[Suggestion] We need something more than a flashlight to counter cloakers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FriendlyPS4, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. LaughingDead

    Need to find infil? Play infil with spotter.
  2. Devilllike

    For a new guy that has no expirience at all in the game yes i agree against an infi it will be hard but for a guy who spent time learning and not posting crap on the forum all the time its beyond easy to kill an infiltrator because 90% of them are campers and the 5% are kind of skilled smg and the rest are cqb like me

    They have 5 bullets for bolt action and some more for assault rifles other than that the dark light is a perfect way to find them and once you hear them they cant escape unless you are mentally ******** and other than that if they attempt to run you can see them anyway without any tools,other than that you got the friendly infis revealing their movement

    and apart from that you want to tell me that you guys are so damn useless that you cant kill an infi with a freaking bolt action? and espcially with HEAVY?1!! because honestly if you cant counter a reduced hp,reduced damage class with only ability invisibility which is countered SOOOO easily even with the hate counter of the dark flash light then you guys suck and you should learn to play
  3. Devilllike

    you are a noob and you need to learn to play,you guys have a hate gadget and emps and you still are useless in finding infis you do not DESERVE anything else if you cant keep up then quit the game and go back to call of duty

    And if you play heavy and you lose by an infi then honestly you should be ashamed
  4. Devilllike

    yes because most people that ask it are really bad players and children that cry to the forums and as an infi i have no intention to see my fav class been destroyed because some people have no idea how to play the game
  5. Exitus Acta Probat

    Give infiltrators con and flash grenades, carbines and C-4:D
  6. OldMaster80

    If your annoyed by SMG Infiltrators just put the Flashlight on a shotgun and wait for them. If it's a Hunter Infiltrator make sure you dropped recon darts or recon devices: they will be spotted immediately because they cannot crouch and walk due to the short cloaking duration. Once you know they are coming you start firing first and their chances to kill are almost zero.

    Still SMGs Infiltrators remain annoying but almost useless in a battle. They're not tanky, and can only attack close quarter and they usually only have bullets for one target. Good for killing lone wolves, but not really to change the tide of a battle.
    Snipers are even easier to take down: play Stalker Infiltrator yourself you're gonna farm them all.
  7. Taemien

    Probably right with this. I figured everyone has a larger screen than I do. Its like literally the only thing I haven't upgraded in like 6 years.

    Got me thinking though.. I wonder how it is for the few that run this at 4k.
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  8. Demigan

    Ahw, personal attacks. You know, if you learned how to use the Infiltrator you would know what kind of a powerhouse it can be. I agree that most infiltrators are pretty damn easy to get rid off. Regardless, your personal attack or arguments don't change anything to what I said: The Darklight isn't OP and it isn't unbalanced because it purely ***** up infiltrators because the other options are there to kill other classes faster.

    Yes, let's degrade an entire class and basically say "they are useless and can't do anything". The infiltrator is a good class, it isn't perfect, but you aren't a sitting duck... unless you make yourself one.

    eh, I'm not saying that, why are you throwing a tantrum against me? Did you mean to quote someone else because you haven't really responded to anything but the fact that I post a lot.
  9. Devilllike

    yeah sorry if you though it was personal attack,it isnt and yes i meant to quote someone else but i know what powerhouse they are i am one of them,over 16.000 kills with rams dedicated infiltrator but no doubt they are counterable easily for me at least it is you just need to pay attention,and for big battles they are the least of ur problems
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  10. Moridin6

  11. SixNineFour

    There is also a proximity radar for vehicles (not to be confused with scout radar). Reveals all enemies in range on radar for vehicle occupants. Only ever had to resort to that once when trying to find a stalker infiltrator at Geological Survery Camp on Esamir. Otherwise, flashlight has been sufficient.

    And SMG infils can't use stalker cloak, they are only strong in 1v1. With 2 guys, SMG infil won't have enough time or ammo to kill both looking for him and cloak will run out and reveal him. There is no legitimate way he could kill 2 guys at range where they can't hear the de-cloak sound unless he goes semi-automatic fire in which case they would have to shoot at you away for half a minute.
  12. Azawarau

    If its a stalker youll either have an advantage of fight on even ground

    If its a hunter you have to let its cloak run out so you have the advantage
  13. Facts

    are you seriously out of your mind?

    An ENTIRE CLASS can be countered with a lousy flashlight, you sodding ****.

  14. FateJH

    If you're sticking to my immediate left or right or you're behind me, the flashlight doesn't help much.
    It also doesn't help if you stand a few hundred meters away.
  15. FeralBoy

  16. Daigons

    I would understand if the whole cloak system offered a bug free true invisibility. But reality has shown that it's a bug ridden waste of credits at times. Just last week I saw an opposing faction Wraith Flash zooming by where the vehicle was cloaked while the driver was visible. I hate these cloaking bugs so much that I reached out to the opposing player to let them know that their Wraith Flash is bugged and that they can be seen.
  17. VAHU

    The question I must ask is...Is this intended by the developers even?
  18. Taemien

    Yes actually.


    This is how it used to look at the low settings. The lower the setting, the more visible cloak was. It was changed to be the opposite.

    Cloak is more or less visible at any graphic setting. But since the cloak is a shimmer effect. It stands to reason that higher detail results in more noticeable aspects.

    The good news is, the texture and module settings will rarely result in bad performance on semi decent cards. I used to run PS2 with a Radeon HD 5870 with the settings above at 50-70fps. So no one can complain about 'lower hardware' having a disadvantage. If you have lower hardware than I did... then count your blessings that you're even able to launch the game. You're using hardware from a previous decade.
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  19. Khallixtus

    Hey hey hey, how about this to counter an Infiltrator with weaker weapons,
    Eyes? They aren't hard to see.
  20. VAHU

    Then what's the point of even using cloak? The attempt infiltrators make at hiding is completely negated by a simple change to your rig's settings. I can't imagine devs making a mechanic that was going to serve no purpose to begin with