Dogfighting is Annoying

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bossaru, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. JibbaJabba

    I'll always admit I can learn more.

    I typically run full stealth and engagement radar. Would you suggest dumping the engagement radar and just using an awareness implant?
  2. MorganM

    What a buncha hullabaloo. I too find dog fighting tedious and frustrating but it seems like a lot of ppl get off on it and love it. Fine, let them do it, and if you don't like it then stay out of the air. Nobody is forcing you to use aircraft. It's not a requirement for anything now that The Ascent and Ravens Landing terran was modified.

    Ya it's annoying when you get smoked in .5 sec because someone who can aim flanks you. It's frustrating to be engaged with an enemy and someone comes in and ventilates you. Then again... I do it all the time from the ground... so whatevs. I see dudes dog fighting and if they get too low I hit them with G2A AA and at least get an assist. I've been wingman for some better pilots and I'm that annoying Higby who flanks with lock-ons or coyotes.

    Get over it and get better or just get out of your aircraft and stick to what you actually enjoy.
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  3. Taemien

    This is the statement you made:

    And I asked for you to quote your source. Now you either have a source, or you're talking out of your ***.

    Its one or the other. Stop trying to weasel out of it and provide the source or admit you have nothing to back it up.
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  4. JibbaJabba

    The first shooter has an upper hand but not by much.

    In a real dogfight the first one to shoot has the positional advantage. Unless you are Col. John "40 second" Boyd then it's all over. The first shot might not kill you but without that positional advantage you're going to have to live through the 2nd and 3rd shot as well. Not so in this game...

    In planetside you instead just magically stop dead in the air and pirouette around like a 10 ton ballerina. If you can do this second maneuver better than the guy who got the opening shot then the whole contest has flip flopped.

    It's to late to change it and I'm not saying it should be. I'm honest about it though. Dogfighting in planetside is stupid. It's fighting alright, but not dogfighting.
  5. MaxDamage

    Dogfighting is a cruel sport, and often the animals are left to bleed out if they aren't shot.
    As custodians of Earth and its creatures, we need to show greater kindness to them.
  6. JibbaJabba

    Michael Vic sees what you did there.
  7. Whatupwidat

    Even if the "unique mechanic" is a bug that puts new people off flying?

    Great plan - soon we'll have NO pilots whatsoever...I like it, keep up the good work xD

    Aye, and to think you took time out of farming infantry to tell us this too - truly, we should be humbled OH skylord;P
  8. IcEzEbRa

    I'm a newer player, but actually watched the SOE tutorial video's, including an aircraft one that I believe it's Higby, demonstrating and explaining...."all the fighters do the sweet-*** reverse maneuver." Think that's official. Personally, I just love flying an esf, but fighting in one is a lot harder than just flying it. I still suck, but suck a little less than when I started, lol. I think it's important in this game, even if you don't like to play every class or use every vehicle, to best understand how to fight or counter a particular class/vehicle, is to have played/used it. You then not only can actually appreciate when someone is playing with skill, but also probably cut the number of your unnecessary deaths a lot.

    Not really sure why some peeps don't like/use vehicles much, I think they are a great part of the game, and I honestly wouldn't be playing this game w/o them.

    But, with regard to this thread's issue.... I do believe there is higher learning curve for esf's, but there always would be. Everything can kill one, including trees/ground/walls, friendly aircraft are quite often your greatest hazard....and if you haven't been there, being alive 60 seconds after you spawn one in the warp gate, should be one of the first achievements. I too have felt it was kinda cheesy, after you have finally gotten enough experience, and certs into your esf that you certainly didn't get from're finally doing something to support your squad/platoon/faction in an actual fight, perhaps not ever won a dogfight, and either 1 or 2 aces, or sometimes a squadron of 12, that don't have a fight on that side of the continent, just out to wreck air. And you get insta-gibbed by peeps that have no interest in the ongoing fight, that you actually did work pretty hard to be air support. OK, generally not fun and rewarding. On the flip side, when I was a brand new pilot, there were a couple guys that I thought were pretty classy when they flipped the coin as to whether I would just crash into the ground with half a clip, lol, and were just having fun, looking for someone willing to fight, but didn't kill me. I've passed that on a few times, in small fights, because a brand/new pilot really has little to no impact on any fight, and is basically defenseless. Also, I didn't know if it might be a 10 year old girl I might make cry, lol.

