Test update notes: 7/2

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Tacom

    Tin hat on. Next they will try mental control :)
  2. Klypto

    I'm just going to sit and watch now. I'll still correct blatant ignorance when people post it, but the HE / HEAT changes by themselves don't make sense until we see the infantry AV nerfs and the secondary buffs. Commenting now would be pointless.

    My expectation from all this is that if you want to farm infantry you will have to use a secondary gun and those secondaries will be buffed to completely wreck face at or better than PPA levels, but won't rely as much on wide area splash as it does on relative LOS or direct fire. This way it requires at least some teamwork to farm infantry and you can't just solo pull a tank to shell a base.

    Not sure what their Infantry AV nerfs are. It better not be dumbfire rockets since those already suck pretty bad at AV and the striker is crap vs tanks. The only "threats" are max AV / AV mana turrets / Lancers / C4 / Tank Mines. Not sure how you change those without frustrating infantry.

    The real reason I think all this is happening is the PS4 launch and to prevent a repeat that disaster of what launch was like on Nov 20th 2012. Tanks just crushed infantry so badly and they had no access to any meaningful AV because of the cert barriers.
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  3. Ranik

    This is all murky and questionable territory right now. Especially with the July quick deploy button coming into play.

    You want combined arms? Well we are nerfing your AI and giving infantry a button which makes them respawn even faster....
  4. KXOPH

    Somebody stop them, they are fed up with their shotguns.
    SOE as you do not understand we do not want a shotgun, we want something more long-range and not randomly. Shotgun can not kill the enemy as well as make effective gun TR or VS, please give us a rail gun on the similarity of "Af - 8 RailJack", so it should be a rail gun, it should not be shotguns it must be precise and powerful. Please change weapon for MAX NC, let us present the rail gun, and not something that you find interesting. Shotguns is absolutely not interesting, because they are literally at each fraction. And once you are so actively extending our game only weapons of PS1, then I can safely say that you have absolutely no creativity. All you do is carry out the first game of what was already there, and unwilling to come up with something new.
    If this message still attract your attention here's another request. Give NC something new, not a shotgun, and a really fun powerful weapon. I note that only shotguns are powerful at close range, why I shall come flying up on a plane, or drive up the tank almost point-blank that would spend half or even all of the clip on one pehotintsav while my enemies have the ability to kill me on the approach . Tell me where is the logic in that would make tanks, aircraft, infantry, and one of the MAX 3 fractions deprived in quality ranged weapons, while two other factions can feel comfortable at distances exorbitant useless for shotguns.

    I want to say that "MAG - Scatter" is the BEST WORST GUN!

    Well, or shotgun or what is this?
  5. Klypto

    I'm fine with a 1H-KO to 150-200 meters, tight cone, anti-infantry canister shell that reloads in 1-3 seconds.

    The concept that a shotgun is only powerful at close range is bizarre when you are talking about a tank cannon. You're basically firing a bullet like from a high powered musket rifle, only there's about 20-100 of them all being fired at the same time. It doesn't compare in range or effectiveness to a hand-held shotgun.
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  6. Flea6.8

    Honestly, tanks are fine (at least damage output wise) the way they are the biggest issue is that anyone can pull one whenever they want and soe has designed some truly terrible bases. Most of the time people try and ignore tanks and that is the biggest issue. I say this as a primary infantry player. Hossin has some very well designed bases and (hill climbing magriders aside) it shows.

    As far as "bring cannons inline with each other" this is stupid. There should be a clear trade off for making a choice. It should be like pulling a skyguard vs ap vs he... Three clearly defined roles. Each with a trade off. HEAT is the problem here it tries to straddle the divide and that is an issue. HE should one shot infantry in the inner blast radius UNLESS they have flak armor (infantry needs tradeoffs too) with flac armor it should take 2 hits to kill. Reducing the outer radius damage i might be able to see... maybe.... Direct hits from ap or he should always kill. Heck, so should rocket launchers. 9/10 people try to rocket primary me they miss and i get a free kill.

    If you plan on implementing these changes i happily await the changes you are surely making that will bring the sky-guard turret more inline with the ap turret against vehicles such as tanks.

    O yes and maruader=bad fury. Please fix this.
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  7. RemusVentanus

    Keep your hands off the tanks already. A handful infantry can shred a tank in seconds when they concentrate fire on it and yet more and more nerfs for tanks in various shapes and sizes are planned? How about you nerf infantry AV for a change and then nerf tanks after that?
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  8. Brasil

    Users of this forum are blind.

    Most do not want to nerf not want something useless.
  9. DorianOmega

    the current prowler reload speed is 3.5 seconds for the HE... the notes clearly say they would be reducing that by 1 second to 2.5 seconds, hands down the largest buff to any of the guns listed...

    you might wanna fully read the patch notes :/
  10. Unclematos7

    Is HE still managing to kill more than one infantryman per shot/2 shots every now and again?
  11. Scr1nRusher

    The Rocket changes are unneeded, And are a result of forumsides crazy fearmongering/hyping up something that was never a issue.

