Feedback Thread for the "PlanetSide 2 Test Weekend"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by DarkTexas, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Mythrac

    Mediocre pilot here, but here's what I felt:

    Overall, it seemed like the native turning speed (pitch or roll) is slower than on live. I ended up having to increase my mouse sensitivity to bring back to how I like it.

    - Throttle seemed react slower.
    - Pitch up/down via keybind seemed a hair slower (I bind mine on thumb buttons) so I ended up having to thumb button+mouse pitch more than on live
    - Aiming seemed a easier. You drifted a bit more, but that seemed more realistic than the hover still and LOLpod away that's on live.

    Im not a professional in flights, but in my experience with scythe i Enjoyed more in the real game than test server, but i do not feel much difference, In Koltyr the Scythe appears to have more heavy movements.
    About Koltyr, in general it's OK, but When I played as VS, the TR conquered a base, and after 5 secons the seme base has returned to VS, and one more minute after the base was again TR definitely.
  3. Calahas

    Flight controls seemed fine to me. At least I didn't notice any obvious differences between the PTS and live.

    Ideally, Koltyr looks like a nice place for new players to go. I guess it's supposed to be like a mini-planetside 2 where people can get used to the format of the actual game, while not playing on a map that is unusually large for FPS games.

    I didn't do much infantry work, but I did try out the Blackhand, which also seemed balanced for its supposed role. I would probably not use it to sit on a ridge and snipe other people down below, since there are better weapons for that purpose, but use it as an overall medium range support weapon if I sport a shotgun (or any other short-medium range weapon) as a primary. Might become a favorite for stalker cloakers that don't enjoy CQC.

    I did stumble upon a (common) bug, which was the player model showed me as a male in the class selection screen when I had made a female character. Changing between classes would show me as female again. Nothing too important, but enough to make a note about it.
  4. Xspy

    This was hard to review since I fly very rarely.
    However, reading the opinions, I have to agree with most of the people here, especially Mythrac (thus, I'm referring to the details they've given).
    It really does feel as "weird" as they describe it.

    What I would also point out is when raising or lowering your altitude, upon releasing the button, the aircraft still moves for an extended amount of time. Not a big deal in Dogfights, but Air to Ground may find this annoying. But this is not related to Mouse control.
    Also, a tiny bug, where freelook still makes you move your aircraft.

    Other than that, it actually feels more free to me. But then again, what do I know about flight if I'm the guy in Skyguard all day?
    Perhaps make the two mechanics an option for players, so nobody gets "hurt"?

    As for Koltyr, it is a nice map indeed. Simple and easy to transverse and get used to. Not sure if I want it to replace VR though, unless it will also have "live" dummy soldiers and vehicles to practice on. Then, I think Koltyr could be a replacement as it offers all practices.
  5. Kohodo

    Much better, more agile but could be even smoother movement? bayyy
  6. Drakonid

    I'm posting the same as I did in my thread, just in case, plus a few extra notes and observations:

    First the flying. Personally I didn't notice any difference, but I'm not really a pilot...
    I do agree with Mythrac and Xspy in that raising and lowering the planes felt slower.

    Now onto my experience in Koltyr:
    I first logged in yesterday, and was overrun by VS in like 10 minutes. Today I decided to give it another go, however it was region locked by the NC. That didn't stop me from spawning there, in the middle of the amp station outpost. and I can't redeploy anywhere. Any time I die, I have to log out and back in, as there's no place to respawn in Koltyr and I can't switch continents.
    Another thing that I noticed is that when I log back in I respawn wherever I was when I died with the same amount of ammo, granades, mines, etc.
    As for the continent, I like the layout of the facilities, especially of the outposts. I don't think the continent should replace VR especially since this is aimed towards newer players, we probably don't want high BR players running around trying new stuff with someone who's just getting started trying to understand the mechanics.
  7. BEGO1809

    Well, im not a professional pilot but , but I think is much confortable now, but (yeah there is a but for a but), sometimes y feel it a little bit slow, its my opinion. Cu
  8. Llama With A Gun

    After flying aroud in a scythe for a bit, I've noticed that the yaw seems faster than on live, which might be some thing to do with me using the dogfighting airframe, but I use it on live as well. The mouse steering sensitivity felt a little inconsistent, even though I had mouse acceleration off.
    As for Koltyr, I think it's in a pretty good spot, as a training ground for new players. However, on PTS, it feels like the map is in an endless stalemate, as every base is very easily defensible.

    Lo probé durante mas de 1 hora y lo que pude notar es que puede llegar a equilibrar un poco mas el combate aereo entre noobs y pros, ya que actualmente una persona que recien empieza a pilotar tiene muy pocas chances contra una persona experimentada.

