Vulcan Op or Up?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Red One, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    Look At the source and look at the stats.

    Oh no stats....amd all vanu and NC.

    And lets not use the usage stats. Otherwise we fall into the well they use it a lot so its op.

    Otherwise ill start a Orion is op thread because the vanu use it the most.

    Unless of course you want empty servers. Nerf the Vulcan and face a server merge.
  2. Ballto21 generally outperforming everything in vehicle KPU, occasional spikes. Aircraft KPU obvious overshine on raw kills

    Math time. Keeping it simple im only including MBT rear.
    MBT rear damage reduction=30%
    Vulcan-H: 167 damage. 30% 167=50.1 167-50.1=116.9*90=10521 DPM 800/60=13.33*116,9=1558.277 DPS

    Saron HRB-H: 30% 250=75 250-75=175*6=1050 DPM 300/60=5*175=875 DPS. If you want accuracy its only 175 DPS.

    Enforcer ML65-H: 30% 450=135 450-135=315*8=2520 DPM 60/60=1*315=315 DPS.

    There you go.
  3. MikeyGeeMan

    This is a fallacious argument. You boxed up the secondaries into its own group. Didn't include recoil or bloom into account.

    By your same logic I could assert that since the Orion is op because it outperforms all other lmgs.

    So no. Try to put it in the context of the full faction and its full abilities.

    While I appreciate you pulling the rear stats, the Vulcan is used widely by the tr, because its the best of what we have, and if everyone is using it, that means they get better with the weapon.

    I'll agree the Vulcan is op if you agree that all weapons that outperform in their class should be nerfed, because by your logic, you are saying that faction balance can't occur overall but by weapon class.
  4. Ballto21

    You asked for stats showing it outperforming. I provided them.

    You also asked for facts. I provided hard numbers showing that you have almost twice the DPS against MBTs.

    Most harasser engagements happen within 100 meters. Even at your lowest damage model at 95 meters (on the harasser, 200 on the Prowler) thats 1166.375 DPS. Higher than both the ES AV harasser guns.

    Your COF stays static through all of its firing, and within 60-70 meters still encompasses MBT ***** while looking at them. The Enforcer also stays static, but suffers from ROF. The Sarons, does not stay static, and suffers from a firing delay over a range of about 40 meters to maintain accuracy.

    Missing on a vulcan does not matter as much as missing on a Saron or Enforcer, with a 90 round magazine and about twice the DPS at max damage and still 300-900 more on its lowest model, if you miss 40% of your shots its not that big of a deal. You still have 54 shots (6312.6 MBT rear damage, by the way) to work with. compared to the Saron or enforcer missing almost half their shots, they are pretty screwed if its a tight fight, or at a significant disadvantage when not so tight.

    Vulcans work almost as well as skyguards if the driver knows how to move, and the gunners not blind.

    Vulcans are a better anti infantry weapon than most harasser anti infantry weapons, if you look at it from a point of view of how well it works against all comers.

    There is nothing wrong with one faction having something that works just barely noticeably better than the other factions. There is an issue when it preforms twice as well, and better than both combined still.

    As for the orion
    >Same DPS as the T9 CARV
    >Half the magazine of the CARV
    >Worse horizontal recoil than the CARV
    >0.75 ADS, which is not that big of a deal. You should have no bigger issue tracking a 0.75 ADS heavy than a 0.75 ADS infiltrator using an SMG, fun fact have almost the same DPS as a CARV or Orion. Another fun fact, the NS-1FM is a 0.75 ADS LMG that has BETTER stats across the board than the orion, except rate of fire, but with a bigger magazine and better ADS and hipfire accuracy its still much better

    Just realize that the vulcan is unbalanced on the harasser and needs to be fixed. As faras i know, there is a fix on PTS already of some kind. I think the other two are getting buffs. Not sure.
  5. Towie

    Umm - hasn't anyone even realised that the video is of the PRE-BUFF Vulcan-H ? Magsize is 60 base instead of the current 90. It is this buff that has made it so powerful - and able to 1-clip an MBT. The TTK is ridiculously short without a reload (which would expose the Harasser to danger by about 3 seconds).

    I tried the test server - nope, Vulcan-H still has 90 rounds base so unless something else has changed, it's still brutal.

    The Saron-H on the other hand still has the heat mechanic on PTS which takes a stupidly long 5 seconds or so to cool down. Ouch...

    Beggars belief that anyone is defending the current status quo.
  6. Hydrologist

    I didn't not show the first minute of the video. It's clearly the first minute you see when you click play.