    "rocket primary" is a false term for something that barely(if rarely) happens at all.

    people aren't dying to nothing but rockets, you don't see every HA running around witha rocket..... then clearly that should tell you that its not a problem.

    rockets are FINE.


    So thanks forumside for once again hurting your gameplay.

    Also........ HE should be flat out removed.
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    so........the TR gets an SMG pistol?

    im a TR player....love the Republic......but......it SOUNDS OP

    it might not actually BE OP.....but it sounds that way

    and the VS......why do the VS get the best of both worlds? why isnt it a charged single shot with a 2 shot uncharged burst?

    wouldnt that make the most sense?....isnt that how its normally done?
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  13. LLancaster

    This is the issue I have, we're getting half the picture of what they're doing by not seeing infantry changes so we don't really know what the end result will be.

    And I do think you did strike on something with the PS4 release. A brand new server with all BR 1s is going to behave completely differently than say Connery is now. Mind you, they're gonna be in for a big surprise when they realize they might have to start balancing two completely separate games as controls on a console are more friendly for tanks than infantry.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    just tested it.

    its pretty cool, but not OP.
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  15. Kunavi

    Did not test the ScatMag but I assume it's nothing exotic, like the AMP which I did test(And is a bore, but at least it's a fully auto pistol so we got that going).

    The VS one sounds like it has a unique firing mode and while I haven't seen it, from the description about its core ETC ETC it must look really good too.

    I'm assuming, I know. But can't TR(Well, NC too but I can't speak up for you guys, I don't like you much! Traitors! ;Ppp) get something that finally looks UNIQUE? Uh oh, that's exactly what gave us that ugly Commi Hat... Let me rephrase that; ...Something that finally looks COOL? And while at it, can it also DO SOMETHING other than just... Dakka for the sake of Dakka? ANYTHING at this point. Some accessory, SOMETHING, I don't know. Why is TR so bland? Why can't the ScatMag take at least Slugs(Can it? I assume not) so that it's different? Yeah it's the NC's first sawed off as a 2ndary kind of thing but it's going to take so long before more pistols come out, might as well make it extra NCish.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    The VS one needs to have a 6 round charged burst not a 4 round charged shot.

    The Scatmag I can't tell(just like for all the shotguns in the game) if laser dot actually effects it.

    But the pistols overall are pretty good.
  17. Adinatore

    These changes to splash damage still don't make sense even if they're better than the previous ones.

    When compared to AP, I find that the current HEAT rounds are actually a viable, and sometimes necessary, alternative. If I choose AP, I know that I can take on tanks and AV Mana turrets without fear but I'm left vulnerable to mass foot zergs of infantry since I have to direct hit to kill. If I choose HEAT, I know that I can defensively hold AP tanks at bay (if I have an AV secondary) while being able to kill infantry foot zergs with splash. I would argue that the premier specialty of HEAT is its ability to kill infantry with splash.

    With the new changes, why would I ever pull HEAT? The new HEAT rounds do reduced damage to armor compared to AP rounds and require either a direct hit or two very accurate indirect hits to kill. Since infantry are likely to relocate after a single, non-lethal hit, the odds of getting off a second shot are nearly non-existent.

    Then there's HE, which will essentially become the old HEAT in terms of splash and will remain horrible against armor. If people want AI at the expense of horrible AV capabilities, then I suppose this will be the new alternative. However, between AP and HE, what purpose does HEAT serve? It has a marginal AI advantage over AP with a notable disadvantage against AV. That's not a good trade off.

    The only redeeming factor in this thread is the hope that the canister and marauder will be buffed to the PPA's level so that tanks can actually have effective AI secondaries. If that were the case, I can see how an AI secondary + HEAT rounds can quickly combo infantry targets. You could even do it with an AV secondary like the saron or enforcer (sorry vulcan, you lack range). Perhaps that's the aim of these changes? Require more teamwork? Nonsense. This is all just a plan to lead us into Infantryside 3.
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    the rocket changes are unneeded and should NOT happen.
  19. Vortok

    I was too busy getting rocket podded to death back then to have many complaints about tanks, haha. Launch pods vs launch tank rear armor is something I wouldn't wish upon our incoming console brethren.

    That and Tech Plant meat grinders where we couldn't see more than 10m in front of us and spent hours trying to slog from the back doors to the point. Ah, the good ol' days.
  20. Scr1nRusher

    If SOE wants PS2 to be the best overall.......... just remove tank He rounds.

    its been the simplest solution possible for some many years.

    because right now..... all these tank and rocket changes are just a "cut around" of the actual problem.
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