Why do VS get 0.75 ADS LMG but other 2 factions dont??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by greengrunt3, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. Scr1nRusher

    We are talking about ADS speeds, stop bringing in Hipfire speeds which are universally 1.

    Also stop circlejerking about "VS is being victimized".

    Your trying to compare a ES Heavy Weapon which is a glorified shotgun that has a NS copy(Baron), with a LMG CQC variant.

    0.75 ADS isn't a VS empire trait.

    If it was then the NS-15M wouldn't have it, nor would any other weapon(thats part of TR,NC or NS).

    No more Cyclone HA's.....................

    Also no Common Class Pool Shotguns & SMG's for all empires HA's actually results in balance because no side is being favored.

    Removing 0.75 ADS off the LMG's that have it, effectively brings those LMG's inline with the rest of the LMG choices.

    The Jackhammer doesn't need to be adjusted(other then removing 0.75 ADS off of it), since its a extremely situational ES Heavy Weapon(That even regular shotguns do a better job at shotgunning then it).

    So much salt & so much fear.

    So what happens if you remove the "Crutch"?
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Do you have Reddit?
  3. Scorpion97

    For what?
  4. Scorpion97

    And .75 ads on LMGs is a VS trait btw
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Explain the NS-15M having it.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    For general things, also for the PS2 subreddit.
  7. Scorpion97

    Scr1nrusher,are you saying that the baron is a jackhammer clone??wrel HIMSELF has proved the opposite

    Like I said,you are a VERY constructive person
  8. Scorpion97

    Explain why the commissioner and blackhand have high dmg although it's an NC trait?
  9. MikeyGeeMan

    For the love of vanu.

    Just make all the weapons available to every faction and it instantly balances the factions by making every weapon available for use. Is the onion op, that's ok everyone is using it. Make them ns versions or whatever, then they can keep creating weapons and content instead of having to spend cycles on this stuff
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Stop dodging the question.

    If 0.75 ADS is a VS empire trait...... why do the other empires have 0.75 ADS weapons?
  11. Scr1nRusher


    That video is from 2013........
  12. Ragnarox

    Because we are masterrace...Vanu masterrace. Stop whining and submit to us.
  13. Taleroth

    Because traits aren't exclusive, they're just favored.

    Vanu favor mobility, but other empires get some mobility. Terran Republic favors dakka, but other empires still get some shooty. New Conglomerate favor shotguns and teamkilling, but...
  14. Babaroga

    I don't know, NS 15M has 0.75 ADS and is available to all factions.
    Imo its all in yer heads.
  15. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Y/N: Is 0.75 ADS only an issue on LMG's?
  16. CassCE

    I'm pretty sure it's just to give you guys something to complain about.
  17. Scorpion97

    still not outdated
  18. Scorpion97

    I didn't dodge ****

    Same reason why NC have weapons like GD-7F and GR-8 although this kind of dps is totally far from their traits
  19. Mxiter

    Yep, one of VS trait is to have no drawback to its traits.

    We should rename VS as CNS:Chuck Norris Sovereignty
  20. asmodraxus

    Well if 0.75 ADS isn't a VS trait then damage per shot isn't a NC trait as the NS pistols do more damage than any of the NC pistols, so 200 damage tier incoming to all factions :D and the Mags main gun can do more damage yay.
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