    I tried for over 1 hour and what I noticed is that it can balance a little more air combat between noobs and pros, as currently a person who just begun to pilot has very little chance against an experienced person.
  10. OrbitusII

    I don't do a lot of flying on the live servers, but compared to what I know the PTS flight controls feel very similar. Valkyrie and Galaxy feel a little snappier while the Liberator seems to have gotten a bit less maneuverable. Scythe seems about the same. One thing that has definitely stayed the same is that I still suck at flying.

    Koltyr feels nice. A bit small but would definitely be good for newer players. One comment from another player on the server was that it would be cool to have a version of Koltyr for newbies and another version for non-new players so that it's still useful even after you pass BR10 or so.
  11. Pure Pie

    I didn't feel any difference in flying on PTS, then again I don't really fly that often on Live.

    Koltyr on the other hand, really nice. I really like the air combat because of its small size. Really different play style then the other continents being that the enemies can be close to you due to the small map size. Much faster game play.
  12. LLancaster

    Piloting on test feels stiffer. It feels like there is no momentum when moving around/changing direction where as on live it feels smooth and more natural. Flying on test is not great, but isn't terrible either. If I had a choice between test and live, I'd stick with live.
  13. Eppoknaller

    I have tested flying in Koltyr on planetside 2 test server.
    The Flightcontrols I observed very little difference with flying.
    The koltyr map looked nice :)
  14. Alkaid1

    3 words: bugs, overpopulated, flight control sucks... :(
  15. Gammit

    I can't reproduce it yet, but at certain angles, when diving, or in a half-roll, my pitch buttons stop responding completely. Like if I try to do a loop by pitching down and then expecting the turn to continue so I'm at a lower altitude and inverted, the pitch down stops responding after I'm heading straight for the ground.

    It also feels like the devs want to take away from the hover-mode, reverse-maneuver dogfights and keep forward momentum a bigger part of the fighting, much like a plane vs the live's helicopter.

    So far, this new flight model has made the keyboard's bind-to keys much less useful, and high mouse sensitivity much more useful.

    Please change the friendly-fire in the warpgates.
  16. Xspy

    An update to what I said (since can't edit), I've realized that the reason I had no problems is because of my high mouse sensitivity setting. On lower (normal to me in Live) settings, the problem seems more evident. It feels a bit sluggish. It seems that to use it, one has to up their mouse sensitivity by half (or twice). At least that's how I felt when I used my Live mouse sensitivity settings on the PTS.

    Also, I don't know why, but the Reaver feels much more responsive than a cardboard box now. I was doing all kinds of crazy stunts, turning really fast in the heat of battle. Yes, I was using the Dogfight frame, but on other ESFs, the frame's effects were not as evident as on the Reaper's. It made me like the Reaver the most out of the ESFs. Perhaps there is something unusual behind it that wasn't supposed to happen (considering NC is supposed to be slow). Other than that, I like the new flight mechanic, with the only problems being (as stated) the sensitivity.
  17. RoyalHUnter

    BUG FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you deploy your sundrerer here in a narrow passage [IMG]
    (sry for the smoke but they were shooting me)[IMG]
    and than if you get out you will have a chance to fall out of the map[IMG]
    Hope i helped. Thats not exactly a strategic benefit if the full sqad falls off the map :) AND NOW GIVE ME THAT HELMET FINALLY :)

    (sry for english)
  18. BlackSteel97

    Alright, I'm too lazy to see if it's been said already. Flight controls, personaly, feel smoother now. I find flying easier but, as I said, this is only my personal opinion.

    About Koltyr, the map and base designs look nice but I feel that this map works only for infantry and ground vehicles because I think is way to small for aircrafts.
  19. McMan

    All in all the new air controls are a little better than the old ones. So keyboard players should have no problems adjusting to them. How good will they be for playstation I dont know.

    Now about the Koltyr.
    -Warp gates are way too big. It will confuse a new player. Aircraft and vehicle terminals are too far away and the shooting range is hidden downstairs for no good reason.

    - Three middle bases are good but they need some more obvious sunderer placement spots so new players know where to park them.

    - The three big bases are somehow unnecesary. There was never a fight there and new players cant realy experience them all.

    You should also teach new players about squads and the importance and benefits of joining one!
    • Up x 1
  20. Gotyoback

    Had another go at flying without yaw buttons working, nevertheless the pitching felt better and similar to live. Ctrl doesn't descend the Reaver fast enough, the Scythe felt faster descending. Not tried the Mossy yet.

    A few matters for the base layout guys -
    Koltyr Biolab Outpost has a small garage ideal for a Sunderer but the objects inside it block you from choosing which side you can exit. That was my experience having one deployed there during a fight.

    The alternate spawn room with the bridge leading to B could do with a few larger boxes for cover to get to the building imo.

    That base as a whole felt really good to play at. Because it's a slightly different layout it was fresh and fun for me. Major props!