The Vulcan is

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ATRA_Wampa-One, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    Thank you shadowkhat for posting the changes since I wasn't aware of them.

    So nobody should be discussing anything right now other than the clip size increase, as none of these changes would have had any effect on the outcome of the OP's gif except the clip size increase.

    The encounter was at fukkin point blank, so the Min COF, COF bloom, damage falloff, and tracers did not effect this encounter at all.

    This GIF could have been made before the changes and very little would have gone differently, the harasser would have had to reload.
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  2. C+++

    Game give you a OP Weapon, lot of idiots will pay for it, next days will be nerf... Game owned your money.. :cool:
    Even a fool would understand... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ++++
  3. FrozenCustard

    Okay, here's how I see it for the harasser
    NC - You'll want to keep your distance and use your high sustained accuracy to land shots from a distance and use your mobility to dodge incoming fire but get out of dodge if you see something closing in on you. (Long range)
    VS - You are somewhere in the middle between the NC and TR in terms of lower TTK at range due to bloom but aren't as limited to ranged attacks due to mag dump. (Med range)
    TR - You will want to sneak up on your enemy behind enemy lines and shoot them in the butt because you are limited to close range due high ROF and clip size but high COF and bullet damage falloff. (Close range)
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  4. shadowkhat

    seems like a buff when i use it getting twice the kills i was beforethat minimum damage is a huge buff can do 350 damage in an area in 1-2 seconds... but your not calling buff... and thats with a stock banshee so35 damage to 350 in 2 seconds isnt' a buff.... hell at least you have explosive damage on your anti infantry exploive weapon they had to take it out of the NC's plane shotgun.. (stupidest f'ing thing ever) because you tr and vs cried like little babies in the beta.. banshee was op its closer to in line now than its ever been... but it still got buffed, whre as the nc gets nothing but bnerfs because of you forum cowboys that sit on here 24/7 and cry about the nc op
  5. shadowkhat

    its obvious why the TR vulcan got a massive buff, ran over higby the other day playing ... *gasp* in a vulcan harraser... when he gets bored getting ez kills it'll get nerfed back down, till he decides what facton he's going to play in january.. then that faction will be the FOTM
  6. Goretzu

    Honestly that's as sensible a suggestion as any when the Hassaser Vulcan were performing perfectly on-par with the NC/VS equiverlents before the buff. :eek:

    The MBT Vulcan needed a buff.
  7. Flag

  8. Turiel =RL=

    Insanely low TTK is the root of all evil in this game. Everything centers about balancing 1-shot-kills in one way or the other. Currently MBTs and Lightnings 1-shot-kill stuff, so the Vulcan is supposed to be an answer. The problem is that only one empire can make use of this answer and the other empires cannot answer that.

    The other problem is that the Vulcan/Harasser is too cheap for a unit that can deal so much damage. They should actually charge extra resources for certain types of main weapons on a vehicle. Expensive cars usually have expensive maintenance either.
  9. Sandi18

    I would like to know who is the clown that thinks..."ohh, a jeep/harasser with a machine gun on the top, needs to be way better then a lightining and a heavy, lets "balance" the machine gun (vulcan) to destroy them in less then 20 seconds without changing even a clip...".

    I'm tired of being educated giving better sugestions to make the game better and more realistic, but seems that you guys are walking on the opposite way, making the game more stupid "balanced" then was already before. This proves that you guys probably dont even read the damn forums...

    How many people needs to post for you guys see how dumb is this situation? how many people needs to give up the game, because are tired of waiting for you guys to fix something (vulcan) that was already OP before this last patch? its clearly obvious that this is wrong and the game will suffer the consequences losing everything that you guys want most...players. OBS: I will not read anymore this thread, so dont bother in make flame and be stupid talking stupid things here...its time to FIX the game, not to be stupid...
  10. Turiel =RL=

    I doubt that it was meant to make "sense" in the first place. Devs are just desperately looking for an answer to reduce 1-shot-kill-potential in the game. If MBTs and Lightnings can kill with 1-shot, then they must be countered in one way or the other. Which vehicle can be the basis for that restriction? The Flash? No! The Sunderer? Maybe! The Harasser! Yes, absolutely!!

    Same thing with the C4-situation. Everyone has C4 to reduce the effectiveness of MAX units nowadays. Does it make "sense" that a Medic has C4? No, it doesn't, but it certainly helps a bit.
  11. zombielores

    I don't care what anecdotal evidence you can come up with but the stats say the Vulcan-H was perfectly fine and didn't deserve a buff, if anything it was doing better against air targets the the Saron, Halberd, and the OP Enforcer everyone talks about.

    Why does Vulcan-H deserve a buff when everything was fine before.

    Prowler Vulcan deserved it but not the harrasser version.
  12. amega

    Could some one tell me vulcan on harraser is av or ai weapon ? Or what ?
  13. WTSherman

    Both, it's also pretty good against air. ;)
  14. zombielores

  15. TheFamilyGhost

    So you're at work. A guy comes up to you and says, "John, I've made a policy decision based on data that ahs an uncountable number of variables." I wouldn't consider that person to be very reasonable.

    Right now, weapons are balanced based on in-game performance. Performance that can be affected by a million variables.

    This is the final and winning argument.

    All I'm saying: Arguing over arbitrary weapon values can only be a study in conflict-of-interest. There are other ways of expecting gaming weaponry to work other than popular opinion.

    I'm sorry you felt patronized. I was trying to point out the absurdity of populism when compared to science.
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  16. Nerazim

    Grab a friend with the MCG and Decimator in the rumble seat of your vulcan harass. You'll have a bit of extra punch against tanks, and the noise of the two chainguns mowing down infantry in a drive by is fantastic. You can even stick an ammo pack in the rumble seat.

    I was fine with the old Vulcan, but trading it's burst damage for a larger magazine and longer effective range is nice.
  17. IberianHusky

    The very same people who defended the PPA are attacking the Vulcan ITT. Nothing to see here folks, just VS playing the nerf meta.
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  18. Nody

    Then you won't mind the upcoming nerf either (yes Highby has already confirmed that the Harasser version is over performing and will be adjusted...)