Have you died in a Dumb Way?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TwistaX, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Rhumald

    Mine is always when I find a friend who's on a separate faction, sneak up on them, and uncloak in front of them.

    I can't help it, the scare is worth it.
  2. TwistaX

    Classic bump
  3. Savadrin

    Well since we're playing necro, I posted this already but I've got footage of an amusing one.

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  4. Azawarau

    Falling out of trees countless times in Hossin

    This is a really old thread
  5. Alkasirn

    Well with the necro'd nature of this thread and that video I figure my story would be the perfect addition:

    Once I found an enemy tank that somehow managed to wedge itself between a building and a steep hill at an 80 degree angle (really, I was surprised it wasn't taking damage from being "upside down.") So I waddled on over by it, threw some C4, and ran about 20 meters away. At the time I used C4 so rarely I didn't know its exact radius, so I ran that far away specifically so I wouldn't die from detonating the tank.

    Well, I blew up the tank as I was turning back to look at it (as the tank was stuck near a door I wanted to enter) and all I saw was a large, flaming black chunk of the tank flying straight at me; killing me instantly from 20 meters away.
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  6. DarkStarII

    Everyone does at some point by jumping off something, thinking they were an LA. The way I died when this happened was quite dumb though. I was at the top of one of the towers at Howling Pass and was low on ammo. I jumped off to go to a Sunderer below to resupply, it turned out that I was an Engineer, not an LA...
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  7. TeknoBug

    Spawning at an AMS that's deployed near a cilff- ended up sliding off to my death.

    Or accidentally throwing a sticky nade instead of regular frag nade attempting to bounce it off a wall around a doorframe only for it to stick on the wall near me without me realizing it being there (happened on more than one occasion)... now I don't use stickies, ever. Even threw it on a friendly MAX once.
  8. CrimsonEpsilon

    Flashes keep running me over after I kill the dude. They run into a rock and then power it up in reverse and spin around until I am but blood on the tires.
  9. Khallixtus

    I share in common the Engineer problem of muscle memory being too OP. I press "F" on reflex. You know what happens next.

    Another one I repeat is that I try to throw a grenade whilst popping in and out of cover. Yes, I have blown myself up multiple times this way.

    My greatest dumb way to die. I was just flying around in my Mozzie, just won a dogfight, went to land quickly and repair. Three bases from the frontlines, I land right damn on top of some tank mines, and it wasn't even a road. That was the day I perfected my WutFace.

    I once managed to kill someone via the worst RNG ever. I'm running around with my Sniper, thinking "lets chill out and snipe noobs". I proceed to run right into an enemy HA. A friend comes over to help, and had an easy kill lined up, might even save me. I hipfire my Sniper to help deal with the interloper, and, RNG/10, I headshot my friend 25-30 metres away. The HA proceeded to kill me and live.
  10. Diggsano

    When you are Infiltrator and some Teammatesstand behind you.
    When you are Stalker and Engineers throw ammopacks exactly to your spot.
    When Medics try to healyou while cloaked.
    When Teammates have flashlight on and randomly decloak you.
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  11. cyb_

    Enemies should not be able to see it though.
  12. Nehlis

    Spawning at warpgate, using a LA with 2x C4, 4x Frags, Hunter QCX explosives and Gauss S + UBGL. Pulling a Galaxy. Finding a fight between VS and TR nowhere near NC borders. Ramming a sundy and causing as many explosions as possible, then going to yell chat to say hi.
  13. TwistaX

  14. Ziggurat8

    Not sure if this qualifies but it's the most interesting way I've been killed in Planetside.

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  15. Liewec123

    i'm usually against thread necro, but this was funny XD
    i literally did that eject instead of reload one last time i played!
  16. Luicanus

    I jumped in an ESF as an infiltrator and ejected over the enemy base to hack terminals... only this ESF didn't have Ejection Seat equipped...
  17. Ge0mancer

    Looking for pumpkins. Drove out of bounds in a racer chassis ANT and tried to reverse out instead turning around. Exploded at the border.

    Oh... and flying. Every time I try and fly it ends badly. :D The best being when I accidentally hit E instead of D and bailed at high speed.
  18. pnkdth

    Trying to distract people with an ammo pack after playing as an Infiltrator. Works everyone time. :oops:
  19. Twin Suns

    That moment you're rocking the Infravision implant and you don't realize you're at Gurney Dam.

    The water is OP, huh that's not water dipstick. :)
  20. IcEzEbRa

    Just brilliant, can't believe I had not seen this