    Additionally, this was not meant as part of an argument. It was a response to those people mocking magrider drivers.
  7. EliteEskimo

    My points still stand post or pre buff. Also something that needs to be taken into consideration is the Vulcan has a non controllable COF (Saron and enforcer don't), has damage fall off (Saron and Enforcer don't), has little medium range capacity and no long range capacity (Saron and Enforcer have medium and long range capacity while having decent short range capacity), and the Vulcan has no pin point accuracy meaning fighting against Hull down vehicles or ones using cover makes it much less effective. The Vulcan is definitely UP on the Prowler.
  8. qquqq

    its simple the vulacan is over powered because its a basilisk on steroids, it requires no skill, you are not punished for missing a shot here and there,
    at longer ranges the harasser is hard to hit and the vulcan does constant damage can seek cover for reloads, on the prowler it serves to fill the gaps in damage the main gun cant do, the vulcan is also the best weapon to fire while moving fore this same reason which makes a vulcan harasser an incredibly hard to hit vehicle that can put constant high damage in your face, and be repaired on the move,

    the prowler has lockdown high speed and higher bullet velocity making its main gun the most accurate at range, it dosn't require help to take out distant targets the vulcan fills the weakest link, close range,the main gun even has 2 shot before reloading so it can take out 2 infantry instead of 1 like any other main gun,

    it is not the dps it does that makes the vulcan op, although the damage is very high, it is that its design is better suited for the roles than any other weapon, and has a very low skill cap, so even poor aim players can cut you to pieces,
  9. The Red One

    but this weapon needs time to empty its clip therefore you need a good driver that can keep the harasser alive long enough to destroy a enemy vehicle unlike the other ESAV weapons that can do hit and run tactics
  10. qquqq

    that is true of any vehicle, if you cant drive your not going any where, since when do harassers sit still and do damage from far? they are for close up hit and run, this weapon is perfect for the harasser, I would like to see the kill numbers on these, I bet that vulcan harassers, and anti vehicle prowlers have higher success rate than the other factions.
  11. SanPelicano

    ka ka ka.. xD what a troll
  12. Mxiter

    Terrible mistake: You took only vehicles armor values but didn't added MBT resistances.

    Saron/enforcer resistances: -50% (medium armor ordonance)
    Vulcan resistances: 41% (43% vor vanguard) (AP MG)
    (scroll down)
    Vulcan-H: 167 damage@41% resist (prow/Mag) => 98dmges+ 30% rear resist = 68.6 damage per bullet DPS => 6174DPM// 914 DPS
    Vulcan-H: 167 damage.@43% resist (Van)=> 95.19+ 32% rear resist = 64.7 damage per bullet => 5825DPM// 863 DPS

    Saron HRB-H: 250@ -150% resist = 375+30% rear resist = 262 damage per shot => 1572DPM//1310 DPS
    COF is reset in 0.5 sec=>524 DPS.

    Enforcer-H: 450@ -150% resist = 675 + 30% rear resist = 472.5 damage per shot => 3780DPM// 472.5DPS

    There you go.

    Vulcan pros: Better DPS (saron have way better burst btw but compensated by small mag sier), Insane magazine.
    Vulcan cos: damages fall at 10m, no accuracy, spin up time.

    Lack of game mechanics knowledge is a bad start to speak about balance.
    I only see you as troll.
    • Up x 1
  13. EliteEskimo

    Over 400 hours in a Prowler, you have no real counter points as to why I'm wrong. 1/10, not even trying.
    • Up x 1
  14. Halathorn

    Vulcan is good, if you have a good gunner and driver. It's all about placement and tactic. Like it was mentioned before, if you get flanked and die to a harasser, that's just bad gaming, and you need to learn from your mistake, and get better.
  15. EliteEskimo

    There is very little you couldn't do the very same with the Halberd while having better accuracy, better alpha strike, more stealth, and use cover at the same time. Unless you're 2v1ing Lightnings at close range or trying to CQC face rush tanks the Halberd is almost always the better choice.
  16. Ronin Oni

    On PTS the Prowler has a tighter CoF for better damage over range.

    Still no long range weapon, but not nearly so gimped either.
  17. Halathorn

    I disagree, The prowler vulcan is fine.

    I don't use the harasser that much. So I have no input.

    But leave my prowler alone.
  18. Ronin Oni

    It's getting a minor buff. Doesn't affect close range at all, simply extends effective range a tad.

    Why would you complain? o_O
  19. qquqq

    well i looked at pts, and i guess im changing to TR cause im not going up against a vulcan these changes are really dumb, especially since they are nerfing their counterparts,

    the vulcan would be fine with accuracy buff if they reduce its rof and mag size,.......... i would like to see some one kill them now,
  20. Mezinov

    I am coming back to this thread to say something abstract; it is really encouraging to see that the PS2 community has matured to the point that the "OP Thing of the Day" isn't abused until it is nerfed into oblivion.

    Back when the Vulcan was first OP, and ZOE was a thing, part of the problem was the amount of people flocking to the platform. And they never got off of it until it was nerfed.

    Now, on Emerald atleast, I see Vulcan Harassers sparingly and at about the same frequency as the other factions Harassers - though still slightly more. Did everyone finally get their Auraxium medal and the directives are pushing them to other medals to chase? I don't know. Maybe the Emerald VS and NC got so good at killing harassers (I know my crew has) that it worked itself out. But without any stat change, again on Emerald atleast, the TR have stopped spamming it.

    There is still a problem with it. Particularly against deployed Sunderers, I feel. But now that there isn't a Vulcan Harasser around every corner it is a manageable problem.

    To those Emerald TR that have stopped pulling Vulcan Harassers en masse, I salute you. It has made the game that much more enjoyable.
  21. EliteEskimo

    Vulcan AP/Vulcan Prowler still gets destroyed by AP vanguad., and if the Magrider is moving in And out of cover like they are good at the Vulcan will still be mediocre against them. So much over reacting and exaggerating in this thread.