[Suggestion] Forced Detonation(Fixing Mine Abuse)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JKomm, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Saturax

    Where is diference when i use 4x c4 or 4x mines, both will blow your sunderer, will you notice diference ?
    4kg of explosives will still be 4kg of explosives...

    I think it will make same explosion and you still need get near sunderer to place it...

    Mines already have disadvantiges:
    Time before they activate ( when moving vehicle is in proximity and still can leave AOE of mine ) - C4 stick on target
    You need hit them or they will not explode - C4 have detonator (+ u can just throw them over clif + detonate and dont risk )
    When you shoot on mines, you get marked on map ( if you dont have silencer )
    When you place mines you must stay near sunderer so... when some one shoot mine, or vehicle get aoe dmg it will make u die too... - With c4 you can keep distance
  2. Kumaro

    Placing and detonating the mines is effort and risk because you need an extra explosive or line of sight to create a forced detonation.
    I do not have an issue with this because it is a high risk job when the Sunderer is properly guarded. And as such demands a certain level of teamwork to pull of. C4 is mostly just some Fairy or ballsy guy getting above it in most cases alone. Which one was no skill again??

    Then we also have this little part of the puzzle so avidly ignored.
    Most of the time Sunderers are not very well guarded they are just big empty husks of XP waiting to be given even in big fights.
    If they got near enough to blow that thing up with ease regardless of tactic the people bringing it there deserve to lose it that is how battles work. You don't guard properly and things will go boom or flanks will get torn apart. L2T
    Now i don't remember how it works but are Mines directed explosives or not??
    because that could be a thing to change that a mine only explodes in one wide direction and thus if on top of a vehicle or flips upside down looses most of it's damage capability. Much like the TR AI mine.
  3. William Petersen

    If you're not pulling a deploy shield or stealth field sundy, you're doing it wrong.

    Ammo and repair sundies are for armour column support, not for the primary AMS to assault bases..
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  4. Crash Bandicoot

    There is no such thing as mine abuse, everyone has the right to play however he wants. Quit whining about everything some of you...
  5. Umbasa666

    Blowing up sundies with mines now constitutes abuse, got it.

    There is no logical reason you can't use mines against a stationary target. You don't even need a grenade, you can just shoot them. You also need a fully maxed utility pouch to reliably bring down a deploy shield sundy, that is a large cert investment.

    It sounds like the problem you have is that mines can be blown up by small arms/explosions... but that allows people who aren't engineers to clear them. You want that removed so your deployed sundy can have a safe space? I've already auraxiumed mines so I don't care, but I did it by blowing up sundies in a way you call abusive and it wasn't easy, so I think your idea is a bunch of bull.
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  6. William Petersen

    I main Connery NC. I've never heard of you. Less ego, bro.
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  7. Horrida Messor

    So, let me get this straight - OP wants a particular weapon to do less damage depending on targets movement state? I'm sorry, OP, I don't do drugs but I want the weed you are smoking. By using your logic my BASR shouldn't OHK targets who are standing still because it's easier to get that headshot on them then on moving targets.
    People this day never stop to amaze me with their *logic*
  8. Sil4ntChaozz

    Play how i want you to play or you're beneath me. Let's see,

    no jet/jump pack
    can't self heal
    can't cloak
    can't shield himself from damage
    can't tank a ton of damage

    Engineers have their tools, and props to anyone that knows how to use them.
  9. Insignus

    OP Helps Inspire the Following:

    "To be a Planetman in such times is to be one amongst 40,000. It is to live in the most vitriolic and jaded of regimes in modern gaming. These are the tales of those times. Forget the promises of balance and co-operation, for so many have been seduced by Niche Metas. Forget the power of logical arguments and appeals to ethical behavior, for in the grim dark future of Planetside 20,000, there is only stupid. There is no peace amongst forumside, only an eternity of NERF/BUFF and SkubWars, and the laughter of trollish gods."
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  10. FillyFluttershy

    Then why did you create a forum post? Forums are for discussion; if you don't want to hear the opposing opinion, then stop wasting our time. This isn't your personal echo chamber.

