MAX suits are not fun to play against and there is too many of them

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Surmise, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. FateJH

    So the MAX was already looking in the direction in which you were standing when you encountered it? I mean, short of the Implant, there's no practical way for a concussed MAX to turn around and face you directly if you didn't run right at it head-on. We could extend to you an honorary Darwin Award that grants experience upon your death but I think nanite revival would void the terms of the award.
    People who generally run at MAXes with bad plans and blame the MAX for their own failures would cause me to swear if I didn't want to thank them for their shortsightedness. I implore you to continue in your current hopeless endeavor of charging straight towards my roaring chainguns; please do.

    For the TR and VS, it's more like dual Carbines actually.

    Ah, but that is blaming the players who pull them, and you're not encouraging a very endearing comraderie with themm by framing the argument in that manner. In fact, while making an argument some MAX users might even have agreed with in this threadm, you've shot yourself in the foot quite many a time and wrecked the moment.
    ZOE was nonsense because it removed the one thing that made MAXes manageable - basic sluggish movement speed. Even Charge was not a "oops; I overextended; get out of jail free card" in the same way that ZOE was. On top of that, it offered a constant increased firepower for an easily toggled negligible detriment, especially since Infantry being able to move faster than a MAX allowed for them set up the tricks and traps that work against an opponent that could not escape in time.
  2. FSGanymedes

    Oh god damn it, NOT ANOTHER ONE OF THESE threads. The MAX SUITS are supposed to be OP against INFANTRY. I HATE people with a PASSION who think that maxes should be just as EASY TO DESTROY as other infantry. SAME GOES with VEHICLES. FOR EXAMPLE, people think that TANKS ARE OP and not fun because THEY KILL INFANTRY EASILY.
  3. crusaderx11

    QQ OP and just play as a light assault with a brick of c4. i've killed more maxes and have been killed as a max this way more then any other
  4. Kanya

    Yes they're supposed to be OP to a degree. Planetside 1 actually had these right. Slow and cumbersome (but could sprint), one arm gun instead of 2, plus empire specific traits (NC had a shield, TR lockdown and VS jumpjet)

    Could take a great deal of damage however they could be solo'd too. Good luck getting two deci's off against a PS2 max these days especially an NC version.

    However all this aside - they should NOT be revivable. They cost resources like anything else and should be a one time use. You can repair them etc but ultimately, you die in a max, that's it. Pull another if your timer/resources allow it.

    This also touches on the rediculous rez mechanics of this game.
  5. ajma

    When I want to farm infantry in a biolab, I don't pull a MAX, I pull a LA.
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  6. Axehilt

    Resources are pretty irrelevant to MAX balance. I'm limited by resources maybe 1% of the times that I want to pull a MAX, but limited by cooldown more like 30% of the times (because I just died as a MAX and a MAX is still the best tool for the current battle but that's not an option for a few minutes.) My characters rarely get too deep into MAX cooldown certs (it's like a 3rd or 4th tier cert to buy compared with all the more important things.)

    Saying AI MAXes are "only effective" in a handful of situations is rather misleading. Outdoors, vehicles dominate. Indoors, MAXes dominate. So MAXes beat infantry in literally the only place where infantry could've been useful. Which is why any intelligent individual or group is going to be very MAX-heavy in indoor fights if they're playing purely to win.

    The problem is they trump infantry classes. When the only counter to a thing is pulling more of that thing (AV MAXes) that's a serious balance flaw. A better-balanced PS2 would've had HAs be the soft counter class to MAXes (beating them more often than losing to them) and certain other classes be the soft counters to HAs, so that no matter what class you picked you would be weak against some classes and strong against others. That's the simple version at least: the more nuanced version is that every class is capable of kitting out to beat MAXes, but in doing so you make yourself vulnerable to other classes (who in turn might also be kitted out to soft-counter whatever other class you're playing.)

    But the end goal is a balanced game where there is no god-class, which would be a much better, deeper Planetside 2 than we have now.
  7. Echo_Sniper

    Give infantry classes tools specifically designed to deal with MAXes. Other than C4 that is. Tools that would heavily cripple MAXes or render them less effective, like anti-MAX mines, or rocket launchers that locks on MAX, a dart gun that would deal damage over time on a MAX, etc. Tools that could only be used against MAXes.

    Instead of nerfing MAXes, give infantry the means to fight them back.
  8. Morti

    Err. Bullets, rocket launchers, conc/AV nades?

    Amazing how many infantry I see not using their primary against maxes. 5 people focusing a max with primaries can down them pretty damn quickly.
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  9. MaxDamage

    ITT: OP complains PS2 is not COD.
  10. Goden

    Wanting MAXs to not OHK and have more team-oriented gameplay is asking for COD?

    I know "wants COD" is an insult around here but could you at least try to use it in a context that makes sense?
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  11. Tarius0508

    So what you are saying is that when you lose your MAX, you just do something else for a while. So that really says that they are balanced. The only thing you are really complaining about is you and others that you know do not have tactics that are successful in taking down a MAX. I think you need to do research and practice before you call to neuter the MAX class. I have seen a HA single handedly take down a MAX unit by using tactics, and we're talking an AI MAX.

