Feedback Thread for the "PlanetSide 2 Test Weekend"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by DarkTexas, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Dethonlegs

    Heat mechanic on PPA and Saron needs to have the option use a centralized HUD. Using the existing one that infantry have to measure rounds left would be perfect.

    It's very hard to count your shots, keep track of the action around you and keep glancing down at the small HEAT indicator at the bottom of the screen.
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  2. ikillyou1990

    Cannot stand the new flight system. Unresponsive. MIGHT be good for controller play on consoles, NOT good for pc play.
    Fire alarm bugs out and does not stop sounding even after repaired.

    Map issues:
    not enough cover to hide from AA. You can be hit by AA from any point on the map other than the warpgate.
    Friendly fire is active within the warpgate.

    The base design is great and I think we need some of these scattered around Amerish, Hossin, Indar, and Esamir.
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  3. VHobel

    Whatever you did... revert it please! It feels like everything you do has a delay. Yawing feels unresponsive as hell, mouse movement is waaaaay slower and aiming with a nosegun is a mess! And combining keybind pitching with mouse movement feels super clunky and unresponsive.
    My accuracy on live is around 40%. On PTS it went down to 25%. Just to give you an idea...

    How about the devs play 30 mins on live and 30 mins on PTS so they feel the difference as well?
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  4. Zarathustra


    Koltyr: Nice Warpgate. Map feels cramped. Night sky is perfect but very dark on ground. Hope Koltyr will have short alerts.

    Flight Controls: Excellent for A2G; poor for A2A. It felt clunky at first. Hovering and firing seems to be better than dogfighting.

    Got to BR 7 and flew for 50 minutes. Please grant helmet to this account. :)
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  5. Maxo

    The air controls feel WAY too sensitive now, the yawing sensitivity compared to the camera controls feels too heavy now, the current controls on the Live server are good, but need to be updated for A2A combat and a bit for A2G (camera sensitivity while aiming)
  6. kneeslappington

    I see a cosmetic issue with the NS-44LG Blackhand and the laser when you reload. It looks like the laser is floating and not properly attached.

    Like everyone said before, flight controls seem clunky and responsive.
  7. Rickk0

    Lot of input lag, don't know if that's by design or accident. Mouse feels very 'floaty'. Controls still feel VERY counter-intuitive. Aiming noseguns is still a pain to do, due to using both the y axis with the mouse and the x with the keyboard for nose movement, very clunky. Seems to be a bigger delay on braking/acceleration compared to live as well.

    Despite this the aircraft are still fun to fly, just not very fun to fight in. The controls really need a revamp to make them more user friendly, like being able to bind yaw to the x axis of the mouse and using A and D for roll.

    Koltyr itself is looking pretty nice, performance seems to be much better compared to live.

    Keep up the good work! :D
  8. Alfred The Butler

    After messing around in a gal I'm liking the new controls less and less... Personally, now after flying for a bit I'd take the Live server controls over this any day IMO.
  9. Nayrx

    I rarely fly on the live server but the controls felt tighter to me and I felt it was easier to use. Not over responsive like flying in game.

    Also Koltyr is cool looking and the instructions seem like they would help a new player much better than the old tutorial but for flying its too small maybe move the out of bounds area back farther.

    The new color schemes for the TR characters are nice. Better base colors than before.
  10. FenixXKane

    I don't fly much on the live servers and really just have the basics down, and from that perspective I'd say the Scythe felt easier to handle, but at the same time I was noticing a bit of a delay in the response time as well. The Galaxy felt identical to live for me though, which isn't saying much because I barely fly it anyway and would likely not notice the minutiae of it's mechanics.

    I like Koltyr from the ground game perspective, but it really gets confusing from the air since the warpgates can't be used as reference points.

