[Suggestion] Weaker Liberator Front Armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaizure, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Reclaimer77

    The Liberator has nearly the speed of an ESF, more armor than an MBT, and the firepower of the Death Star.

    Sorry but it's clearly OP. It either needs a speed nerf, or an armor/dps nerf. Having all three is the very definition of overpowered.
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  2. Jawarisin

    Are you dumb? The liberator is a flying brick with close-range weaponry that dies in two hits from dumbfire/tank shell. And has weaponry specifically made to shoot it at over 1000m. I think you got mental issues calling this overpowered.
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  3. Reclaimer77

    Well now you are just being dumb. There isn't a single dumbfire in the game that can "two hit" a Liberator. Nor is there an MBT tank shell that can two hit it either.

    And it's NOT a flying brick, it's fast as hell. What game are you even playing?

    Also there is NO AA weapons that can come close to landing hits on a Lib at "1000m".

    You might have had a point, but you filled your post with such idiotic hyperbole and flat out lies, you can't be taken seriously. Bye bye now.
  4. Imp C Bravo

    Again? Really? More quips without any nod to context and battlefield conditionso_O ? Let's not do this again.:(

    One can easily argue for a change in mechanics. The above is not that.

    Instead consider what the OP has said. Viable? Helpful? Fair? Personally I don't think it would help ground deal with libs in the least.
  5. Jawarisin

    Well, You're wrong on a few parts here. I guess I'll introduce myself too. I'm a lib pilot on emerald, and I usually run with prey or honk. Now, let me get to correcting what you said:

    I get wrecked on a regular basis by good very good esf pilots. It's incredibly hard to beat an esf pilot that knows what they are doing. The only squads of ESF you'll ever beat in a single liberator are bad squads that would of hit the next tree anyways.

    Of course, you get hit by AA, anybody would run. If the skyguard doesn't pay attention, of course a liberator's going to go for it... if he doesn't, he'll get wrecked systematically. And it's not like you can just go a bit beside. A skyguard will hit you a thousand meters away. And even if he only does a little damage, he'll prevent the auto-repair and something else will come along and finish you off.

    A skyguard that's looking around is extremely hard to kill by a liberator, 99% of skyguard deaths are due to incompetence or terrible positionning.

    Two tankbuster clips at 44 bullets per clip (max mag size) isn't enough to kill a galaxy, you need your belly gunner to hit it too or part of a 3rd clip.

    A galaxy with two decent gunners will ALWAYS win against a liberator, providing the galaxy crew is not terrible also. A galaxy will out-dps/live the liberator by far. Your galaxy getting killed is because you have bad gunners, and your piloting is probably wonky at best. It has nothing to do with liberators being stronger because in fact, they aren't.

    This is wrong on so many points. A liberator that divebombs is extremely vulnerable. Because it dies about as fast as it kills. But there's usually more enemies than allies, so if people are minimally aware, the liberator will die first.

    Those weapons are the walkers/drake. And they already wreck liberators insanely fast if you're not terrible at aiming.

    "Liberators should be" Who are you to know what liberators "should" be? Certainly not one of the devs. And as I said earlier, a galaxy is already stronger than a liberator. Two hits from a tank will put a liberator on fire (which basically means death). The only reason why a liberator would survive is because the 10 tanks are terribad and missed way too many shots.

    On a parting question, why don't you fly liberators if they are so overpowered? My guess is you won't even get close to anything before you'll die. How can you explain this?
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  6. Reclaimer77

    You didn't actually dispute my claims.

    Please look up the statistics and come back to me. It's all true.

    Can we at least agree that Libs shouldn't have afterburners?? How is it balanced or even make sense that they are faster than a Valkrie. The "fast insertion" vehicle!!!!
  7. Jawarisin

    Are you completely idiotic?? Take a decimator and go in VR. My guess is you're too stupid to figure out where that is. But in the off-change that you make it, just try it.
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  8. Reclaimer77

    First off, you're reported. Way over the line with personal insults.

    Secondly, are we pretending now that the Decimator is some AA weapon?? And do VR Libs have composite armor now?
  9. Jawarisin

    You're dumb, it's just a fact. Composite armor doesn't reduce the damage from rockets on liberators.

    Bonus: Pull out a liberator with Composite in VR, and kill your own liberator.
  10. Reclaimer77

    The only way a Liberator gets hit by 2 deci's is if he's standing still and hovering like a moron. Your argument is invalid. A projectile THAT slow will never be an "AA" weapon.

    And they actually gave Libs increased resistance to MBT shells. Which is just...dumb. If you can get hit by those, you should be one-hit because you're a terrible pilot.

    Spew all the hate you want kid. The Lib is busted, it's a fact.
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  11. Imp C Bravo

    Done so many times in other threads about Libs in general. I was just trying to talk about the OP's post and not derail the thread any further.

    You are right -- and yet wrong because, you know, context. Let me help with an example of context.

    XX420Noscope360MLGskilzXX helped his uncle jack off a horse.
    XX420Noscope360MLGskilzXX helped his uncle Jack, off a horse.

    In this case punctuation provides context that changes the meaning significantly. Same with Libs. If your above listed interpretation about Libs is somehow made relevant to the OP'S original post then I'll discuss it. Until then, Libs aren't op, just have their power poorly distributed.

    ON Topic: I don't think the OP's proposed change will help him in the way he wants. Also, he is repeating what several others, myself included, when we said all Aircraft should receive bonus cockpit damage. And made it Lib only because bias.
  12. FateJH

    You don't use a single comma like that.
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  13. Imp C Bravo

    Ya, I too find the irony of my improper use of punctuation to be both embarrassing and hilarious! Typo attack!

    Regardless -- (to the other folks) point about context still stands!
  14. thebigbortishbort

    Even if this change happened , you would some how see pilots flying in backwards just to annoy you.

    though in all seriousness , gitgud.
  15. Slandebande

    Give me a Lib that can't fly, but drives like a tank. Let the belly gun be on the top instead. That wouldn't be imbalanced right? Now add the z-axis maneuverability, and it only gets stronger. Acting like the Lib is weak is meh.

    I feel like some of the issues would be alleviated by removing the ability to fire the belly-gun whilst flying upside-down or >90degrees sideways (so you can tilt the Lib to get a better shot, but you won't be able to fire it straight to the side.
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  16. zuka7

    The other day NC parked bunch of buses near TR warpgate and I swear I saw everyone get out and wave at my Lib as I flew by. Then 15 minutes later I saw the same guys at VS warpgate and this time they did not wave, they were all partying in some kind of big tent shooting fireworks.
  17. Diilicious

    instead of making the liberator weaker, id rather make Aspis, Skyguard and Burster rounds do 1.5x as much damage within say 40m and then it sharply drops off to its regular damage over the next 10, so if a libby tries to face tank at point blank range its going to have a bad time, rather than just hovering there lolling while you are literally shooting the guy in the cockpit.

    also putting pc and peasant together is a contradiction in terms
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