[Suggestion] 3 reasonable C-4 buffs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reclaimer77, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Reclaimer77

    * Increase toss range of C-4 by 10 meters
    * Increase splash range by 5 meters
    * Increase splash damage by 50%

    Using Scr1rusher logic, we can surmise that because you can "toss" C-4, we need to enhance it's ability to be tossed even more. Increasing the range you can throw C-4 allows it to play into the over range advantage it has over other explosives.

    It also has powerful closed range properties, so we need to buffs it's splash to give it greater "consistency" as a close range explosive.

    Totally balanced right!?
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  2. MasterOhh

    I totally agree.
    And it is about time that C4 tossing becomes an olypmic sport.
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    I really made you upset to the point where you are throwing a tantrum like a child that couldn't get his own way.
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  4. Azawarau

    Sounds familiar
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  5. FateJH

    Let's just save ourselves a lot of time and make it a rechargeable point and click item.
  6. DooDooBreff

    how about frisbee-4?
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    Its a good social commentary.
  8. Nehlis

    Forumside Ladies and Gents!
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  9. BaronX13

    Could we make it so that if you hold the "toss button" it flies and sticks to targets with the speed of a lancer? This really plays into it's anti-vehicle role, I mean I know it's the best in the "explosive class" but I feel such a small range buff could be very helpful.

    Or, or...we could make it so that when you throw it, you keep your cursor on the target raven/hornet style and it will home-in on the target.
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  10. BaronX13

    Glass houses Scr1n.
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  11. Goretzu

    The problem is that although your buffs give it decent AOE and suppressive value it remains a poor 1on1 weapon, it probably needs an alt-fire mode that fires out Vanguard HE shells to be balanced.
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  12. BaronX13

    That made me laugh more than it should have. Imagine hitting the c4 button and a freaking vannie HE shell fires out of your other hand like some explosive hadoken.
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  13. Nehlis

    April 1st is in a couple weeks. I'd be all for a day of kamehameha spam. Devs if you are seeing this, can we add some DBZ/Streetfighter to April Fools?
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  14. Reclaimer77

    You wish. I actually thought it was funny. I'm cracking myself up over here.

    Didn't you notice the Lasher thread by that guy yesterday was also a response to your Jackhammer nonsense? hahah.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    There is nothing wrong with talking about wanting the ES Heavy Weapons to be better.

    Same can be said about when people look at you.

  16. Reclaimer77

    Well that's your opinion.
  17. BaronX13

    Speak of acting like a child and having a temper tantrum....
    But Scr1n is above morals himself.
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  18. Poppington

    Didn't the forums get a stern talking to just over a month ago about this sort of garbage?
  19. Reclaimer77

    Oh yeah because it's against the rules to make jokes? Or post parody threads?

    Please find me that in the EULA for the forums...
  20. SwornJupiter

    Let's not devolve into the PS4 forums aye? Keep your bickering exclusive to /tell chat.
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