Dogfighting is Annoying

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bossaru, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Bush82

    said it before and il say it again. weapons should be locked below a certain speed. anything below 60kph should be weapon lock.

    i can do the reverse maneuver but i couldn't be arsed with it. any pilot that does it in a dog fight i smash into them. make ESFs jet fighters, leave hover stuff to the new flying machine that comes next month.

    dog fight is pants in this game and it looks pants too.
  2. Maljas23

    Yeah.... that make no sense at all...

    There are plenty of other games that do "dogfighting" how you want it. Go play those said games.

    Btw, the "dogfighting" that you speak of DOES happen in this game, just not all the time. I only wish you could stay in the air long enough to see it.
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  3. Herby20

    You won't get mindless circle fighting. You will get floating turret fighting, because floating in the air as a turret gives you much better opourtunity to hit your opponent who is flying around thinking that they can't stop moving forward.

    They aren't going to change the flight mechanics this late in post-release development. If you don't enjoy them, don't fly.
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  4. JibbaJabba

    /facepalm. a touch of sadness.

    I said "split S", not S turns. If you don't even know what a split S is then you are the person least qualified to talk about dogfighting.

    And yes, *SOME* people like the set of rules that is present (like yourself) but I suspect that it is just because they are ignorant of better rules that exist out there.

    Nobody is asking for a full blown flight sim to be in the game but if you've ever done any sort of dogfighting in a video game that even remotely mimics flight then you would see the beauty of that combat. Planetside dogfighting is... well look it's dumb ok? I'm not saying we should go changing it at this point in the game's lifecycle. I don't advocate that at all. What I'm saying is we as gamers are missing out here and it's a shame. That's all.
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  5. Verenz

    Sorry to pick on this post because everyone against hover-fighting is making no sense at all here. But how is it that you manage to define the pre-learned/remembered techniques of split-S, yo-yo's etc to be an act of skill but not the pre-learned capacity to fight in vertical if you catch my meaning?. That is quite a double standard right there.
  6. Verenz

    I actually find it quite amazing to think that whilst I spent my time trying to emulate some of the amazing piloting skill which I saw in various videos, there were evidently loads of players throwing hissy fits about how "this is stupid!" or "such a crutch!!" or "not real flying".

    Either I have a lot of determination, or this playerbase is a bunch of whining babies.

    I don't see a problem with having a
    1. Unique
    2. Skill-intensive
    3. Tense
    4. Not-all-dominating
    flight style. I have always wanted to be good at flying in a computer game and this one is so much more accessible than say BF3 (which I just couldn't get), it really didn't take me long to get the basics down. Also these non-hover fights are really the majority of engagements anyway, be they chases/escapes or group fights or ganks.

    Sure we don't have common military flight evasive maneuvers like Split-s or rolling scissors but you CANNOT be against hover fighting because it is "hard to learn" and then insist that people should instead have to learn a different set of complicated maneuvers which everyone who knows will destroy those who don't with. That makes no sense.

    PS 79% kills as infantry, only 90 hours in ESF so don't go giving me any of the nolifer skygod BS, I'm not amazing, I'm not even that good, I'm just better motivated than you are.
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  7. Clapeyron

    Cool it on the face slapping dude... You know very well that I wasn't talking about specific maneuvers, but rather about the general game mechanics and how they can be implemented while fighting in the air. so keep your facepalming and touches of saddnes to yourself seeing as you didn't get the jist of what I was talking about regarding split S, S turns, potential energy or whatever...

    I don't think we are missing out anything fun or important at all... PS2 has a fun, fast, fluid, and demanding way of dogfighting, and I don't think it looks dumb at all, seeing 3-4 ESF's swirling around each other trading blows is really cool (just a little example but there are many cool things about it)

    I get it, you want more real physics and mechanics, but not just "some" people like this way, many many many people does, since it's fresh and not a cookie cutter fligh sim light of other generic combined arms games
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  8. Demetrios

    You don't have to reverse, you can charge and win if you can out aim your opponent. If you think this:

    looks more fun than what we have in PS2, go do that.
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  9. Clapeyron

    OMG that looks so boring, and that is one of the reasons I don't play the BF series anymore
  10. Badname707

    Lol, try floating in the air around enemies and not dying. Let me know how that goes.
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  11. Badname707

    I've played flight simulators, commercial and military, since I was a kid. This is the most fun I've had in dogfighting in any of them, including WarThunder. The freedom of motion makes fights dynamic and really allows for many different tactics to show up. Planetside's flight mechanics were probably the sweetest surprise for me in this game, because I was expecting something significantly different. It took some getting used to, but once you learn how free the current flight mechanics make you, you will love them.