    Also, no one cares about your self-attested engineer expertise. Stop trying to flex nuts, you pretentious loon.
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  11. Newlife1025

    I see your argument here, but I'm not a fan. I don't have much to counter vehicles as an engineer other than my ATMs. I'm sure as he'll not paying for more C4 and I don't have 1000 certs to buy the anti vehicle turret. If I can make a suicide run to an enemy sunderer and blow it up by shooting at my ATs, why the heck not keep it. I find the detonation time for a C4 too slow on PS4 so, I'd rather make the trip for the more effective option.
  12. Insignus

    OP isn't interested in your excuses about not spending your own time and money to emulate his play style in defiance of logic and established game mechanics.
  13. DeadAlive99

    I agree with the OP. I also made a thread either here or at Reddit, regarding the problem of setting off the mines when the deployed Sunderer 'wiggles' or gets bumped by a friendly vehicle, or even when you hop in a gunner's seat. Those situations setting off the mines are just ridiculous.

    IMO, when an item is used as intended, it should deal full damage. When it is used in another fashion, it should only be partial. Otherwise, we may as well implement large splash damage for all AoE weps in the game. Why should C4 and AT mines get all the gravy?
  14. Newlife1025

    How do you use a valkrie to take down the shield... my tactic is driving a lightning, taking down the shield until my tank is almost destroyed and then hopping out, deploying mines and dying in a fireball of glory as now my team now has one less spawn to worry about. It works about 3/4 of the time. The other 1/4 ends up with an AT mine blowing me up or mass heavys lighting me up
  15. Insignus

    On level terrain, there is a gap between the skyshield and the regular walls. There is also a minimum distance between two turret towers. All of this can conspire, given even uneven terrain, to create a small, roughly valkyrie sized hole in the defences. With some basic aerial survey or a brief glimpse, you can spot the nearest landing zone to a hive. You can also plot your ground path and the most likely AI turret that'll engage you when you hop out.

    To bust the actual hive shield (The bunker shields, obviously would require prep work or some friends, but a surprising number of bases simply don't have them) put a pair of AT mines on the hive, step back, shoot them, and then run up an AT/Sticky the core. It works best if you can throw them mine into the actual core box.

    The main advantage is surprise. When you superman or crash land a Valkryie, people get confused as hell really fast. You have a 4 or 5 second window before they react, and maybe ten seconds of useful life.
  16. Newlife1025

    I was tal
    I was talking about sundys. Constitution system hasn't been input on PS4 yet
  17. LodeTria

    It shouldn't be kept because it's a single infantryman ending the entire fight. The risk is too low because infantryman can just spawn again in 10 seconds, allowing him to keep trying until he succeeds. The only time his nanites are in danger of being lost is when he's placing the mines, otherwise it's only his time that is being used. You'd think infantryman would care about sunderers, since it's the thing that allows them to have fights at all, but most people would rather have EZ certs.
  18. Newlife1025

    I see what you mean but it only takes 1 infantry or one spitfire to end that person's run. I do suicide attacks as a light assault because I don't see myself making it out alive. I do the same as an engineer. Most times i get shot down before i can even get close. During zerg attacks, the AT tactic is the quickest solution to destroying deployed sunderers. I'd rather take down the threat as quickly as i can to minimize the chance of a spawn trap by over whelming forces. Doing so makes singling specific sunderers out for even a chance of winning. Any way, people will find new tactics and people like the Op will ask for it being nerfed since it would seem like a cheaters move. My final thoughts on this is that if you dont have a deployment shield, ill take my easy winnings.
  19. Metcal

    place ordinance
    explode ordinance
    Which (AT or C4) did I do?
    Seems like same action in this context.

    Considering this:
    Oh, I get it, one identical action is a strategy, adept ability and flank and the other identical action is not.
    Or...Is there something I missed?
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  20. Dr ZErO

    If you have max deploy shield certed 5 mines cannot destroy it. I've tried detonating 2 then 3 or 3 then 2 back to back and I've tried detonating all 5 at once. It will not take out a full health full certed deploy shield sundy. Period.

    This entire discussion is useless as the devs have already done a paper rock scissors with the sundy vs different explosives.

    Fully certed deployment shield negates 5 mines.

    This conversation is over......