Extended Server Maintenance June 24th - Server Merges

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. planetsiderogue

    Also, They have the server has been 100% TR, 100% NC, now it is 100% Venu...so hopefully they are almost done with their QA Testing and we can get this show on the road? :D
  2. 1Shot003

    What server you play on and how long have you been playing???????
  3. aureliustratos

    The Testserver is up and running!!
  4. Moridin6

  5. Tykune

    I dont hear much about them in general. I've seen NUC about Waterson a few times, but they dont stand out too much. TIW, on the other hand, word around the rumor mill is that they've had a number of their level 100's banned for hacking. I have noticed that TIW is no longer a threat on the Waterson server and didn't really seem as 'skilled' lately in the past few months, so I felt that there may of been some truth to that.. but that may just be my personal experience.
  6. Tykune

    Waterson. You can look up my profile and see when I first started on Planetside Universe.
  7. Librux

    WOW servers still down hope theya re ups soon i want to play on Connery and maybe make a TR on Emerald but after my playing time on my main char.
  8. Stormsh7dow

    NUC doesn't stand out??? -_- What BR are you even dude?
  9. AllSkillorNoThrill

    FACT: Just because your garbage on Waterson compared to any other player does NOT mean that every other player is a hacker.

    Also, NOT ONE TIW has been banned for hacking, seeing as how I am in TIW and have played with the same people for the LONGEST. Matter fact why don't you pop some names (of these so called "hackers") up just for laughs, then you can visit any of their player profiles or the website to confirm that your just jelly and that you only know what I let you know apparently.

    I'm no where near the best but I'll make a BR1, any faction, and smash you with the default loadout on YouTube Live if you'd like to see how to play PlanetSide 2.

    You lemme know when you feel like getting more embarrassed slim;)
  10. Tykune

  11. Stormsh7dow

    Lol Ahhhhhh. From TRAF, That would explain it
  12. Baselocked

    christ i dont even play the game and i can tell you kids are taking this too seriously

    get over yourself
  13. Tykune

    I'm even more embarassed that an a-**** like you is trying to take that cliche route with me. -_-;

    You really should look further down the thread before you start flapping out posts like that, 'Mr. TIW'.
  14. Kanya

    This thread just got hilarious.
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  15. grib

    i don t want to join the trolls but since it is an extended dowtime and EU servers are very low on pops, even on miller, you could as well have merged them!
  16. Verviedi

    Wait, is "hole" censored?
  17. Scr1nRusher

    I agree
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  18. Tykune

    Yep, certainly from TRAF :)
  19. Tykune

    t ard, which is censored for some reason.
  20. Jahmanator

    I 100% agree!!ive been sitting here smokin and laughin my *** off :D