    If you want realistic flight mechanics, there are dozens of flight sims out there. Planetside's works exceptionally well for being able to engage both ground and air. There's no other game like it. There are tweaks that can be made, but the fundamental feel of the air combat in this game shouldn't be touched.
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  12. Bullborn

    Reminds me of a dogfight I tried the other day. We were both hovering every which way, trading bullets. At one point we were both upside down trying to avoid each other's barrage, as I was straightning it back into level, my Mossie hit the ground on the side. Cursing myself for being a noob, I jumped out, turned around, only to see the Reaver being upside down on the ground with its pilot still inside. As he jumped out of his Reaver, I shot him with my rifle.

    Best dogfight ever.
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  13. GaBeRock

    I had a similar experience once. Dogfighting against 3 scythes, I baited one scythe into flipping upside down, mirroring me, too close to the ground, before immediately turning back upright. He tried to save his craft, but was too low and crashed. I of course got rekt by his friendlies, but still felt really good about the fight, we ecen exchanged some friendly tells.
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  14. Ometen

    :D so much complaining in here. srsly guys dogfights are pretty awesome in planetside. Yes it is a little bit tricky to get used to it but if you passed the first learning its gonna be fun!
    A few tips for the guys having trouble fighting with esfs.

    1. Dont hover over a base unless you are able to dodge rockets

    2. watch how your allies moving in the air ( if you approach a base and you see that all friendly aircrafts are just running away you propably gonna face lots of lockons and AA)

    3. get used to the sounds of all 3 esfs and pay attention to them. Good pilots will track you by sound even before you started shooting them.

    4. DONT CHASE! unless you have teamed up with some mates.

    5.learn how to do a reverse manouver ( it is really not that hard search for Daikar on yt if you want a decend tutorial!)

    6. Dont be an *******! as you know loosing your aircraft is anoying so if you got a little bit of skill flying your esf and notice that the other guy doesnt have a clue at all just leave him alone.

    7. download the PTS and fly arround with your esf to learn what is possible and what is not in a calm enviroment!

    8. train dogfights with a mate on PTS

    9. i know its obvious but FOCUSE on where the enemy esf is flying to and lead your shots. You will think "aaah i am doing it already so wtf" but if you activly FOCUSE on it you will get much better aim ill promise you!

    10. Pick your fights! before engaging a target make sure that there is no other air arround!

    All in all flying the esfs is one of the most fun things for me in planetside! I even enjoy just flying arround on hossin trying to make some stunts between the trees not shooting anything for half an hour!
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  15. Erilis

    lol, jesus ******* christ.
    Thanks for this.
  16. Champagon

    PS2 "aces" are good at hovering and shooting while rotating. give me a break, How is that any fun? Aside from another cert farm. I can't see how people are actively defending this.

    SOE should remove this bug for a few days and see how things play out.
  17. NC supporter

    You all realize SOE doesn't really care about any "heart felt" posts you said right? They stopped going on these forums a long time ago.
  18. NC supporter

    Your going to compare this game to battlefield? One is a payed title that was developed by a huge team while the other was designed by a small team and is free. You cannot compare the two as they are raised in a different scale. Thats like comparing the child of the president to an orphan raised in an orphanage. Also the game would probably be shut down if they copied BF since EA will utterly destroy SOE over the law suit.
  19. Jawarisin

    Go on youtube and look at Rguitar87's video, you might see something enlightning.
  20. Axehilt

    But ESFs aren't modern jet fighters. They're futuristic VTOLs with superior handling, optimized for interesting gameplay.

    What should matter most to gamers is game depth: whether the game continues to reward player skill improvement over the long run. And currently the air physics in PS2 are probably the deepest game mechanics found in PS2, so crapping all over them with your comments just seems unwarranted and a path to an objectively shallower game.
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