Official list of LMG changes by the devs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by prodo123, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. DorianOmega

    For starters its been a well established part of the game for well over 2 years now and as far as asymmetrical balance goes the Orion has always helped to give the VS that much needed edge in having the DPS tier it has while featuring more mobility which, as this is debatable, is a VS faction trait along with no bullet drop.

    When looking at stats and considering asymmetrical balance, what else does the VS really excel at or have that can compete with TRs high dps weapons (stock carbines and ARs with 750*143) and the NCs high damage per round and most damage per clip beyond having no bullet drop? in looking at the VS arsenal the answer to this seems to be a faster reload when comparing carbines and assault rifles.

    VS in having energy weapons which from many sci fi depictions would mean lighter weaponry, .75 ads as it has always been a point of contention, at least made sense considering the VS flavor in having lighter weapons LMGs included which should allow for more mobility or quicker actions relating to the weapon. If .75 ads is going out the window then one should consider all other potential benefits of a lighter, energy based weapon that uses batteries for ammo would entail like easier to control recoil or a faster reload.
  2. Idiocy

    I'm okay with losing 0.75 ADS, I'd just like SPA and maybe a tiny bit less horizontal recoil.
  3. Arklancer

    This is really happening........

    First the camo which is what finally caused me to have had enough and stop playing, And now THIS?

    RIP Planetside 2 :(. Looks like I might never come back.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    Grow up you big baby.
  5. Shanther

    o_O This is some staight up hardcore delusional stuff right here. The same sort of argument can be applied to many forums as well. Hell 4chan is literally what you described, Reddit is a very far cry from that. It is funny you consider Reddit "one of the worst things to happen to the internet" because most people in that "industry" consider it to be an extremely important thing.

    Not only all of that, Reddit, specificly the PS2 subreddit produces WILDLY better discussions then this forum ever has or will. This isn't just MY opinion it is an opinion shared by an extremely large amount of people. The majority of the community and even SOE DBG consider it a better place for actual DISCUSSIONS because of how Reddit is formated. Forums can never match this.

    Not communicating is one thing to be angry about, it is another thing entirely to be angry because someone doesn't communicate where YOU want. To make it worse you refuse to go to the place where the communication happens, that is entirely a personal problem and not DBGs. They are 100% allowed to post where they want, they don't owe you anything.
  6. ObsidianSoul

    Every single factional advantage the VS had is now gone. LOL. Our faction trait seems to have been slowly reduced to "glowing lights".
  7. Scr1nRusher

    "facttion traits".

    0.75 ADS is not a faction trait.
  8. Arklancer

    Except it was. They had the most 0.75 guns for a reason........

    Also no need to throw insults.
  9. Idiocy

    We still have our light PPA, I guess?
  10. Gutseen

    Look at all those latex n00bz whine'n [IMG]
  11. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS is not a faction trait.

    anyone know what time the maintenance is finished ????:)
  13. BloodyG

    Wow... i suggested that!!! Damn sometimes they do the right thing [IMG]
    • Up x 1
  14. Plastikfrosch

    DPM is a matter since 50% of the people seem to play HA and if you have a 698/143 weapon with only 30rounds you will get problems. Its not a shooting range. ingame you and your contrahent are both moving to not get shot so often and every missed round of those 30 are a real problem for you.
    Also a duel between two LAs. both will even try to use jetpacks and the terain and guess who will run out of ammo earlyer. the 143/30 the 167/30 or the 143/40 rpm gun wielder?
    Most of the time, yeah, 30rounds are enough but in other moments (especially while running into a HA the low dpm, not even the HAs shield, can and will breake your neck)

    If you would want fair weapon balace the TR would get 750/125/40 weapons for carbines and AR because that would get them on the same TTK level with VS and NC and nearly the same DPM as NC.
  15. Plastikfrosch

    please only talk for the LMGs (still dont get why the most heavy weapons got that trait). Because when it comes to carbines (and im a carbine fan) the VS got the most BS weapon ever: the zenith.

    NC: Bandit - Fastest TTK of all faction specific 0,75ADS carbines (nearly as fast as gd7f and serpent) good to controll even over midlong ranges and SPA

    TR: Jaguar - a straight upgrade of the default trac5 because of 0,75ADS and SPA

    VS: Zenith - slowest of all 3 ES 0,75ADS carbines, smallest DPM and no SPA. The acuracy of this weapon says its a CQC carbine, the muzzlevelocity says its a normal carbine but in reality its just sh**.
    As vanu you have to play the NS11C if you want a reliable 0,75ADS carbine (and yes there are people out there that get bored by playing HA).

    So while playing NC or TR i stay with the ES weapons but while playing VS i only like the eclipse because of the heat mechanism or the ns11c.
  16. FieldMarshall

    Thumbed up just for not liking reddit.

    I didnt mind reddit (not that i have ever used it) until it was used as an excuse by PS2 devs to do whatever they want.
    Now, all i can think is **** reddit.
  17. Corezer

    The flare is 577, that is 2, HUNDREDTHS, of a second slower, if you maximize the ROF loss to your kill times by going for pure body shots.

    This is virtually nothing, quit your whining.
    • Up x 1
  18. Corezer

    Are you talking about Reddit, or Backpage?

    lol sorry couldn't help it!
  19. Shanther

    *takes off a white glove*

    I couldn't think of a better word... =(
  20. prodo123

    You're dissatisfied with my expecting official announcements directly from the company forums?

    Reddit is simply a forum with an image thumbnails, scoreboard on the front page and single-page comment view. People like you use Reddit because they want a "better" discussion, but Reddit has "better" discussions on Reddit because more people use it. The "industry"'s preference is separate from my dislike for self-worship. Who cares if you get more upvotes/karma?

    But that misses the point that this is the DBG forums, and my dislike for Reddit has nothing to do with their neglecting of their website and players/customers. I may have been out of loop because of it as a result, but the main issue here is that they are going against what they've said.

    Smedley promised transparency. The devs made posting announcements in the Roadmap section here a priority on the official announcements. They are very much obliged to post here. I would like a response from RadarX about this since it seems he is active on the forums.

    By the way, 4chan is not what you think it is. It's no longer full of memes. People don't care about reputation and e-peens there because at the end of the day no one knows who posted what.