Best sidearm for stalker infiltrator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zhengy4, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. zhengy4

    I play mainly stalker infiltrator and ransack enemy bases (killing spawning noobs, point campers, engs who attempts to repair terminals, etc) or go behind enemy line for some quick kills.

    My targets seems to be in 5m~10m range, usually 1-2 enemies at most, they are mostly moving and so a scoped pistol isn't ideal, I want something powerful to deliver a quick kill (eg, decloaking right in front of the enemy due to he's sitting in a corner and knife is not an option) have plenty of ammos (i tend to be the only dude in an enemy base), and doesn't require much scoping.

    Have about 1 thousand of certs, what pistol do you recommend? Bows definitely not working in my scenario.
  2. Goldmonk

    Depends on what faction you play?
  3. VaIhall

    the TR SMG Pistol.
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  4. Goldmonk

    T4 AMP with a silencer is what I run
  5. day ofm one

    Get the activatable knife <3
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  6. Abraham with Cheese

    You'd be amazed how well your standard sidearm works with just a silencer and a laser sight. I myself use the Mag-Shot as a NC infiltrator, and by Higby, I am one lethal son of a gun using that, especially when I go lone-engineer and sniper hunting. After I decloak, more often than not, by the time the enemy try to move to get away or turn to shoot me, they drop dead at my feet without me having taken any damage.

    My recommendation would be to invest in the "extra ammo" ability for infiltrators, seeing as each level gives you 1 or 2 (can't remember exactly) clips for you main gun and sidearm at the expense of, say, advanced shield capacitor or something else.
  7. IvanCGray

    Get the OHK knife. If you play NC, either give the Rebel with a silencer, or a Mag-Scatter a try. If on TR, silenced amp or default repeater, silenced and lasered. I've been told by a few VS friends that the Spiker is decently usable for stalkers.

    Personally I run maxed grenade bando and EMP grenades, with Sensor Shield 4 alongside the knife and sidearm.
  8. TheBlindFreak

    It's so good with the stalker cloak that I wonder if it will manage to avoid nerfs. I'm also a bit surprised that there hasn't been more whining about the 1-hit knives. It just seems like something designed to make forumside cry.
  9. Zapon

    dont think the VS beamer , silenced or not would do enough damage with your average or higher than average clickrate to put someone down
  10. Obstruction

    it does. you just don't jump heavies with it, unless they're distracted. for example, HA has rocket out trying to round the corner on a MAX unit, you can beamer him when he's recornering to reload. basically you're always looking to blindside someone or steal kills from 1v1s with a beamer, where with the commish or a TR pistol you might just round a corner on someone. just my experience, mind you. it's a little bad but it's not that bad. you can really spamclick it pretty fast.
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  11. iller

    Ambassador or CheeseBow
  12. iller

    Holding off on it myself until either Melee detection gets fixed for other knives, or I see what specific & most likeky fairly SOON nerfs it will get since for the most part it doesn't actually have ANY down side. Yeah they claim in the text that it swings slower than the other knives. But come'on, I tested them all. The "much faster" default ones only felt 33% faster to me. Those other knifes either need a much bigger melee cone, or the Carver/Lumine needs to shut off again anytime we recloak...
  13. TheBlindFreak

    All the more reason to auraxi it soon. xD
  14. Vango

    The beamer is a weird beast,I would say it works ONLY on a stalker,since you either magdump or aim,and only the stalker gets to choose stationary targets so no need to aim xD
    The dps is good,but it is incredibly difficult to maintain it and track a target at the same time :/

    The repeater,commissioner and xbow appear to be the most effective vs me,though by now I have died to pretty much anything an infil can carry(incl VS weps) as an engi,and I recommend the commissioner + lazors for your situation,though the underboss,while unpopular, might actually perform even better for the style you describe.
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  15. iller

    Speaking of the knives, has anyone logged in yet to test what this patch note did exactly??

    That almost sounds like a Nerf to me...
  16. _itg

    Haven't tested it personally, but I've read several comments on Reddit that they reverted the knife hitbox nerf on non-activatable quick knives. Apparently activatable knives have the new (worse) hitbox at all times, and standard knives still have it when wielded.
  17. Milspec

    Oh, there has been discussion, believe me lol.
  18. iller

    Well that's really unfortunate.

    ...but as long as Quick-knifing isn't broken anymore, I can get behind that again atleast.
    Lately whenever I've managed to kill or even wound a moving target with any of them, it was like a 1-in-10 odds event. And by that I mean a couple outfit mates and I had a "knife party" just to test it. It went on way longer than it should have... like a pillow fight instead
  19. TheBlindFreak

    Discussion, sure. But there hasn't been widespread butt hurt and whining over it being super OP.
  20. PsyStorm

    OHK Knife seems better to me with more range :)