crap.
  6. Newlife1025

    Can't believe trump plays this game
  7. DeathbyGotcha

    We all know he plays heavy on TR :p
    • Up x 1
  8. Exitus Acta Probat


    Remove US servers from foreign soil?
  9. Nie_Tutaj

    Are you antioxidant? Will I accidentally kill your family members by eating these grapes?
  10. DQCraze

    Lmao, this is rich. Dont you think there is a reason why people are voting for him. Did you ever think that people are sick and tired about hearing about all the woes of our minorities. How bout all the woes of people that went to college, slaved at low income jobs for years before they finally made something of themselves only to have their triumphs overshadowed by some group that is now demanding that 15 dollars be the minimum wage. Do what the rest of the shrinking middle class did and suck it up, get 2 jobs while going to school and raising a family while your wife is working and going to school as well. People are to dam lazy these days to do that or they band together in these feel sorry for myself groups. The moral decay of the this country is at an all time high with the lowest work ethics ever. I dont feel sorry for anyone on the bottom because here in America if you want something bad enough you can still get it. I see it every single day, people pulling themselves out of garbage without complaining one bit or drawing any attention to themselves. This has nothing to do with Trump, it has everything to do with society sucking in general with a bunch of whiney entitled cry babies. Get over yourselves pick up a shovel and dig yourself out of whatever bad situation youre in, that would be a good start.
  11. CNR4806

    Oh sweet irony.
  12. DQCraze

  13. CapperDeluxe

  14. LaughingDead

    Before this further goes into a mock political debate;
    I think all players should be able to play all servers, while it seems ****** (ping reasons), if a player simply finds that his server is under populated or wants to play with new faces, why should that be barred?
  15. Gobble

    Yes I did read your drivel and your last load of drivel. But your title in this climate what responses did you expect?

    Your knowledge of the situation unfolding around us all is lacking or your bubble you surround yourself in is so thick you can't see out of it.
  16. YoungPedro

    I see where you are coming from OP, playing against lagwizards is never fun but i wanted to at least give you an inside view of one of those darn foreigners on your server.

    I play from Europe with a 110 ms ping on Emerald (no idea where you would have to live to get a 800ms ping oO), for me that's quite alright, i haven't noticed much difference between Miller and Emerald but tbh i don't care much for the mlg side of the game and that ping difference might already be an unfair advantage/disadvantage for the serious players so i apologize for any inconvenience i might cause.

    Now for the reasons why i play on your soil. The obvious reason a few people already mentioned is timezones...if i want to play at 3 in the night or something and want to do something other than ghostcapping indar i have to pick an US server to actually find people to play with. The other reason would be the quality of gameplay itself, have you ever visited a EU server? the communication there is abysmal, if you join some random platoon you are lucky to have a PL that actually does something else than setting a few markers, it just sucks.

    So yeah i know you probably don't care for my woes but i just wanted to point out a few reasons why we hang out on your server, it's not just to ruin your day and it would indeed be a shame if we had to restrict ourselves to some local server just for ping reasons. (Not to mention that non EU foreigners don't even have a server left to play on, except for briggs)
  17. stalkish

    EU =/= Europe.
    ;) Just sayin :D

    (yes i realise you were joking)
  18. DQCraze

    110 isnt hardly what im talking about its the people playing with a 400ms ping.
  19. Ximinett

    Catalonia too???
  20. DQCraze

    Wait so punish a thousand players so 200 can play, i dont think so... This goes for rl as well, lets stick it to 80% of the pop so 10% can benefit, again its not for the greater good. If you dont have anything to offer then reeducate yourself so you have something to offer. Sports is the perfect example of working hard to get a great paycheck. The same work ethics apply in the regular workforce, dont tell me its not possible.