Do you have a clean TK record?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. DJPenguin

    Went from 4 tks to 2 tks in the last 1k kills. I'M ALMOST AS INFALLIBLE AS THE POPE.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    I can relate to your pain :'(
  3. Rikkit

    1.92% of their last 990 kills
    while accumulating 10 suicide(s).

    Mana Ai Turret and Em1 won't stop that often, when a fool passes by,
    and my flash is always hungry. I need to feed it with blood....
    Oh and my cyclone, when i do a misstake, my mate is dead before i can stop me from killing him
  4. Bellawynn

    Bellawynn has killed a teammate
    0.10% of their last 996 kills
    while accumulating 4 suicide(s).

    So pretty clean :p apparently VS doesn't love me back with the amount I get tk'd :eek:

    Oh man I almost feel bad with my 2.42%.
  6. khai

    3.5% not bad I guess in my defense they kept jumping in front of my turrets. I mean you see an engie with a turret firing full auto with bullets pinging off his sheild what do you do, use him as cover and add your fire down range. No you walk directly in front of him taking a dozen bullets meant for the engie and a dozen more in the back before he can release the trigger. There was also some explosive mishaps and a couple of outright revenge murders. But I am safer to those around me then those around me are to me. 4% dead from friendly fire mainly tanks running me over, I swear they aim for me.
  7. JacDoom

    My TK record definitely won't be clean after what I managed to do earlier:

    Quartz Ridge. In one of those smallish out buildings you see a lot of on Indar. We(NC)'re trying to push in and it's a bit crowded. I see a TR MAX and a small group of TR forces outside the door on the other side of the room. As I enjoy doing it, I go to chuck a Sticky Grenade at the MAX, hoping to take out a few TR when it retreats and therefore allowing us to push forward. At the last split second, a team mate runs across me the grenade sticks to his head. He runs into a crowd of team mates, completely oblivious to what has happened. 7 players team killed. I start frantically yelling out apologies.

    Edit: 4.13% of my last 998 kills, so 41 team kills. Ouch. I'm bad.
  8. TraatAdmiral

    1.15% of my last 607 kills. To be fair, though, if I had caught more of the 4.11% of people who've TK'd me I'd have killed them back. My percentage is driven down by my lack of frequent use of vehicles and my inability to effectively track people who shoot me in spawnrooms. :p
  9. WTSherman

    I often drive sundies, and unfortunately that rarely goes well for people who insist on running in front of them. Sundies take a long time to stop! :p

    I think "CiaphasCain->AntonGebbet" might be the most hilarious TK ever though.
  10. TraatAdmiral

    These are interesting statistics. It looks like almost everyone here is below 5%. It might not be a bad idea for SOE to automatically flag people who're getting more than 15-20% and look at that--they're pretty clearly intentionally griefing.
  11. Ceiu

    TIL: I'm on the wrong side of the average and -- according to this thread -- should have my account deleted. :(

    Ceiu has killed a teammate
    6.11% of their last 868 kills
    while accumulating 15 suicide(s).

    Ceiu has been team-killed
    5.28% of their last 985 deaths.
  12. Abraham with Cheese


    NC character?
    4.28% of their last 304 kills
    while accumulating 8 suicide(s).

    TR character?
    3.33% of their last 150 kills
    while accumulating 3 suicide(s).

    VS character?
    2.97% of their last 269 kills
    while accumulating 10 suicide(s).

    Not exactly sure what to make of it, but I can tell you this: most of my teamkills are from some random ally running into a room full of enemies AFTER I've thrown in, like, three grenades.
  13. TraatAdmiral

    It's also interesting to note that virtually no-one in this thread is a net producer of teamkills. To some extent that may just be a result of people who TK more than they are TK'd choosing not to post their stats, but I wonder. Theoretically it should be exactly even, but it would make sense that a disproportionate fraction of all teamkills are produced by a small percentage of ******** in the playerbase. More stats on that would be cool.
  14. khai

    It's not so bad your death numbers are also high I am sure it's just because your in a group of ******** trying to fit in. When I am NC I have a hard time not shooting my side too.

    are we sure that suicides are not counted as team kills?
  15. TraatAdmiral

    Yeah, it tracks those separately.
  16. Erendil

    Erendil has killed a teammate

    2.81% of their last 996 kills
    while accumulating 4 suicide(s).

    Erendil has been team-killed

    4.89% of their last 982 deaths.

    The above can be mainly attributed to two things:
    1. I recently started driving a Magrider again. I swear that thing has an "instagib friendlies" death field around it in a 50m radius. Too bad that field does nothing to enemies.
    2. The Lasher - Most VS seem convinced that the disco balls won't hurt them and have no issue running right into the glowing stream. They are mistaken. I've played in lots of bio lab fights of late so I've pulled the Lasher more than I usually do.

    This is much more typical of my playstyle:
    ErendilVS has killed a teammate

    0.60% of their last 993 kills
    while accumulating 7 suicide(s).

    ErendilVS has been team-killed

    3.83% of their last 940 deaths.

    Accidental TKs still happen on occasion. Battle Rifles are accurate, high damage weapons that, although powerful, still require a lot of shots to kill their target and thus I normally fire several shots - and often whole mags - in rapid succession.

    If I'm scoped in (3.4x or 4x) my vision is somewhat limited, and if some friendly decides to run into my LoF I can still kill them before I can stop shooting even if only 1-2 bullets hit if they're at all hurt and/or I land headshots. It's the nature of the beast, and if it happens I generally apologize for it, even if they were the ones carelessly charging into my obvious stream of bullets.

    I've also killed a few people who were right in front of me because I was scoped in using the 3.4x or 4x and they didn't render on my screen at all because of it. It's almost like your perspective jumps forward a couple feet when you're using a scope. Very strange.
  17. MiZrY

    My sticky grenades tend to get stuck on the back of teammates heads from time to time..... and then they take it to a group of friendlies. Oops....
  18. tigerchips

    If the game doesn't tell you the difference between friend and anemy at long range, what do you expect to happen?
  19. Shadowomega

    Mine is staying mostly unchanged. Toss a grenade into a room full of hostiles, and several players run chase the grenade like a dog chasing a stick. The other is while throwing suppression down and people just run right though you while firing, or stop inside of you and you don't see them but hit them anyway.
    • Up x 1
  20. andy_m

    Mine's gone from 1.40% to 1.71%, probably because of my recent venture into MAX suit use...