    What you are suggesting is similar to nerfing a MBT because it can destroy a flash or harasser too easily. And yes that is a proper example because I have seen harassers take down a MBT solo because they used tactics.

    Oh and yes resources dont replenish that quickly. It takes 5 minutes to get an infusion and constantly pulling infantry resources means you will eventually run out and will have to wait at minimum 15 minutes (best case scenario). So after 2 MAX pulls the third will not be quite ready for a while.
  12. Shadoiex

    ...I knife maxes to death. This post is a no.
  13. Goden

    And I'm Zeus of Olympus.
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  14. Echo_Sniper


    Not only that but, weapons are more effective on MAXes against infantry than they are for infantry against MAXes.

    You also seem to fail to understand that a MAX can, and generally will, fire back cutting down your infantry like grass for lawn mower. That is also assuming that said MAX is not supported properly. You also seem to assume that everybody is running HA. While you might be under the impression that everyone is, the reality is, there's other classes to be played that are just as crucial to any success you want to have.

    As someone stated previously, there is a balance issue when the best way(and more often than not in the case of MAXes, the ONLY way) to counter something in a game is to throw more of that something into the battlefield. My idea isn't to nerf MAXes directly, but rather give infantry specific tools to deal with MAXes. Tools that would replace other tools more commonly used such as C4, recon darts/sensor, turrets and AVRL. Of course this does mean a nerf to MAX as they are no longer facing generally helpless infantry.
  15. CWorth

    In before mod lock of a 4 month old necroed post...
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  16. FateJH

    Go on.
    AV Grenades are very potent. An AT Mine is devastating, but you have to set it off manually. The damage from two normal anti-Infantry mines is nothing to sneeze at either, though it requires follow-up. Actually, stacking an AT mine and an AI mine would work ...
    The PS1 Striker locked onto MAXes but it was a TR weapon. Could be looted but was rarely used against MAXes. The NC and VS had no equivalents. Most often people just used a Decimator and corner-peaking, which is exactly what people in PS2 do against MAXes. In PS2, you also have three other rocket launchers to choose from.
    Now your suggestions are getting silly.

    On top of your comments, I will indicate that the standard MANA turret is good at laying down covered firepower at a MAX and the AV variant does Decimator-like damage against them. A well-placed UBGL lob is still powerful against MAXes too. Before everything else, the best thing to do against a MAX is overwhelm it; it is only a single Infantry unit and, as a result, can only focus on one target at a time. MAXes are slow and have better things to use their Charge on than catching individual fleeing Infantry: you also have the option of being able to run away from self-ascertained demise.

    You have the tools that are better than being "only used against MAXes." You have tools that are extremely flexible and are devastating. You just have to use them smartly, and stop running head-on at MAXes individually or in really sparse numbers without a plan. I can't stress that last point enough.

    At one of Tumas' satellites I once ran into this clever Infiltrator. He was almost the only person defending the base. Came around the corner from the spawn room, about to cross a bridge to the building with the capture point in it, but saw me (AI MAX), cloaked and fell back. I did try to shoot him but he had already ducked around the corner or such. At first I suspected he was going to get another class better suited for dealing with a MAX or try and sneak around using the teleport room to flank, and either case would warrant that I pressed forward to a more covered position. I decided, instead, to remain cautious and moved forward slowly, slow enough to noticed the two anti-Infantry mines he had lined up right in my path. Combined with a good burst of the SMG in his hands, that would have floored me easily had I been any less careful. After setting off his mines at a distance to make him think I fell for the trap, and killing him when he exposed himself, I /tell'd him congratulations on his trap.
  17. Axehilt

    It's actually quite rare for me to die fast enough in a MAX to incur the cooldown and "do something else for a while", due the nature of them raising my K/D to 7.2 compared with the 2.9 of my best other classes. Not always of course, since 7.2 K/D means for every 14+ killing spree there's a paltry 2-kill life weighing things down, but still...that's obviously crazy broken.

    That's with the very limited repair support from random players. If I ran with a group -- even mediocre randoms -- my K/D would be inflated far beyond double my regular K/D.

    Balancing the MAX class is not neutering it. It's balancing it. Balance is balance is balance. Once balanced, they can ditch the cost and cooldowns of MAXes, because those elements never actually did much for MAXes (paying to be overpowered doesn't make you less overpowered, it just makes you overpowered less frequently. But you're still overpowered!)
  18. Scr1nRusher

    If you headshot a max with a Dumbfire rocket( Default & decimator), A AP tank round or a Dalton/zepher/Duster they should die in 1 shot.
  19. Tarius0508

    Good for you that you are successful at being a MAX but your stats are not enough sample data to prove your point.

    The reason I'm saying its balanced is because it is suppose to rip apart HA, LA, Medics, Engies, and Infs. That is the point of an AI MAX. Its not a "stronger HA" it is a hybrid infantry/vehicle designed to help break defenses or offenses but as such it is also very weak without support units. You want to make them easier to kill because they are hard to kill currently for you and your friends, and also because you feel overpowered. I got news for you, come play one on Emerald and see how long you last with one.
  20. Surmise

    Or when you wait for MAX timer, you go LA and camp teleport rooms. Cant argue with those choices.
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