    Just over a half hour with the Scythe.
    A little over 7 minutes with the Galaxy.
  11. Padamalex

    The controls felt a tad bit clunky to me, and hard to control. Just not responcive enough, my suggestion if you can, leave 2 options, the option to change to the PTS version, and to use the normal controls, "legacy control" if you will! Anyways i LOVE the color rebalance, that bright blue on the infiltrators always just bugged me
  12. Eamon

    Controls felt a lot slower for me. Dogfighting was a bit difficult, as it required a lot of mouse movement to even get on target. There almost feels like there is a delay and that the inertia carries too much, so you end up over judging your movement and being thrown off target.

    Koltyr is a bit difficult to navigate at the moment. There aren't many landmarks to use for navigation and I resulted to just putting a marker in my warpgate to make sure I didn't fly into the enemy warpgate (which did happen).
  13. Turak

    I felt dificult to fly around. Innacurate and slow controls response.

    I loved Koltyr, but, like the others said, flying in there is confusing since its small. Sometimes I was flying to NC warpgate thinking that was mine. Plus, we have a lot of anti-air stationary guns around - three tower base at the center, one amp station and one tech plant, all that close to each other makes even harder to fly. Maybe instead of towers we should get other medium base type at the center.
  14. argos

    I don't fly very often but it seemed a lot more difficult on PTS. My biggest problem is controlling my flight speed. I'm always flying too fast or too slow. I wish I could change my flight speed with my mouse wheel. I also think new players are going to hate flying on such a small map. The three out of bounds zones that projected into the map were incredibly annoying.
  15. LessCowBell

    I really really like the new hover on the mozzie but it might need to be toned down just a hair

    I agree with Gammit, I think the terminals could use a little work. Also, if you are a new pilot its hard to land a gal on the warp gate platform... probably not something anyone has noticed since im the only one flying a whale ;)

    Lastly, am I the only one having terminal issues in the bases. Some of them are yellow although we have all the points on the base. Its something i've never seen

    Edit: Found another bug on the gal. If you hop out when its on fire, then repair it, the fire noise stays on. Suuuuuper annoying
  16. FireBlister91

    Well, the flight controls did feel slower than in the current game. However, an upside with the new controls is that the hovering feels less bouncy than what it was for a ground attack from the air.

    I also know that Koltyr feels pretty small especially in aircraft. I found myself unknowingly flying out of bounds on plenty of occasions where I thought I was in bounds.

    Finally, since the warpgate are so close together, it may be a good idea to give the warpgates a faction-specific color for each so new players don't retreat to the enemy warpgate.
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  17. BurntDevil

    Been flying Valkyrie all evening, other than having to crank my sensitivity all the way up to be able to roll worth a hoot, the valk change for hover is great. It was already my preferred airframe, but now trick flying, close in navigation, and lawnmowing is all easier. The weapon changes are fine as well, I could see putting them to work in a support role if I even bothered to unlock my aircraft.

    The fire beeping bug is annoying.
  18. MadamTurtle

    As a VS, when reloading an NS weapon you say that they are replacing batteries.
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  19. Cyso

    I hacked the terminal and died due to a pain shield near the spawn at Kolty Amp Station Outpost. This resulted in a loading screen. I had to restart the game to get out of the loading screen. It was frozen at 100% for over 5 minutes. With other deaths the loading was fine.

    I prefer the controls on the live server. So far I have flown the Scythe and Galaxy. The controls seem too heavy and unresponsive compared to live game play. This seems to effect my ability to perform the flying maneuvers that I can usually perform on the live server. The current controlling of the aircraft less fun. I use the keyboard to steer and mouse to pitch up / down and fire. I have not tried the other Factions aircraft yet as I normally play as VS.

    I may double check the settings on the live server in order to see if the settings are the same on the test server. It has probably been over 1600 hrs of game play since I looked at the exact settings that I have on live. ( to be able to make a more exact comparison.) More to follow after that. I want to set up the Mouse sensitivity and Flight Vehicle Sensitivity the same on each server to give better feed back to you. Thanks for the General settings ability to set Mouse sensitivity and flight vehicle sensitivity.

    Less control is less fun for me and affects my kill effectiveness. Thank you for all your efforts and game improvements.
    Thanks again, I'll be looking for that helmet. ;)
  20. Pingas

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