    The air-game is greatly different from infantry and ground vehicle play.... the maps aren't very big, pretty dang small imho for aircraft, and you can easily be involved in fights that honestly don't matter to But I also hate losing my esf to the BR2 player that thinks he can test tank or whatever at the warpgate, or the ******* that changes factions and wrecks the warpgate durring an alert.

    I understand how much fun it is to fly, really is. I think one of the problems is not being able to change loadouts. If you go nose-gun +AB, or throw on AA missiles, you have to find planes to shoot...ur worthless against ground, so ya just keep looking for aircraft wherever they might be. And if you go with air to ground weapons of any sort, even adding AA on the wing, you are still completely gimped to dedicated AA. So, if it's a pilot that has no air, or air left to fight, in a fight that matters...they could change load-out. Think should be the same for all vehicles, that perhaps part of the resources, definitely part of the nanites just go to these weapons, and to change is small nanite charge to only change that part of the vehicle. Might help.
  9. SeanFree

    Honestly, reverse isn't that bad. It took me like an hour to get down. The problem for new pilots is tracking a target while doing it, most new pilots don't switch to third person to keep an eye on them to duel. Once they lose them, the other pilot ganks them from out of nowhere. It's the building awareness that makes flying hard, not the flying itself. (Keeping your nosegun on target is difficult but that's easier with a bit of practice)
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  10. FieldMarshall

    Oh. Didnt know most air did =[
  11. Clapeyron

    because it's not a real world simulator... many of those exist, play them if you want a flight sim... there is dogfighting in the game, it's not based on the real world as in flying 8 miles from your enemy and radar lock him and fire missiles and then go home...

    People don't die from 1 bullet in games either, that isn't *real* infantry fighting either.

    Why should S-turns and whatnot give more advantages than the features that exist... People like the set of rules that is present, and you want another set of rules to override them.

    It was a fluke in Tribes the skiing was made into a feature as well, antibiotics was a fluke as well... That's no reason to change it.

    The actual results of the reverse hover dogfighting is that PS2 has unique air features, features that are based on fluid motions and spatial awareness, I could think of many much worse scenarios.
    If you want to fly in a combined arms game you're gonna experience flight models which aren't at flight sim levels, that's just a fact! And I myself am just glad that the circle-jerking-dogfighting of the battlefield games isn't as prevalent in this game.

    Learn to use the reverse maneuver, THEN complain about it... Helicopters can do it in reality, that can justify VTOL vehicles in a sci-fi future game being able to as well.

    bottom point is, it isn't getting removed, and drag and lift forces aren't getting added, so play a flight sim or adjust, some things won't change in this game and this is one of them
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  12. MmMmYessss

    Reverse Maneuver is a Crutch? thats a first
  13. MmMmYessss

    it wont be
  14. MmMmYessss

    can't wait till its patched out of RL ******* Crutch
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  15. Liquidrider

    Well I am probably assuming to much, but based on the fights I've had as of late this seems to be the case.
  16. [NNG]WillTerry

    What server does this dream exist on?
  17. [NNG]WillTerry

    Oh my this thread is fantastic. All truly elite pilots know that the reverse manuever is an instant I win button. QRY wins all of its air engagements by using it. We simply all reverse manuever and enemy aircraft explode immediately upon seeing us reverse.
  18. Rift23

    No it's skill, pure unquestionable skill. Nerf everything but nose gun.
  19. Gokki

    Every single time i go into an air vehicle i die within 20 seconds if any other aircraft because no matter what i do the enemy seems to have perfect aim. How do you even aim in this game with the aim axis on different keys? I can't even bind left-right to mouse!
  20. p10k56

    Yes dogfight are annoying cos 99.75% ends in hover fight.
    Esf should feel more heavy and clumsier in hover mode to actually some dogfight happen.