Have you died in a Dumb Way?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TwistaX, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Rowe

    Triggered my c4 next to my head thinking I tossed it into a room.... lol
  2. SmittyJensen

    Throw grenade, it bounces back and explodes killing me.

    I'm terrible with grenades though.. usually I end up TKing someone with them.. even when I don't see a friendly near, it is as if my grenades are heatseeking to teammates.

    Oh and accidentally hitting the E key, ejecting out of plane.. splat. or doing the same and ejecting out of tank in the middle of a hot armor battle.. splat.

    Oh and there are still holes in the ground.. once, a few months ago, someone parked a bus over one so whenever I'd spawn from there, I'd immediately fall through the ground.
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  3. Gen.Drake61

    Ps4,2 days ago was taking out a liberator,pilot bails 50 meters off ground,while i was right under it.instant death,guy lands right 30 meters away as i was about to die,proceeds to tbag me,an messages me in text chat saying i suck...
  4. Skraggz

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  5. TheFlowingCert

    Be Stalker infiltrator
    Attack an NC stalker
    Fail to kill him
    Run and enter deep cloak.
    Watch Prowler shoot at enemies.
    Get run over by TR lightning.

    Moral of the story;

    Never sit still on the road or you might get run over.
  6. LaughingDead

    I was a heavy launching rockets, was next to sunderer, saw friendly valk getting hit by scythe, I shoot anihilator rocket at scythe, kills valk, valk pilot then comes out looks at me for a good long 5 seconds, then shoots me in the head.
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  7. Gen.Drake61

    Omg,did you get killed by the falling debries of the scythe?
  8. Skraggz

    Yep the same scythe I had just got the confirmed kill on.
  9. Gen.Drake61

    The good news: your opponent didnt intentionally drop it on you and proceed to tbag and disrepect you by tbag an ingame chat.
    The bad news:you got killed by your own kill

    Moral of the story: be wary of falling dibris from recent surface to air kills(you) and troll players baiting you as try to take out their aircraft(me).
    Also noticed I broke my number 3 rule of the art of war in my signature,it hurts it really does*cries* lesson learned.
  10. strikearrow

    Yesterday I successfully dodged swarm missiles in my ESF only to fly full tilt into a parked friendly sunderer on my last full afterburner turn.
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  11. strikearrow

    Oh and this video is awesome! Nice way to spend while I wait in the queue for Esamir to avoid Hossin xD.
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  12. Robert Patrician

    Jumping off a cliff and getting out your rocket rifle to pound the tanks below you, only to see your medic gun.
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  13. Redoubt

    Yeah, I've died in lots of stupid ways. I just won't stop! It just makes me want it more.

  14. UnknownR

    Killed by drop pod. (Almost twice in a life- revived by a friendly medic and dodged the second one) I love this game, but I had felt many spites til I killed my chara.
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  15. freedom_burger

    I shot and killed a Lightning with a Vanguard. The wrecked body of said Lightning then proceeded to jump up in the air, flip and jump on my Vanguard, killing both me and my Vanguard. The same happened with a ANT once.
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  16. Gen.Drake61

    This happened to me last week on ps4,lol,did not know you could die this way till it happened to me!
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  17. Gen.Drake61

    sorry,wrong person,it was a friendly drop pod.
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  18. strikearrow

    I've actually done this also, but I wasn't tk'd for it. Really nothing you can do about it as it's a lock-on missile.
  19. strikearrow

    Ya it was that whew feeling when the missiles timed out followed immediately by you've got to be kidding me.
  20. The Wolf

    I am still in shock haven't seen Outfit X in a long time good to see you guys around still.